How do we stop pedophile normalization?

How do we stop pedophile normalization?

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Remove the kike menace.

Stop fapping to lolis on /b/

we don't, we ride the bandwagon instead >:-)

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Expel the Jews from every country on Earth.

Expel the Jews from Earth.*

I love how /lgbt/ defends this shit. Truly degenerate individuals.

time to jack off

Kill Jews, unironically

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Question for Christians: does the bible specifically condem pedophilia? I know there are passages about not hurting a child but could a priest take advantage of an unclear rule on whether pedophilia is as bad as homosexuality?


why loli make pee pee hard?

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Take away women's rights.

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I can't read that.

If anything it is less normal in the modern world. Until a decade ago the age of consent in my country was 14. Hell, in ancient greece it was normal to diddle a boy under your mentorship

If he does, it would be better for him to tie a millstone around his neck and throw himself into the sea to drown instead.

Matthew 18:6 and Luke 17:2

Hm, well if you consider sex by itself to be a sin then I guess that does count.

We should legalize it

You cannot.

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Why do so many of these crossdresser types look like literal demons?

Pederasty is based and redpilled. Newfags fuck off

Its the uncanny valley effect of trying to convince you of something they're not.

They try to pass like women but their facial features and proportions are those of a man. This obvious disparity causes you to feel confused and repulsed. Just like seeing a young boy or girl wearing clothes and make up meant for adults.


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Remove all LGBT.

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That's why Greece fell


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Would God get upset at me if I went on a murderous rampage against all LGBT faggots I can find?

Greece fell to the Romans, who were even bigger perverts. Then the Byzantines fell to the Turke who are notorious boyfuckers.

>How do we stop pedophile normalization?
By allowing Jow Forums to speak boldly for the sexual freedoms we all embrace. Keep gubermints out of our bedrooms!

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Why is NAMBLA allowed to still exist?!

This unironically

>Why is NAMBLA allowed to still exist?!
I hear they're currently recruiting. Also, this freedom of expression is enshrined in the First Amendment.

God bless America.

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Young boys dressed up in dresses and fed with estrogen are nice tho

when the fp is the bp



The same way you eliminate poverty

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"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)"

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)"

But this is taking it out of context, read the Bible and even the Qur'an and you'll figure out.

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>How do we stop pedophile normalization?
Ban Slaanesh.

I hate faggots

FBI run trap that's why.

Why though? It makes the FBI look incompetant, like they can’t stop it completely.

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Normal boys are nicer

>How do we stop pedophile normalization?
Foot fuck the fuckers 'till dey'z dead? 0r just hang 'em, y'all could just hang em.

This is correct