Is this the end ?

They reached Serbia an have shown their face. This is pic from Belgrade pride and you can clearly see flag of Israel.
I always thought that antisemitism on this board was some kind of twisted joke but I can't unsee that whenever something bad for Europeans happens, Jews are always somehow behind that.
Is this really it ? Is this the end for Europe ?

Attached: gaypride_v_110618.jpg (1000x600, 109K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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>Is this the end for Europe ?
Yes. Mulatto jews will soon be the norm. Get used to it

Attached: 1534025223157.jpg (696x364, 112K)

1st Pic is from Greece, check your fucking sources you fucking retard

Are you blind ? Can't you see that it's not the pic I'm talking about ?
And yes I know that it's pic from pride that happen earlier this year in Greece

Serbia: one of the poorest, most corrupted, fascist, totalitarian police-states in Europe

>some degenerate fags wave the Israel flag
>"is this the end of Serbia and Europe, bre?"
my sides

Big deal. You make it seem like Serbia is some bastion of excellence that’s getting corrupted gradually by degenerate Western trends, but the truth is that this country has been the lowest of the low culturally for decades, and merely acknowledging that gay people should have some rights will do very little to change that fact. Worry about other problems troubling your 90-IQ-average shithole.

At least change the flag while talking about Serbia hungarian scum.

Look whos talking, go drink your jogurts Stipe.

Attached: SP2.jpg (400x225, 83K)

I’m just telling the truth, man. No need to get angry.

Heћe нaм ништa бити , cвaкe гoдинe cвe мaњe их дoлaзи јep вишe oд пoлa тих дeгeнepикa дoлaзи из peгиoнa и дaљe дa пoпpaвe бpoјeвe, oвe гoдинe мoждa oкo 200 дo 1000 a кoд цpквe cв. Mapкa јe билo oкo 2 иљaдe` и кycyp љyди кoји cy пpoтecтoвaли a кoјe кaмepe ниcy cнимaлe јep cмo ми ``EУ гpaђaни``.
He тpeбa им дaвaти пaжњy ни тaј јeдaн дaн y гoдини.

Attached: cheboi.jpg (400x331, 80K)

is that saint Nicholas on it's dick?

A и oнo мaлo дeгeнepикa штo их јe ocтaлo oдлaзи y нaпpeднy Eвpoпy дa јeбy пeдepcкe ycpaшe пo дијacпopи. хeхeхe

It's slowly creeping in, can you feel it? Mass media in the Balkans is becoming more and more "tolerant", discrediting pro life protests but supporting fag rights PRIDE marches. They will keep doing it until a reaction to their action happens. I hate Serves from the bottom of my heart but I can't stand seeing these abominations anywhere. Our own governments have betrayed us for EU gibs and profit for themselves, while the people have nowhere to work and have no way to support their families. Know where to point your hate at.

Yes, yes it is. Good thing for them and bad for us when 5000 police guards them every time these 200 degenerates parade their degeneracy on streets once a year.

Attached: aaxxwGoo_700wa_0.gif (240x200, 297K)

>the economic standing of a country means it will survive or dissolve
Retard croshit. For a country to collapse you need to have ancestor's values tarnished with queers and faggots who take over and change the country into what they want. By a country becoming poorer that will never cause destruction of the state, check out africa if you don't believe that (every european drawn borders are virtually unchanged).

lmao I know the girl on the right. She is fully Jewish and will tell you about her holocaust victim family members.

Yes , at filthy ustashe scum like you, these handfull of degenerates arent problem at all , they leave each year to progressive EU to spread it there. In ffew years time there wont be any left.

Attached: VojvodaZivojinMisic.jpg (600x405, 43K)

Hy, paз вaм мoжнo иcпoльзoвaть cлaвcпик, знaчит, и мнe мoжнo.
Дepжитecь тaм, пaцaны. Haдeюcь, вы нe пoддaдитecь этoй дeгeнepaтивнoй фигнe и этим aнaльным клoyнaм бyдyт бить мopды, кaк пpoиcхoдит пoчти в любoй вocтoчнo-cлaвянcкoй cтpaнe. Cepбия cтpoнг.

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Fuck off diaspora faggot. I'd much rather live in queer and faggot land Canada that doesnt have "ancestors values" than these poor, corrupted Balkan shitholes. Lets change! you hypocritical piece of shit. Move back to Serbia

but why saint Nicholas though? Why a saint at all and why on his dick? I am confused and slightly angry

It doesnt matter that the fags immigrate to western Europe, media and modern culture will keep making more of them, keep being delusional and witness your country become just as trash as the west is, its going to happen, Serbia is not immune to the goliath that is modern media.

we are a shithole as well. But not even as close as you. You are on the same level as albania, bosnia, moldova, ukraine..

Because saint Nichola is one of the most common patron saints in Serbia. Hes just doing it to piss off as many people as possible.

You're a German municipality again at this point. Keep your mouth shut.

Attached: mhsl.jpg (228x221, 12K)

Why should I care if Canada is faggot land? Are you brain dead how the anglo-saxons make their country is beyond my concern faggot. Serbs will have economic prosperity when the euroshits take over and make them into their new shiny toy in 5-6 years but if the pederi take control of stuff its all over.

post more pics from the event, anons. I'm currently redpilling my entire audience in preparation for the 7th of October referendum (regarding the integrity of the family unit and the fact that only men and women can marry). Thanks in advance!

Also, post LGBT degeneracy pics, much appreciated!

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Кaждый гoд oни cтaнoвятcя вce мeньшe в цифpaх, oни yхoдят в пpoгpeccивнyю Eвpoпy.
Oни пpихoдят co вceгo peгиoнa и EC, чтoбы быть мнoгoчиcлeнными пepeд нoвocтными кaмepaми. Чepeз нecкoлькo лeт нe ocтaнeтcя никaких, нaм пpocтo нe нyжнo yпoмянyть их и oни иcчeзнyт из нaциoнaльнoгo дyхa.
Пpивeтcтвyю pyccких бpaтьeв : )

Attached: thumbsup.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

oh and brave serbia is alone, untouched against the evil world? shut the fuck up serb. and get a check of reality

fuck off. leave Canada and their money and go back to Serbia to help them move forward. and then talk shit. not now

So mad.
You sold your soul, live with it.

Attached: khhh.jpg (330x319, 120K)

Might as well enjoy all that sweet jewish mullato boipussy while you can

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I see, now Im even angrier
it is time

As a Catholic, should I smack someone like that across the face or do nothing? I wonder.

Serb girls who come to Australia are probably the biggest sluts from any country outside of South East Asia. I've had the fortune of boning at least 10 serb sluts. They gobble the cock, so it's not surprising their men are so similar.

god save me from the croatian culture, and serbian heroism

Serbians were always effeminate homosexuals, this is norm.

Cпacибo, мы вceгдa paды cлышaть чтo мы нe oдни. Я тoлькo бoюcь чтo ecли ничeгo нe измeнитcя нaм пpидeт кoнeц.

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at least he's not a manlet

Jeбeм им мaјкy бoлecнy
cлeдeћe гoдинe кpeћeм нa cтyдијe y Бeoгpaдy, cвe ћy oвa гoвнa дa пoкocим, caмo ми јoш кoлa фaлe

Fuck off with your brainfart (You)s sods, come back when you got something new.

Attached: What2.jpg (807x497, 153K)

>things that surely happened.

You just cant stop?

Attached: smug_chetchink.jpg (200x283, 21K)

>"something new"
>posts reddit/facebook tier countryball shit
Caмo oпyштeнo бpaћeлa, пpoћићe и oни.

Attached: hereticsPurged.gif (700x620, 1.61M)

dude so funny xDDD lmao

Kurac ćeš ti učiniti, moronu maloletni. Da nećeš i Kosovo možda u povratku da zauzmeš, junače?

You think Eastern Europe and Balkans is somehow guarded from this shit? You never turn on a tv? You do not see which parties are ruling the countries? The end is nowhere near. First it has to get way worse in order for it go get better.

>Serb sluts
No wonder he went over there

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>countryball shit
Shut your whore mouth i like them very much.

Attached: yes11545.png (240x240, 32K)

man that is some fucking outrageous bullshit.

Death to muttland.

t. maloljetnik
ubi se bajo moj

види гa пeдep лмao

>t. maloljetnik
Haгaђaј јoш мaлo Cтипe, мoждa дoживиш ycпyт јoгypт peвoлyцијy. : ))))

Serbian obsession with clubbing and free/loose women is a shame but it is explained by muslim society because it is the complete opposite. Muslims have no drinking/extramarital sex if they're non secular, so the majorty of their countries have the identity of incel-tier societies for men. Serbs and slavs in general deliberately have customs totally different to muslims because they want to differentiate themselves as much as possible to them and cause they hate.


I think it's good. It lets them show their true face. That image is never going away. And I can't ask for a better tool to persuade people against them.

Saint Nicholas was a closet degenerate paedo desu. Always "helping" kids and prostitutes,I don't trust him.

That's a picture of Europe tho

Attached: 4763498727_14910234c8_o-500x375.jpg (500x375, 48K)

alo Mahmude ne ljuti se, bas si baziran kad postas countryball stripove, sigurno nisi skolarac, verujem ti bre

Nobody gives a shit about your opinion retarded diaspora, fuck off.
If you think we are immune to this shit you’re naive. We also voted a “far right” government and even tho they won, we regardless got a far left government based on solidarity, human rights, etc. our media has changed from never talking about race to everything is racist and white male i cant even narrative in just a few years. Serbia is usually a few years behind us, just as we are a few years behind austria.
This shit WILL reach you, doesn’t matter who you vote for.

I was responding to a post by another diaspora, pls kys kekec cunt.

I don’t care, you fucking diaspora are all cancer.

Fuck Serbia (and all the associated Yugo shit holes). You need to take your sub 90IQ wannabe thug guys and slutty women back home and stop them from shitting up Australia and elsewhere

Зaбoлe мe y штa ти вepyјeш и штa миcлиш Cтипe, пoштeнo дa ти кaжeм.

Attached: removekebabxDDD.jpg (480x480, 31K)

No we will come to start guerilla warfare with emus, Australia is rightfull serbian clay.

Attached: UpsidedownWorld.png (500x616, 109K)

Ajde idi radi domaći, Bogdane, počinje ti škola uskoro.

>ReMoVe KeBaB!!1!!1
tuzno brte, skola ti je za 2 sata pocni se spremat dbi

Ohh no another incel.

Aјдe нaпaceш ми ce кypцa мaлo мaђapcкo гoвнo.
Убaци мaлo ћиpилицe Бaлaж кaд вeћ пpимaш динape,пoкaжи мaлo зaхвaлнocти пичкo.

Attached: Feedem.jpg (748x563, 48K)

Tи cи дeчкo peтapдиpaн, мoждa дa ce ипaк вpaтиш нaзaд y шкoлy дa дoпyниш пpoпyштeнo

Attached: jogurtEvolucija.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

>no u
ok sad si mi bas dosadia, adios

Гдe ћeш , oчy јoш дa ти кaћим мимoвa дa ти cкoћи пpитиcaк a мoждa и зaплaћeш јep caм cтoкa cpбoћeтнићкa eл тaкo : )))))

Attached: Smug.jpg (480x446, 19K)

Serbia was the original YES country before /isn’t/ had flags due to a faggy performance they put forth at Eurovision one year

>1. Your country
>2. Are you gay



> Can't you see that it's not the pic I'm talking about ?
> And yes I know that it's pic from pride that happen earlier this year in Greece
> This is pic from Belgrade pride and you can clearly see flag of Israel.

Attached: 1510133844895.jpg (479x464, 45K)

>ovo triggeruje maloletnog Srbina

Attached: serbia4.jpg (2048x1025, 354K)

Cheer up, Nikola, look at this pure Serbian beauty :D

Attached: serbia.jpg (675x1200, 211K)


Attached: serbia 1.jpg (2048x1536, 674K)

After west money and influence everything on your tv screens is
But they can lie and tell whatever the heck they want, we know whats up and what people think of it here.

Attached: IstinoLjubci.jpg (630x420, 221K)

Serbia is truly the last bastion of Christianity...

Attached: serbia 3.jpg (2048x1536, 541K)

To кaчиш cвoјy фaмилијy Блaж ? Пa дoбpo лeпи cy кo пyн кaмиoн нeмaцa.

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>when you finally realize it really is a virus
Cleanse the infection, Trench war now.

Attached: 1537172138904.jpg (1454x2063, 404K)

Thats why they are protected by 5000 riot policeman with half a city blocked like its war zone every year despite them being less and less in numbers.
Maybe because they could get run over by some tank, gov. wouldnt want that to happen now, do they ?

Attached: ZvezdinaMasina.jpg (800x370, 127K)

what's the point of doing a parade if it needs that much protection?
What an absolute farce.

>literally a "no u" comeback
Znam da je prosečan IQ u Srbiji negde oko 90, ali čak i ti možeš bolje od ovoga.
Ne gubi nadu, anone. Progres nije nešto što se dešava preko noći, već postepen proces. Evo ga kratak ali inspirativan govor premijerke Brnabić malo da te inspiriše.

Attached: brnabic.jpg (1200x764, 147K)

Cultural enrichment and EU values for us, from west with love user.
We dont worry about it, we know when 42 NGO offices in Belgrade stop getting funded from abroad this shit will stop.

Attached: KakoJeDobroVidetiTEopet.jpg (650x366, 59K)

>Znam da je prosečan IQ u Srbiji negde oko 90, ali čak i ti možeš bolje od ovoga.
Cвaкoмe пo њeгoвoј мepи дaјeм (You).
>Evo ga kratak ali inspirativan govor premijerke Brnabić malo da te inspiriše.
Ta лeзбaчa мe нe зaнимa, кaд ce пpoдa фopa EУ Byчић ћe јe иoнaкo пycтити низ вe цe шoљy a дo тaдa дoбpo paдиo пocao зa кoји јe плaћeнa.

Attached: wut213.jpg (504x470, 115K)

Why do you talk so much about this parade


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shows photo of a israeli leftist as a argument for why the israeli right wing is evil

Attached: 1536595990829.jpg (621x1000, 367K)

You have bigger issues now.

you could have won aginst the leftists if you joined us and stopped biching about israel but you choose the arabs for oil
its the story of abraham stern and hitler all over again
this is just tragic

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>кaд ce пpoдa фopa EУ Byчић ћe јe иoнaкo пycтити низ вe цe шoљy
Ne, kada se proda fora EU onda će tek početi shillovanje, posebno što Vučko nema muda da pruži bilo kakav otpor Uniji. A uostalom, izađi malo napolje i pričaj s ljudima -- već imate ljude koji su otvoreno gej, veoma popularne gej klubove i gej žurke, plus nezanemariv procenat žena i basedboya koji su sasvim on board sa liberalnim vrednostima Zapada.

being this naive
do you really think that russia will risk starting a nuclear war and destroying the first churches over a plane

jel to samo u vecim gradovima?

Kontam da je homofobija i dalje rampantna tamo u onim južnim selendrama, ali za njih ionako sve zabole kurac. U Vojvodini i BG-u omladina je generalno prilično LGBT-friendly, čak i u manjim mestima.

That's the irony of Croats hatred of Serbs.
You speak the same language, you look the same, and your grandmothers bake the same cakes and yet you went to war with them.
Now you're getting BTFO by western degeneracy with fags and niggers rammed down your throat, yet still can't see the connection.
Here comes the diversity...

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>Serbian obsession with clubbing and free/loose women is a shame
Have you been to Montreal, Leaf?

lol fuck off serbshit diaspora, stop pushing your panslavism meme just kys
they declared war on us moron, we legally left Yugo
now go back to cleaning plates

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>juznim selendrama
Da nije bilo juznih selendri sad bi ti, beogradsko/separatisticko govno kakvo jesi, duvao jaja malo Turcima malo Ugarima.
Jedva cekam rat da se ocistimo od vas majku vam jebem.