I am thinking about ending my meaningless life. But i am afraid of the debt i will live my wife (no children)...

I am thinking about ending my meaningless life. But i am afraid of the debt i will live my wife (no children). So i was thinking about streaming my death on twitch. If we reach an arbitrary amount of money then i kick the stool out from under my feet and you sick fuck get to enjoy the show! So what do you think?

This a repost...i assumed /b/ and /wsr/ would be excited...they were not and i feel even worse, i didnt think it could get worse

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sad desu. eat some mushrooms, you need to get rebalanced with your roots.

>gay for pay

You had me at ‘ending’.

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If you off yourself, you’ll appear to have failed to yourself and everyone else, but the truth is, you’ll have only damned yourself to a more terrible iteration of the world you just departed.

You can’t get out. Finish the game.

>t. tried in my youth and know I succeeded yet here I sit

why the fuck would I want to see that

Maybe ill make it interesting

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People don’t inherit debt in the U.S. you retard

Don't do it. We need every man we can have in the impending civil wars. Train every day and give your life for a better cause.

This, user.

We need you.

My wife will need to pay for my cremation and credit card debt

ITT: random nigger posts a contemporary retelling of the plot of the 1997 drama film "The Brave". Take this shit to Jow Forums you faggot.

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Have her divorce you by being a complete dick to her that way she doesn’t have to deal with that

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Eat some pills or something and turn off your brain for a few days. This is how I deal with crippling depression.

Taking one's life over some credit card debt, are you retarded?

I suggest seeing a medical professional about these suicidal thoughts, what you are about to do is a permanent solution to a TEMPORARY problem; if you are looking for some excitement in your life, move to Alaska and live off the land (hunting and fishing).

I just want out. I suck at everything and i just want to exit this world knowing i did one thing right for her

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Take out some prominent jews instead of wasting your death

Choose life faggot

Just joking feds

Im killing myself for being a shitty human being.
And getting rid of some debt would calm me down durring my last seconds

Waste of a live


I always thought that if I ever reached a point where I was going to kill myself I would go travis bickle and take sone scumbags with me. Not school kids like some sick jew. Some real shit heads.

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You need to talk to her user.

You'll mess her up forever if you do this. Is that what you want?

Dude, they have hundreds of snuff videos for free on best gore and death addict. Why would we pay money for your shit? God you're fucking useless.

> If we reach an arbitrary amount of money then i kick the stool out from under my feet
imagine being this much of a jew

there‘s still so much to do, smoke some weed, make your wife happy.
Your life is never meaningless, even if it seems like that to you.
Leave pol, be a decent person and enjoy life. Again smoke some weed and you will suddenly be happy about a glass of water. Do you have any hobbies?

>t. hasn't found God yet

She doesnt know i feel this way. No ones does. Ive been contemplating suicide since the 2nd grade now in my mid 20's i know it wont get better and taking depression medication put me in a cloud and i didnt feel like myself. Id rather be dead then feel like a zombie

Are you sure your wife didn't drive you to this point? Are you sure it's your fault? Are you sure you actually are a shitty person? Are you sure you are not a victim of a vampire bitch?
You sound like a guy with all the symptoms of a victim of severe abuse in an unhealthy relationship.

But it you can feel like you had a part in it

Mate, you should go sone other place. I can't see anyone being intrigued or willing enough to watch some no name kill themselves. Especially not if they have to pay.

God is a superstition

Where should i go?

Nobody gives a shit you faggoy.


Sounds like you are a victim of your mother. Then you changed that abusive relationship to a similar with your wife.

Sorry buddy, but unless you're prepared to jump off a tall building or lie down on the tracks in front of a cargo train, best gore has you beat.

Grow a spine. Suck it up and be a trad man. Your wife is counting on you. Don't fuck her shit up because you've had some bad moods, and stop mistaking bad days for a bad life. You're a man. Act like one. Existence is your burden.

No. Its worse then that. My wife is perfect

Dont be a fucking mong, life is amazing and nothing is as bad as you percieve it.

Wake up user! its a beautiful day to be alive!

Choose life faggot

Sorry buddy, but unless you're prepared to jump off a tall building or lie down on the tracks in front of a cargo train, best gore has you beat. I'm keeping my money.

live life till the end so when you die you can say you gave it a shot and dident give way to the temtations of sucide even if it means going through hell

Of course she is. You just feel worthless and shit. Now, how about that.

A therapy group obviously, you moron.

Stupid phone

Polite sage

If you're going to kill yourself, don't just do it for money. Make it mean something. Go declare a one-man war on ISIS or raid Israel.

Are you a Muslim OP?

you are actually a narcissist who obsess over yourself, just forget yourself and focus on other things/people

I certainly wouldn't want to burn in a lake of fire for eternity

Id rather kill communists

Yup. With other men who have been victims of monster women. These women literally tries to make man kill himself. They actually get pleasure from it.

Or Muslims. Id rather kill muslims and communists

fake and gay

user - i spent my 20's suicidal. 10 years of almost every day dreaming i would have the strength to do it. i made it to 37 so far. the last 5 years have been really great. it will get better. just fight for your dreams, it will give you purpose and even if you come up short, you will be happier.

dont do it!

Dude, if you've already checked out then Turn the care switch to off, grab some potato chips and enjoy the decline. Watch the world as it melts down. It's a hell of a lot more interesting that the black. You can veg out, eat a bunch of shit, do all the drugs you want and be happy about all of it because the alternate is death, and you will still get that in the end. Go easy mode bro.

I think you are a finnish bitch, who likes to torment men with irrational accusations.

user, if you kill yourself. You'll be in debt in heaven too. Trust me I'm Jesus. So the best thing to do is be the best you are as your wife is willing to be her best for you

>as your wife is willing to be her best for you
You know, when women actually are good to their men, their men doesn't think of suicide.

It'll be taken down long before you reach the amount and otherwise they'll just keep the money because of some bs clause

The real solution is to love your wife and see her as the joy in your life, do fun things, take her on a surprise trip even if it's just a day to te zoo or whatever. Find a hobby, like going on walks with your wife. Once you have established a new, lasting happiness, start with children and fully soak yourseld in the idea that you are contributing to the white race and continuing the heritage of your forebears. Save money by scrapping bs expenditures on unnecessary jewish shit and do some home renovation, only spend money on things that truly make you happy instead of just short term fulfilment. Cook from fresh ingredients, together with your wife. This will strengthen your bond.

I wouldn’t contribute, but I’d 100% be there to witness it

Piss off snow nigger

In all seriously dude, you should take one for the team. Pick one of the traitors who sold your country up the river and arrange a hanging. I bet theres a lot of germans who would pay top dollar to see merkel get strung up.

did you invest in crypto user? How much debt are we talking?

Something tells me your wife wont want to be left with a video of her husband hanging himself for teenagers on a video game website either.

Show your flag mongrel

>If we reach an arbitrary amount of money then i kick the stool out from under my feet and you sick fuck get to enjoy the show!
What would guarantee us that you would do it once you reach a certain amount of money, and not just turn off the stream? Oh right — nothing. Faggot.

Taxation is extortion

sucide is like a big fuck you to everone else going through the same shit you are, why leave them behind to go through hell/life alone

I don't care how much pain you're in, there's no excuse for not sticking around to experience the 2020 Trump reelection and all of the memes it will bring.

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Vaild point

You are wrong, dont end your life just get outside and run.

Why not just take on a high risk / high reward job at that point?
Or maybe do something personally dangerous that humanity needs doing, like entering hazardous areas for readings/retrieval/samples/containment/cleanup etc.

If you must die, do so as a man among men, worth remembering.

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Thank you user

nah i would just think you were going to trick us and not do it after you get your money. just kys you worthless faggot id never send you money while alive. maybe after

Going to sleep with my wife. Having a couple drinks then off to bed. Thanks Jow Forums you never disappoint

hey, if you took responsibility for a person (your wife), you shouldn't end yourself. That would be the most emasculated shit ever, short of cutting your dick off. Go see a doctor. He will prescribe you something.
Or at least let that despair drive you to work out or do some other shit obsessively. There might come out something out of it. And if not, it doesn't matter, at least you gave your all.
It's only 50 more years on this world. It's nothing. It will go by anyway, like you snapped your fingers.

>one thing right for her
lmao, you seriously think that? That's not right, you idiot. Giving your all even if you're shit is right for her, dude. Offing yourself will scar her for life. Get off fucking internet and start changing your surroundings little by little. Small steps are the key. You won't change in an afternoon. Also, go see a doctor.

there's nothing wrong with being zombie though. Maybe that's your default state and what you're going through right now is not really you

I expected a nuke going off in the back, sad :(

user, you are not worthless, you feel worthless.
user, what is depression? Depression, the feeling of it sucks, I know, I have been there. The feelings you get from depression is a by product of something else. You should feel depressed desu, as far as I can see, that is the justified emotion that a person like you should have, in the situation you are in.
You do not take responsibility for your own temporary life, nor do you take it for your eternal life. You are as old as the first living thing that existed.
user, look up a family tree. Look at the highest person in that chart, look how many people came from those two persons. Look at it. Where are you right now in this family tree? The answer is, you are everywhere, or rather, you have the potential to be anywhere on that tree. You can be the giver of life, or the one who denies life.
Your life sucks as you have no goals, no aspirations, no responsibility.
What is a goal user? If you declare the death of all jews as your goal, you are saying that, that is more important than anything else. It gives you a hierachy of meaning.
What if you state your goal in this life is to continually improve on your person? You would get a hierachy of values, that mean that if you do not improve yourself, you will feel bad but if you do improve yourself, you will feel great.
BETTER THAN YESTERDAY! Should be your motto for this.
Depression is misunderstood a lot, it is a byproduct of a state that you are in. The state that you most likely are in, is a state of non-responsibility.

Do it somewhere else, faggot. Twitch will shoa the stream before we can watch you pee and shit your pants as you die.

God and gods are not superstition user.
There are several lvls of existence.
1. Material.
2. Ideas.
3. Concepts.
There are more, surely. For now however, we only need to talk about these three.
Material one is easy to understand. Monkey see car, monkey want car.
Ideas is a bit harder. You know what the idea of a chair is. If you think of a chair inside your head, you will have a undefined chair inside your mind. You know that is has 4 legs, a place to sit on and a back thing (i cant remember the word atm).
Concepts are a bit harder to explain, but as you a on pol, it should be easier. What is Kek user? Kek is chaos. Chaos, that has a name, narrative and history. When you worship Kek, you worship chaos named Kek, with a history and narrative to frame the concept. When you worship Odin, you worship a concept of Storm, wisdom, strength, poetry and war. The gods are not created but discovered. As they are concepts and not living things, however could you not argue that chaos is alive? That justice has a spirit?
user, you have the potential to become one of the greatest americans in this age, BUT ONLY BECAUSE YOU HAVE SUFFERED!
Throw the suffering away, with your life and you will not amount to anything.
Heaven and Hell are two things, mental states and physical/societal states.
Doing good, means the concept of truth (Christian god) rewards you with pleasure, doing bad means the truth sentences you to suffering.
You have been to hell user, will you not atleast visit heaven before you go?


>I am thinking about ending my meaningless life.
I 100% support your suicide and I ask that you kill any and all of your family and friends that you can before you go.

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I'm late to the part but death is eternal

You need to smoke some dmt. You need an ego death.

Do cunt. My brother hung himself for pathetic reasons like yours and I unironically believe that all suicide fags should be gassed.


>hop a flight to thailand
>have her file divorce so she doesn't end up with your debts
>start a business online from thailand
>thailand is cheap enough to secretly anonymously send money home for your kids while you spend the rest on ladybois
>become rich af there
>move wife & kids to thailand
>all live happily ever after

Yes take Ayahuasca before considering suicide please

Not gunna lie im really drunk an reading what you qrote made me cry

Then get her pregnant. Have a kid. Being a Father and supporting a family can give you purpose while also helping to continue the white race (assuming you’re not a nigger or Jew). Make her and your extended family happy with the joy of watching you raise a little guy.

The message I give you from god is the best one possible, ever.
I says, in the meaning of it, that you are responsible for your own life and the consequent states that you end up in.
There is no being above you, there are only concepts that are greater than you.
You are however, a representation of the eternal life.
Brother, you are only the beginning!

Nietsche apparantly said, that people dont have ideas, ideas have people.
From a individual perspective, it seems like you have the idea. From the ideas perspective it has different quantities for humans, according to its popularity.
The same can be said for concepts, i.e gods, but instead of "having" people, they grip people.
I am always for truth. ALWAYS.
The liars will be purged, the deceivers will be purged.
The glory of God is to come!
Praise god!

I dont know who is reading this but this is OP writing. Thank you
Ill live to be a good husband and a great father
And maybe kill a couple Muslim Communists when no one is looking
In the mean time ill be listening to Dio and Saxon

Look what comes up as my next song lmao

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Your future son may do things that you can't even begin to imagine OP...but he'll need you to be there to guide him.

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pull yourself out of the mud by your hair. only you can do it. don't leave your wife, think about how that'll break her heart.
accept an ideology. make something the core of your life, and you'll have a reason to wake up in the morning and slog through everything. it can be anything, christianity, fascism, but don't waste your life. I'm assuming you're white, but even if you're not, there's still a lot of potential that you can fulfill if you work hard, and the catalyst for that is an ideology. humans need higher beliefs to function efficiently. Godspeed