Arabs then

Arabs then...
>Actually more advanced than europe
>Efficient watering systems
>Mathemathics and philosphy
>300 years more advanced than Europe

Arabs now...
>Backwards shitholes
>Believe religion is above all
>like 300 years behind the west

When did the arab culture degenerate into this?

Attached: reyes-940x500.jpg (940x500, 192K)

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>When did the x culture degenerate into this?
You realise people will look back on western civilisation in just the same way?

No it was da joos

this user gets it, the khans dominated muslims

My theory is economic failure leading to a shitload of problems. If you're on top of the world economically you have a headstart in every other fucking area. The moment the European countries started to become economically dominant it was OVER for the middle east beasts

The Turks are a good example as well. They were powerful as fuck compared to the Europeans. Better technology, better militarily.

Then they fell off hard. They couldn't keep up with the technological advances.

Arabs then
>Pass off Indian and Chinese knowledge as your own
>Europeans don't know any better, give them credit
Arabs later
>With better trade routes Indian and Chinese knowledge bypasses Arabia
>Why are Arabs so dumb now?

>You realise people will look back on western civilisation in just the same way?
no because we are being destroyed, and once destroyed there is no reason to even protect our race.
muslims on the other hand breed like rabbits

Arabs were backwards as fuck back then, Greeks whooped their asses for centuries. It's a meme created to make brown people less shit about their inbred nature.

Europe had all of those things before the collapse of Rome.

>what goes up always comes crashing down
Ancient China was superior and civilised but look at the people now thanks to the cultural revolution.

Arabs were based as fuck, sad they couldn't implement white sharia for Europe

Attached: IMG_5190.jpg (600x900, 137K)

They stole everything from greeks, even the soldiers.

Spain then:
>spanish inquisition lol fuck jews fuck muslims
>name a town Matajudios

Spain now:
>spit on Franco's grave
>cani """"subculture"""
>#1 destination for nigger transit on the way to France/Germany

Buleihi: "When we review the names of Muslim philosophers and scholars whose contribution to the West is pointed out by Western writers, such as Ibn Rushd, Ibn Al-Haitham, Ibn Sina, Al-Farbi, Al-Razi, Al-Khwarizmi, and their likes, we find that all of them were disciples of the Greek culture and they were individuals who were outside the [Islamic] mainstream. They were and continue to be unrecognized in our culture. We even burned their books, harassed them, [and] warned against them, and we continue to look at them with suspicion and aversion. How can we then take pride in people from whom we kept our distance and whose thought we rejected?...

The Arab empire had started it's decline prior to mongols (and the splendor was largely due to oriental connections and persians anyways), but Baghdad (along with most of Mesopotamia) being razed literally to the ground and massive portion of population killed or enslaved certainly was a definitive death blow.

11thC Europeans literally marched a thousand miles in a great clusterfuck of a campaign and defeated them. Mongols fucked their shit up a few hundred years later. They weren't that great.

So did Europe

pretty much this.

it is sickening how dumb some ppl are

In early islamic history (the first 5-6 centuries) there were philosophical and theological debates about how muslims logic should be like (think Galileo vs the Church). In most of early islamic history the debate was mostly dominated by Muʿtazilas and Ashʿaris. There was also some small presence of other islamic philosophies. One of which is Salafisim. Which will become more dominant than Ash'arism in the 13th century, whilst Muʿtazilasim well become irrelevant and eventually become extinct. One of the most important theologians that would lead to Salafisim to become significant in the islamic world was the thirteenth century Ibn Taymiyyah, although not entirely because of his books, as the circumstances and the state of the islamic world at the time contributed to his success too.

Now Islamic empires were still dominant and powerful throughout history, that is until the great divergence, when European powers were taking over Islamic empires. So in the 18th and 19th centuries a lot of Islamic reformist tried to figure out what was wrong and what should be fixed. I won't go through all of them, but I just want you to know that one of them was Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who is an ancestor of the Saudi and Qatari monarchy.

Now the Saudis have tried to spread his theology since 1744. But have only really succeed in doing so in the second half of the 20th century, after the post-oil era.

Attached: c5fc28c0a6276730f20c4875e6e016b0.jpg (439x667, 132K)


>Samuel L. Jackson as arab
even for a berber hes too dark i'd say
the darkest people in the ummayad caliphate were berbers and even those are lighter skin than proper "blacks"
pic related is the king of morocco who looks catalan
Spain was never very good for the average guy
>reconquista era
>shitloads of fertile land but its not worked on because the nobles that own it dont care
>whole economy depends on silver from the new world
>kings cant into economy or progress

Attached: His-Majesty-King-Mohammed-VI-of-Morocco.jpg (900x658, 161K)

"We further hear now that the philosophical sciences are greatly cultivated in the land of Rome and along the adjacent northern shore of the country of the European Christians.

They are said to be studied there again and to be taught in numerous classes. Existing systematic expositions of them are said to be comprehensive, the people who know them numerous, and the students of them very many. God knows better what exists there."

Ibn Khaldun 1377

Turks never had a better technology than the west.
They had to import all technological goods from Venice, even the glass

>tfw we were western (by the logic of the enlightenment era philosophers) before most of the current west.

How does this make you feel white bois?

Attached: Islamic-Architecture-Egypt.jpg (1000x750, 638K)

Thats like saying the US doesn't have the best military in the world because it uses imported goods from China.

>Arabs invade the shit out of India
>Arabs steal all their texts and knowledge
>Arabs destroy everything
Arabs aren't smart, they just claimed all the stuff the poos discovered

We only invaded the Indus Valley. The rest of India was invaded by Afghans and Turko-mongols. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Attached: 1535933983550.png (733x960, 344K)

>Actually more advanced than europe
In what way? The zero?
>Efficient watering systems
Lives in a desert
Never leaves
>Math and philosphy
Zoroastrianism was caucasoid in origin
>300 years more advanced than Europe
Do they actually teach this to you, or do you have to persue this level of retardation?

Attached: 1537234694449.jpg (350x468, 27K)

Makes us feel disappointed that you’re so shit now. Cmon you sandniggers can do better, you should do better.

>Caucasoid in origin
What kind of retarded shit is this?

Indus valley was the heartland of hindu Indian civilization m8. The mass rape & enslavement of indians to produce the rape babies we now call pakis was the biggest catastrophic event in Indian history.

>Samuel L Jackson
That’s Morgan Freeman in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

except that's wrong

Zorastrians were persians of Yamnaya origin - same as whites.

>>Actually more advanced than europe
>In what way? The zero?
so you actually know nothing of the arabs in middle ages do you?
al-andalus was quite permissive compared to modern arab countries. they didnt mass execute christians or anything like that like current islamic extremists. in fact they even drank wine and smoked hashish in parties.
>Do they actually teach this to you, or do you have to persue this level of retardation?
just because you dont know about a subject doesnt mean the other person doesnt know either



t. Goatfucker

kys ahmad


t. Pajeet

t. Ahmad.

t. Pajeet
DNA tests show that Pakistanis have the most IVC admixture by far and have minimal foreign DNA.

Afghanistan/Pakistan region was also Buddhist before Islam, not Hindu.

arab empires declined after the mongols which is where they lost most of their global hedgemony and any dream of being a unified world power. But if you mean the recent terrorism, overly-religious fanatics, and bloodbaths over nonsense, then this is all very recent and has more to do with geopolitics than race or culture.
Even back in the 90s and 70s, the middle east wasn't a bloodbath at all. The only notable battles were between syria/egypt and israel, which only happened once a decade and lasted barely a month. But then the US's puppet Saddam started an immense amount of nonsense in iraq but managed to keep it stable. They then got sick of him and betrayed him after Kuwait. The fall of iraq was the beginning of the worst of it. From saddam's sunni republican guard came ISIS and every other radical sunni group in the levant. 1mill christians in iraq fled and many were killed, sunnis and shiites started massacring each other for control etc.
But if you ask me it all really began in 1979. The Iranian revolution did far more harm than good. In the 70s and before, Saudi and Iran were close friends. Saudis were trying to modernize and become westernized thanks to their British masters, same with other GCC nations. But after Iran's revolution, Saudi went hardcore sunni islam to counterbalance Iran and to not look foolish in the eyes of muslims due to them owning mecca and medina.
But recently Saudi, UAE etc. have basically abandoned any serious islam and are just larpers with tons of money and too much time on their hands. Anyway, the Iranian revolution was a disaster for the entire ME. Egypt and Iraq were meant to be the leaders, not Saudi and Iran.
> inb4 hurr the middle east was always shiitty
Egypt was once extremely wealthy and prosperous, Lebanon was the 2nd most wealthy despite having no oil and being tiny, and Iraq was the centre of education and arab nationalism in the ME. Iran, Saudi, and US interference ruined all of it.

Attached: ArabNationsBefore-After.jpg (600x669, 99K)

Indo European doesn't mean white.

They kept fucking/marrying their cousins. This reduces IQ over time.

>quite permissive compared to modern arab countries. they didnt mass execute christians or anything like that like current islamic extremists. in fact they even drank wine and smoked hashish in parties.
Fucking revolutionary
Arguing they were more civilized 1000 years ago than today is a poor argument
Arabs are one tier above niggers, but with more inbreeding. Sad people

You know nothing

>then this is all very recent and has more to do with geopolitics than race or culture.
Sunnis and shias just started murdering each other
Fucking kek

ALLAH WEKBER !! my brother !!

Attached: IMG_5192.jpg (1300x951, 239K)

>arab empires declined after the mongols
Stopped reading right there.

>Egypt was once extremely wealthy and prosperous, Lebanon was the 2nd most wealthy despite having no oil
Then high-iq Europeans developed deep water navigation and never looked back. Inbred sand niggers remained in the dark ages. Some things never change

Knock knock.

the moment you put PUPPETS , that is when it all broke down.

Do you know what the dark ages were?

Something athiests think prevented us from having hovercrafts and space pyramids

>But if you ask me it all really began in 1979.
Realistically, it started in '53. That was the disaster that removed the democratically elected Iranian government to install the US/British puppet. The fuck up wasn't the Iranian revolution, it was the brits and the yanks shitting up the country.

underrated post

A period of global cooling that led to crop failure and population decline. But then the Renaissance happened. What was the sandnigger equivalent Muhammad?

The world won't need oil forever. Enjoy it while it lasts mudskin.

>A period of global cooling that led to crop failure and population decline
No the dark ages describe the period after the downfall of western Rome for it's lack of historical documents. The rennaissance came almost a millenium later.

>What was the sandnigger equivalent Muhammad?
There isn't one that's my point.

You must be quite the badass

Arabs settled in developed lands of eastern roman and persian empires, they consumed all infrastructure that was left and collapsed later.

Only that they weren't arabs but muslim Spaniards

Attached: Moors .jpg (1920x1080, 3.16M)

arabs were white.

and blue eyed? And blond?
It wasn't the Arabs who conquered Spain, it was the Berbers (who had just been conquered by the Vandals btw)

Attached: Abderraman III.jpg (787x217, 62K)

Pic related. All the achievements of Islam took place in the context of Persian culture, but of course that degenerated.

Attached: persia and islam.png (1771x648, 136K)

That's because they mixed with Gothic women, many such traits are still present among Berbers. You aren't blond btw.

Arabs were NEVER more advanced than westerners. It's a myth.

They were simply stealing inventions and math from the populations they conquered with violence. As soon as they were stopped (by the mongols and the crusades), they obviously stopped being "advanced" and revealed themselves for the inbred pieces of shit they always were and still are.

Attached: islam and science.jpg (1321x3003, 1.26M)

The last revolt

Attached: IMG_20180918_113151.png (480x814, 84K)

>When did the arab culture degenerate into this?
It didn't, it was always like that, cryptojew.

It was Islam and their inbreeding, fucked up the IQ level all across the Arab world

>When did the arab culture degenerate into this?
When the west and jews joined forces to tear down the middle east

>al-andalus was quite permissive
They slaughtered people considered dissidents on multiple occasions, retard. They were as backward and as bloody as any muslim society.

>But have only really succeed in doing so in the second half of the 20th century, after the post-oil era.

So your so-called “success” coincides with when white men started stuffing your mouths with oil money?

How convenient.

Attached: 30C2DD3D-9D5B-49C0-805C-65EE396E849B.gif (923x923, 699K)

>Retarded tribe of inbred raiders from the desert founds retarded religion that justifies raiding and pillaging
>Starts massively raiding everything and converting retarded neighboring tribes to retarded religion
>Snowball effect due to no strong empire in place
>Conquers people who can actually read
>We wuz science and shit
Anyone who falls for the legend that arabs were somehow advanced is gullible and to lazy to learn history.
OP is clearly moroccan, and a fag.

I also think that when merchants manages to sail around the African continent the silk road became obsolete and the only valuable asset in the region died out.

I'm not saying Spanish people are blond, (which I happen to be), I'm saying the conquest was made by a few berbers who had been previously conquered by the Vandals.
Pic related is from a battle in Marrakech

Attached: marrakech.jpg (1109x482, 182K)

Is this some sort of censored education? We're describing the same period if time. At what point did I say it didn't last hundreds of years? Thanks for admitting Arabs never progressed.


>Arabs conquer Christian and Roman lands become more advanced
>still fall into shit

Attached: 1500709695789.png (150x100, 16K)

>They slaughtered people considered dissidents on multiple occasions
Which is still more permissable than the christian countries of that time.

>They were as backward
They were the scientific center of western europe

>and as bloody
see above

The PIEs were of either Asia minor or Ukrainian origin.

>has more to do with geopolitics than race or culture.
This much damage control.

You’ve always been savages. Houston Stewart Chamberlain wrote about your evolutionary traits. Living in the desert caused you to become hot tempered, unimaginative, cruel, egotistical and vengeful. The stereotype exists for a reason, since these are the traits you displayed throughout most of your history. It also explains why you still force your women to wear bin bags to cover their heads.

Attached: DF47846C-1BBC-4F25-8AD6-A173B6E6A142.jpg (320x240, 23K)

>We're describing the same period if time
No we're not.

>At what point did I say it didn't last hundreds of years?
You didn't. It ended with Charlesmagne who reinstated a bureaucracy in western europe. "The" rennaissance came much much later.

>Thanks for admitting Arabs never progressed
>censored education
grasping at straws

the berbers were the soldiers, the arab elites ruled over them
the berbers were seen as inferior by the arabs btw

T. Paki

>Living in the desert caused you to become hot tempered, unimaginative, cruel, egotistical and vengeful
Actual desert bedouins value hospitality above almost everything else. They also scarcely used violence to settle disputes because of the harsh conditions in the desert. Unlike for example european pagans.
This is the problem with unfounded sophisms like that.

ok, that's some nice architecture, I agree.

But what about something that is less than 200 years old, and not built by foreigners?

arabs were ok, i guess, but you mingled with too many niggers and we can see the result today

I'm sorry but the arabs are shit nowadays.

it's a white mans world now, and its been for quite a while.

You mean it was the (((brits))) and the (((yanks))) shitting up the country. Jews had already sunk their vampiric teeth into our governments by that point. You might as well just refer to them as ZOG at this point.

Attached: 27A65D45-35C9-49AD-A4B6-5F48B6717EEF.jpg (635x1024, 39K)

Latest genetic data put the PIEs from NW Khazahstan to E Ukraine, phenotypically simmilar to todays slavs

maybe arabs were civilized and advanced in the middle ages, but that doesnt matter.

what matters is today

what do you bring to the world ?
any technologies ? space program ? computer ? car ? plane ? scientists ?

you know the answer.
you've bred with too many niggs and your peoples IQ is now almost nigger-tier. that's a fact

>that is less than 200 years old, and not built by foreigners
In case you're serious arab architecture is quite strong because oil money and the attempt to become a tourist attraction allows for large scale funding of new architectural ideas.

>arabs were ok, i guess, but you mingled with too many niggers and we can see the result today
must. not. make. projection. joke.

>it's a white mans world now, and its been for quite a while.
Could have sworn it's a jewish/chinese man's world.
Btw I agree modern arab world has major problems.

>Which is still more permissable than the christian countries of that time.
lol no, as soon as Toledo was reconquered, it was the center of cultural and scientific exchange. Most philosofers had to leave the muslim lands. Averroes was considered heretic and was shamed in public, Maimonides had to leave and so did Abraham ibn Daud.

You swallowed a lot of lies

Attached: 03.11 Cantigas 0a, Alfonso X con los traductores de la Escuela de Toledo - El Escorial.jpg (1600x921, 493K)

this. Don't forget that they conquered most of the Greek/ Eastern Roman sphere of influence which was already enjoying these "advancements"

I can't believe I have to quote Wikipedia:
The concept thus came to characterize the entire Middle Ages as a time of intellectual darkness between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance; this became especially popular during the 18th-century Age of Enlightenment.[3]
If you don't know how solar output has impacted human history I don't have the time or patience to explain it but let's just say white Europeans have always been ahead of the curve


Did the mongols invasion fuck them up?

okay thought so. My post can be disregarded.