Hypothetical war

If Armenia Serbia Greece Bulgaria Romania all teamed up could they win a war with Turkey and remove kebab?

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OP is an Israeli shill that will get drafted and die soon.

Yeah the same Israeli Jew that supports Turkey

They can't even remove gypsies

lol no
there are more turks in istanbul than there are in the entirety of greece

Numbers don’t always mean victory. Azerbaijan has the numbers guns and monkey in the Karabakh war, yet Armenia won the war in unbelievable fashion.

Obviously and then Russia would help and give us shit and stuff so they can expand their influence.

A bunch of goat fuckers could kinda unite and defeat entire gay NATO in Afghanistan.

Sure, we could. But we can't unite in the first place.

russia would team up with the roaches

we did unite - once
and look where we are today

Only one Istanbul can beat all these pussies you mentioned

found the albanian

>If Armenia Serbia Greece Bulgaria Romania all teamed up could they win a war with Turkey and remove kebab?

We could not invade, but neither could they. We would have enough soldiers and armour to stalemate them on the ground and Greece has enough planes to do to in the air. Ditto for ships.

It's a total stalemate with special ops teams blowing up dams and shit behind enemy lines in order to demoralize the population.

Now, if the Kurds rose up in the North-East and the Kudes from Syria and Iraq helped them it can get interesting. With half of Turkey wanting to become Kurdistan it would mean civil war and could allow us to invade without horrendous casualties.

There is a scenario left from commie times where we blow up our dams along several rivers in our South in order to flood the European part of Turkey. According to calculations it will become uninhabitable and unusable for military operations within the day. It's one of the reasons they have not tried to invade us yet. It's our Samson option.

t. former militaryfag that was sent to inspect the charges on the dams

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Oh, no. He is a Croat. Its just that he has one military victory in his history and it's against civilians from one of those four countries. And he had entire western world at his back doing so. So you see, he can evaluate our military power.

absolutely based. I could add one thing to your plan: concentrate all the gippos from the Balkans on the dams, then blow them up. The t*rks will literally be drowned in a righteous wave of gippo scum. Just imagine the stories they will tell hundreds of years after the incident

>tfw we literally recreate the flood myth, but with gippos this time

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Bulgarians will always be the most based

You forgot Poland and Ukraine also Hungary.
Besides if Turkey even steps foot in Greece the Russians will intervene.
Nice cherry picking though.


that meme country will literally disintegrate in the next decade or so. Ironically enough, the Constantinopol Orthodox Prymarch sealed the fate of Ukraine after what happened last week.

>tfw most people don't even realize that we're most likely heading towards a full out fratricide war between the Orthodox countries

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>concentrate all the gippos from the Balkans on the dams, then blow them up.

Top kek

They said that about Ukraine for 50 years already.
Ukraine will enter the EU before we even remember that Cernivtsi was once called Cernauti.
Stop dreaming,why aren't you at school btw?

nigger I'm at work. If you know what happened last week regarding the authority of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine, you'd know that shit is about to hit the fan, especially after Russia's reaction to the entire thing.

Ukrainians are an ethnic group, not simply a country. Even the Austro-Hungarian empire and starvation by Stalin couldn't stop the Ukrainians.

Yeah that was severely underrated, especially on Jow Forums. It's a major happening.

If it's called Russia or Ukraine is the same shit,no biggie.
You mean the small schism they had between Kiril and the Patriarch of Constantinopole?

Lol doesn't that say that Orthodox church of Ukraine should answer to the one in Russia under Kiril?
What's the big deal?I don't get it.

Based. With the troubles the Turks will have with the Kurds. After the dust settles Armenia can march West the Greeks east and they can have a border United again. Orthodox nations on the rise.

Maybe, but that's like asking the crips and the bloods to tea m up.

The Kurds/Syrians will buttfuck the Turks from the inside while the won't be able to even take one step west.
Besides by 2020 or so Romania will have atleast 60 F16,4-5 F35,Bell Helicopters(hopefully)
and they will replace the AK47 standard rifle with something from you Muricans.

Gee I wonder who's behind this post

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Why would we even bother senpai?
They do a great job running their country to the dirty im sure they dont need a help

Azerbaijan was sold out from the inside by the top of the government, not really the same.

Yeah no, they are just cowards. Javahk is next you dumb vratsi.

Teaming up with romania is riskier than fighting against them.

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Are Georgians Roaxh Turk lovers? I get that vibe. They seem like they are turkified genetically

it's not our fault Russians are pigs and want the whole fucking world while not being able to economically sustain their people.

The are worse than turks. You know what to expect from a turk, but a from a dumb jelly georgie? nah man you can't event guess what is it thinking about, that backstabbing dumb fucking cunt

I'm a somex, you dummy

no Georgia is one of the oldest functioning culture countries we have a higher culture.

you can get out of my country then, don't deal with us "backstabbers".

I'm not in your country and once you touch our people in Javahketi you'll lose it too, you ungrateful turk loving cowardly fucks

To my knowledge Armenia gave you your religious culture. You were in their church fort centuries. I’m in disbelief that a Georgian would side with a Turk. Didn’t you fucks live together for thousands of years without war

we have enough dignity not to suck Russian dick and lots of somexi people are taxi drivers here who dont even know the fucking road.

i dont give a fuck, i dare you to do anything you cunts and you're next. fucking georgians

actually saint Nino gave us our religion and the king Mirian made the Georgia Cristian so ceck your fact and we are not siding with anymore we are an independent nation

No we would not Turkey is stronger than the entire balkans and N caucasus combined.

I dont know what to be scared of you attacking us or the smell or your rotting economy

what an incredibly excellent jewish divide and conquer thread, and the fags in here are eating it up.

>wanting NATO to remain as is
promoting divide and conquer inside NATO is not something bad, schlomo.

Divide who? The Turks don’t belong there. They are the ones who divided the people and should be removed.

the gap between our economies isnt that wide really, to brag about it like that.

anyway we're gonna come for Javahk and Tiflis too. gonna genocide all you dumb vratsis and annex Avlabar to Armenia

would russian politics ever sell out armenia for turkey?

with what sources? reality check: America has better army than Russia and they openly have Georgia's back. Give back your already occupied land instead of taking more.

yes, watch it happen in coming years, my dear friend. russians sell out their own soldiers and people, they will sell us out in no time.

Jesus Christ, you are really dumb, not just like '' all georgians are dumb'' you are actually dumb. how did the US help you in '08?

they sent their ships and some solders to the black sea for evacuation and man support, it was just not needed.

Right wing fumigation squads when?

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No way man. Turkey would most definitely BTFO all of those countries.

Excellent post. Also to everyone here I think if Turkey went to war with the orthodox brotherhood of the based, Lebanon would join in to settle long hatreds against the ottomans. Especially the Leb Christians obviously

it was not needed because you dumb cunts durrendered in fucking hours. i despise you

Just read up on Javahk, I hope Armenia regains all its ancestral homelands. It’s clear that it belongs to Armenia.

you despite Georgia and like Russia? fact : Stalin (one of the most powerful Russian leader) was indeed Georgian, because you dumb cunts cant take care of yourself and you need a Georgian to step in and save your broke stupid asses

Quite ironic for an American to talk about ancestral homelands.

>Stalin one of the most powerful Russians
>ends up killing millions of actual ethnic russians
Something doesnt add up.

No I do not like Russia. And Stalin was ossetian. And i'm not Russian, you idiot.
akhpers gitem loll

Georgian IQ, man, just ignore him.

Anyway on the serious note. We really can't get to turks without kurds rising up, it just doesn't work

This is just bantz here nothing will happen Turkey will btfo all the balkan nations in a heartbeat.

He didn't say Ukrainians as an ethnic group, but the country of Ukraine. That state is an artificial country with borders drawn by Soviet bureaucrats; half of the inhabitants of "Ukraine" aren't even Ukranianis but Russians, Romanians, Poles, Hungarians, Tatars and others. Hence why it's so unstable and will probably disintegrate in the near future.

Ara byts es gandon vrastinera Turkic betar en

talk all you want but you are moving to darkness and drinking your liver away while Georgia is moving towards Europe and their is nothing you cunts can do about it

They could now and they could've then.

no it won't. we (turky haterz) are fucking bazeddd. just gotta believe in yoself

i hate them they're total cunts

yeah lol, keep choking on that TURQ DIQQ

not a small schism at all, it's actually a major happening and nobody is really paying any attention to it which truly baffles me. Basically, the Patriarch of Constantinopol (who is basically the Orthodox Pope, albeit he doesn't have autonomous power over the other Orthodox Patriarchs, he just acts as the liaison between them) declared that the Ukrainian Orthodox Patriarch will no longer fall under the authority of the Russian Orthodox Church - this literally means that ALL assets of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church will be completely independent from Kiril, and in this category falls all the material wealth + more than 60 million people.

This is not a small schism whatsoever and given the current conflict in Ukraine, it can escalate very rapidly intro a fratricide holy war between the Orthodox Patriarchs. The Russians already released a statement in which they condemned the decision + they've made it pretty clear that from now on they will act as the SOLE leader of the Orthodox world (basically denying the historical authority of the Constantinopol Patriarchy).

tl;dr we're in for a fun ride, boyos, make sure you have your holy crosses ready

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Buddy, moving towards modern Europe is unfortunately not a really good thing these days, as many of us in Eastern Europe and the Balkans are finding out. They give out gibs but the culture is pure evil. Pic related.

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Rusastan um es aprum?

I think that they will try to get Turkey out of NATO, effectively starting a chain of events that we can not be sure about, this means that they will probably enfoce them. This is bad for you since you have many incidents on your border with the fucking turds.

hello, ahmed. Turds can't even handle our depleted navy(as it is today. pre 2004 we could blitz them on our own, LEL)

ok but only after you will stop choking on putins corrupt ass

Yeah about that they are having aircraft carries and their own military industry capable of making helicopters,tanks and even aircraft, while the entire of the balkans is dependent on buy licensed or old trash.On a side note how is your government responding to the 3 sea initiative and the first economic summit that was held her?From I gathered they want to make my country the main exporter of gas and oil to make Europe be no longer dependent on yours.

just imagine if it was a little girl
these people are sick

You cant talk about your great hellenic power once you do something against them when they invade your airspace.

>From I gathered they want to make my country the main exporter of gas and oil to make Europe be no longer dependent on yours.

they essentially want to exploit our country with us receiving only a small portion of the profits, literally crumbs from the big bread. PSD tried to play Exxon and the other companies so that they can strengthen their rule, but they got buttfucked by our President who wants the deal to go forward as it is (basically 70% of the profits go to foreign companies, while we get 30% of ALL transactions). If you think that's a good deal for us, I have some very bad news for you ... And I won't even mention the environmental impact that the exploitation will bring to the our Black sea coast + the Danube Delta as well.

We're stuck between retards (PSD) and a literal fucking traitor (Iohannis).

moving to Europe means possibility to better education, possibility to better jobs and generally better quality of life, if you are against of LGBT community you dont have to accept it you just have to tolerate it because even some of US states dont accept them so no one is going to push it on to you

I already know it will be bad for us they will bring some foreign nation to take our resource at dirt cheap prices and make us more dependent on the west along side their brainwashing and force a lot of change of our laws to bring all kind of immigrants since these investment will bring a lot of jobs and we lack workers, not to mention the 3 seas initiative is zionism for us Eastern European goym.

Moving towards EU. Not Europe you low win monkey. EU=JEW although Georgians are mountain Jews.

>if you are against of LGBT community you dont have to accept it you just have to tolerate

that's literally the biggest mistake you can do. If you actually paid close attention to what has been happening all across the West, the moment you give in to demands from them, they'll start pushing for the complete destruction of the family unit, as well as pushing their degeneracy through every single facet of the public life. Want a small example?

>first they ask for "equal rights" aka legalized marriage
>they as for adoption rights
>they push for the normalization of the gay culture through various programs (from enforced educational ones aimed at the kids to gay pride month)
>they push for the normalization of the trans culture
>they push for the acceptance of gender identity in kids (which brings stuff like hormone blockers for everybody and sex transitions paid from tax payers money)
>they start enforcing pronouns and gender identification in kids through state laws (see Canada)
>they push for the acceptance of stuff like pedophilia and whatnot

never give in, and I literally mean it.

This. Whatever ones opinion of Russia is they are right in this one. Bartholomew has no authority over internal affairs of other Churches.

I'm afraid that, in their desperation to have US at their back, Greeks will destroy whats left of the true Church.
And the worst thing is that I know for a fact that Greek people has nothing to do with this.


i ain't choking on anything, he's not my president im just passing by ova hereeee

I'm not Russian, but Russians won't like this. Working with Turks is good for Euros to balance out the gas dependecy on Russia, but Turks are cooperating with Russia more closely now after the worsening of relations with US. Erdoshit also fucked the Euro relations up as well, so it's hard to understand how this game will play itself out.

I can't predict how Turkey and Russia relations will develop, but shit's complicated and concerning

>force a lot of change of our laws to bring all kind of immigrants since these investment will bring a lot of jobs and we lack worker

they've already started on this, user. pic very much related, I've seen them pop out all over Bucharest ever since the beginning of the summer.

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oh wait my dude. liquified gas? is that the US kind gas?

I finally got my computer back, i'm not Georgian i just study here and i'm Azerbaijani. I totally agree with you but the person writing everything before hand is a brainwashed liberal who believes what the west tells her.

So what are you then a Khazar?
No actual gas, we have the biggest reserve of it in the Black Sea, you know there was a reason why we fought the Ukrainians to get the Snake Island.

>Bartholomew has no authority over internal affairs of other Churches.

Completely true, not to mention the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church is literally the biggest out of all of them, completely dwarfing any other Orthodox Patriarchy. With this move, Bartholomew literally restarted the Ukrainian war to a whole different level - theological warfare, and that's dangerous as fuck to the entire region. I'd assume that he was either pushed to do this by the US (it wouldn't surprise me whatsoever) or by a growing worry that the Russian Patriarchy is getting stronger and stronger by the day, as Putin has essentially made the Church as one of the most paramount institutions of the Russian Federation (there is no Russia without the Church, essentially).

And given the fact that the ongoing conflict in Ukraine is already a fratricide war, if you add religion into this (especially in this region) you get a clusterfuck of problems that will escalate further and further. I'm actually kinda scared of this, as a potential escalation of the conflict would mean a horde of ukrainians fleeing from the conflict zones directly towards us ...

We'll have to wait and see what the other Orthodox Patriarchs will have to say, but I'm honestly fucking worried that most of them will side with Russia (even the Romanian Patriarch, who is a close friend of Kiril). Such a thing will represent the Balkan powderkeg exploding with such a force that nobody will even see it coming.

Lmao azeri gypsie hahahhahahah

no i'm an armo
about gas - you probably don't have enough of it stored there anyway. you can't be sole probider of natural gas for all the countries of this new initiative, right?

hahahaha fuuuuuccckk

anavu sikim

we do have enough stored to become an exporter while essentially providing gas to ourselves for the next 50 or so years. They've just discovered large deposits on our coastline and Exxon is preparing for large scale exploitation in the upcoming year.

The goal is to reduce the dependency of the Western nations so much that Russia could no longer be able to influence them, I only hope we will get something in return out of it.

Shit's complicated. Exxon is a US company. You're getting your indepence from EU and Russia by inviting the US in the region. It already happened militarily.

While the Germany (the head of EU) tried distancing itself both from Russian and the US, its Eastern part (you guys) weren't content with the deal the Union provided you or something, so now you are inviting the US in Germany's back door lmao

Quite the opposite we have been owned by the US and Israel ever since they did the anti communist coup, we joining the EU was a way for Western European nations to get quick money exploiting us and to get free educated workers.Not to mention the EU itself its an US thing also, considering the fact that it was financed for a while and made into what it is today thanks to their defense and economical policies.

I think Germans strive for independence from the US

>You're getting your indepence from EU and Russia by inviting the US in the region

Our foreign policy ever since joining NATO has been to appease both the EU and the US equally, albeit the US was always favored by our politicians. In the last couple of years, while most of the EU has been shifting towards resisting the US influence in the region, we've essentially turned into an American outpost (similar to what Poland has been doing). All in all, if we have to compare our reliance on our allies, we depend more on the US, as they are the ones that protect us, not the EU.

>so now you are inviting the US in Germany's back door lmao

They've been here for decades already, mate. What you see now is a consolidation of American interests in the region, especially in countries such as Poland and Romania. If you pay close attention to geopolitics, you'd see that the US invests most of its EU money into Poland and Romania, especially in military infrastructure and command HQs. And given Turkey's recent stance (moving slowly towards Russia's influence), both Romania and Poland will represent the main countries that will look after the Eastern Flank of NATO.

The problem is that other churches have no choice but to side with Russia. It IS a correct thing to do.

From my time living in Greece I came to know that the Ecumenical Patriarch is under some influence by the US.
Which is to be kinda expected. After all Greek state is scared shitless of Turkey and knows that US is an essential ally if Greece is to have nay kind of parity against Turkey. BUT even in my wildest dreams I didn't see something of this magnitude coming.

The saying that US is willing to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian/Baltnigger/Romanian or Pole is proven more and more every day.