Both have kids

>Both have kids
>Both have successful youtube careers
>Both are centrist chads
>Jow Forums larpers are still in their mother's basement being the conspiritard incel they are.

Attached: realmen.jpg (1492x673, 193K)

>Both have successful youtube careers
Matt, stop pretending.


nice thread, page 15 and 404 in no time, you're too obvious

>>Both have kids
Not really, no


>both are 56% white
>both take care of another man's child
>both are overweight
>both have an IQ of exactly 100

Both look like thumbs and will have thumbs for children.

So there's sargoy of mossad and who????

And ur still mad

>both are 56% white
Yeah and you weigh 560lbs, which is a bigger issue than your pseudoscience bullshit.


this will never NOT make me upset

> I’d rather be 80 year old me than 20 year old you
Replace ages with your descriptions

>youtube career
Sides prepared for launch
>radical centrism
Orbit reached
I am dying here.

Now what i see ? Two fat failures with orbiting brainlets, who will cry the day daddy youtube demonetize them and force them to find an actual job (and lose some weight in the same move).

Chuckles smugly.

Attached: chuckles.jpg (626x788, 58K)

If they dont mention Jews lurking behind every corner Jow Forums will dislike them and call them a shill.

Its almost like Jow Forums wants to lose.

Attached: -G5SomFimTD4Jr-M_Ygl8Lho8IWR0_Ft57IfNeOE-9k.jpg (600x701, 59K)

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Attached: nj6emusrzkm11.png (2048x2020, 1.7M)

Attached: 5muk6ha1fnm11.jpg (1192x1194, 199K)

>Centrists with no strong feeling on anything
>Probably their wives kids
>Regarded as faggots by those on the left and right

Attached: 839og05iuom11.jpg (960x879, 66K)

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Nice b8 m8

Attached: breaking-news.png (1280x720, 1.15M)

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Actually I'm in a two room apartment.

Attached: 1535794579060.jpg (1543x4845, 999K)

Attached: 1535794617812.png (1024x683, 559K)

Sargon is going to save the west!

Attached: 1535619182128.png (1024x896, 162K)

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Where have I seen that face before?

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I'd unironically rather be dead than be caught flirting with trannies by my own fucking wife.

Attached: 1535432053321.jpg (584x1024, 88K)

Sargon is a literal cuckold.

Attached: 1535432034718.png (1024x737, 235K)

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Attached: 1535383574051.webm (800x450, 2.83M)

>Hello. I'm roastie

Attached: 2j90af0.jpg (1920x1080, 289K)

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>>Both are centrist chads
You don't know what a Chad is.

Attached: 1535080881789.jpg (750x567, 93K)

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Fuck it

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Attached: 1527293259970.jpg (500x500, 50K)

why is that that every goddamn Stepfather's shill puts on a memefalg?

Attached: sargon.jpg (272x400, 38K)

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