Apology to russia thread

So, apparently the evidence shows that it's our fault that the russian plane was shot down.

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lmao stay mad ivan

A mutual friend of mine was killed by palis shitskins the other day.

He was a strong advocate for Israel in the us.

Press f

What will Russia do as a revenge, buy Facebook ads supporting Netanyahus opponent? LMAO

Putin is there laughingstock of the world lmao

apologize, ya mizdayen

Fuck russia fuck everyone.we bow only to god.

This. Little manlet bitch won't do shit.

>apologizing because retarded arabs don't know the difference between Russia plane and Israel plane

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I can't wait to shove rocket up your assess

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Does anyone have the PUTIN PLEASE DO SOMETHING picture from /sg/?

Apology not accepted

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apparently god takes a twisted pleasure to fuck you up the ass when you do, thus making you nomads for most of your history

thanks kike nigga

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>be kike
>use russian jet as shield for Siryan AA fire
lmao fucking jews I swear

the jew cries in pain as it strikes russian airplane

Trump's middle east peace deal is to cut all ties with israel and let it be wiped out

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Fuck Putin he will do nothing coz he has a Jewish friends

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fuck you russia , syria is israeli clay
you should fucking thank us we're only using you for decoys if russkies try shit bibi's gonna kill every russian in syria

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>reserves right to respond
Reservation denied, were overbooked

Cant we all just get along?

Who gives a shit about dirty Syrians? Do you really want to die for fucking muslims?

You mean Ari "anything for Israel" Fuld?

i apologize that we didn't wipe out Iran and Syria back in 2008
now watch as Jow Forums turns into a nagging woman

Bashar Assmad is the only leader that respects manlet Putin lmao

You knew what the fuck you were doing, don't try to play "sorry" here you reep what you sow

Ita the french who shot it down you vodkanigger



Israelis are 99% genetically identical to Muslims from Lebanon and North Africa.

Only causing trouble where ever they go.

Fucking semites. Who gives a shit about them?
I would just abandon Israel and take all the nukes with us. Fuck them let them figure it out with their fellow muslim semites.

dumb russian , cant wait for bibi to turn your dumb '''country''' into ash.
mark my words you'll have IDF soldiers in hazmat suits patrolling the irradiated streets of moscow in a week .

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This is thr problem with isreal, "not our fault" absolute bullshit

Inb4 we shot down our own plane as an excuse to bomb Israel

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>pathetic russkies flexing on israel thinking they can do anything to us without getting their shit pushed in and their army wiped in a day

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You were saying?

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Couldn't care less lol

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Get fucking glassed

"reserves right to respond" aka do fucking nothing

Putin isn’t going to do shit


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Isn't your army mostly Russian? Blackhats can't into serving in the army, no?

stop getting butthurt weakling

Why are swedes even allowed to post?

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Take of the proxy, Ivan

>the chad bibi
>the beta manlet putn

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No its mostly Mizrahi


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It's cool, Putin will sweep it under the rug and apologize to Bibi for making him waste an Israeli missile.

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You mean subhumans? I seriously doubt those niggers can fly a plane.

not mostly but a huge portion is including myself . wont stop us from wiping the living shit out of russia if it tries to fuck with us again

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Real talk, in a fight between Bibi and ZOGtin in their prime, Netanyahu would win easily.

This is why Ashkenazis fly planes
Mizrahi monkeys are cannon fodder

Lmao has there ever been such a pathetic “all bark, no bite” leader as Putin before?

Kek, top bantz!
I'll support you, based Israel.

Fuck off heeb, you did this

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Va nike ta mere

Isreal, do you want to know why most people hate you? Its because you are an instigator in almost all wars, that's why we hate you

>come home kike man

Fucking Lmao, they made memes so soon?What a time to be alive.

Fuck you Semite. You are genetically the same as a Muslim: Hairy, never shower before going into the swimming pool or sauna. Smelly. Disgusting.

Fuck you No difference between you and Ahmed

Does anyone in 2018 beleive that biggest friend of Israel (mr Putin) won't forget it and stay with Netanyahu like in May this year?

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>Genetically the same as muslims
Come again?

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so you destroyed tens of millions of russians, retarded development of my country for a century (as if it wasn't retarded enough) and now we were fucking with you? oh gal, you will be so ashamed when brain technologies make you smart enough so you at last develop comprehension of such things as conscience and honour.

> datpic
so muslims are your crypto allies. who should have doubted it

How does it feel to be a traitor to your race?

Being this delusional has worked well for others.

Nice proxy putinbot.

There should be no apology to the criminal bolshevik regime. Better down every single russky warplane.

It is worth noting how shitlessly scared are bolshevik apes atm. When turks downed their plane back in 2016 they were chimping and threatening Erdogan but now they'll do nothing. Russky subhumans fear based Israel.

1. You two time quoted me
2. I'm in Baltic Russia, which means that if Russia will collapse Kaliningrad will become Kenigsberg again

Lmao you're a bunch of cucks. While thousands of Russian men die for sandniggers in Syria, millions of Arabs and Turks come to Russia for sex tourism.

You should try another hobby because you suck at war. The only thing you contribute to the world is your women who flood any sex tourist area around the world.

As a russian, russian women are insufferable cuntwhores its unbelieveable.

It was written since 17 century, so nothing new

> cannot answer to the accusations
> your women are whores
Women are whores, but no whore is as degenerate as jewish. Anything else?

you're fucking with us because you're flying warplanes in greater israel's territory
yea most muslims will be an integral part of greater israel but the terrorists you support in syria are not
kaliningrad is fucking kino i've been there once on a yacht , should be the capital desu if it wasnt separated from the mainland .

my point was putin cant back one side in a conflict and expect the other to tell him all their plans. that plane going down was inevitable the moment russia went into israeli territory .

putin should either pick a side or fuck off back to russia because picking a fight with israel will be the end of modern russia .

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jews must aplogise not to russians but other non jews. its good this jew here apologies showing it was correct and true and those who deny it are deniers.

since they dont have any pro gentile source saying otherwise that talks about jewish crimes against non jews.

if not feel free to provide it.

I can't wait for Russia to retaliate for this.
Israelis are going to eat shit, big time. The whole world is tired of their lies and arrogant bullshit. They've reached the point where they don't even care, they think they're too powerful. We all know how that ends.

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Best case scenario:
Israel and Muslims nuke each other. Also India and all Niggers die. South America is Vietnam II and the only surviving South Americans are Argentinians and Chileans and Peruvians.

Please Russia, Nuke the entire Middle-East.

>putin should either pick a side or fuck off back to russia because picking a fight with israel will be the end of modern russia .

That's peak delusion there, fren.

Notice how fast the US claimed we have nothing to do with this. You should have seen this behavior before. It's not good. It means you are solely responsible for this shit, and we want nothing to do with this after trolling you into attacking Syria and something went wrong. You are on your own now, fren.

No amount of tears will undo what you cowards did.

Hello yes this is your landlord, please stop larping, its very funny and everything but we don't actually care about your patch of desert and don't want to go to war with Russia over your Very Important pile of rocks.

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Russia won't do shit. They pussy out against anyone with an actual military. Didn't Turkey, awhile back, shoot down a Russian plane? They didn't do shit then; they don't do shit now.
I wish they would. A few missiles striking Tel Aviv would be glorious and hopefully, a wake-up call to the kikes.

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Fuck your zionist shill friend

>Australia shilling for Russia.

100% arabs. jews are the opposite of sweden, too much arabs and blacks.

meanwhile, SD get increase and will win next time and restrict immigration and secretly encourage deportation.

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You're missing the big picture here. They don't pussy out against everyone "with an actual military", they pussy out against the US as anyone would. It just so happens that the US is "allied" with every country you would cite as "having an actual military".

same way as it did last time.
zyklon G

russia is inconsequential compared to the might of israel
you're a vassal state , you'l do what bibi tells you to

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This is one of the reason I have a pretty strong, almost visceral hatered for our nigger-tier neighbors, the WE WUZ / DINDU faggots serbs.

They mention RUSSIA probably in every aspect of their everyday life, they claim those faggots as their "big brother" yet it pains me, how is it not evident that Russia is the biggest, flaming bluffing piece of shit, jew enabling jew loving faggot ass country on the planet.

I hope Israel bombs them 10 fold after this.

Fucking faggots. Israel better watch out, they gonna get hit with a STRONG criticism on some RT video, oh no! Muh Russia! 300M stronk!

LOL, fucking faggots.

>russian scout/intelligence gathering plane (no weaponz)
>goes to scout out an israeli military movement
>gets shot down by SYRIAN air defence

>it's israels fault

can someone explain this? is it not syria's fault? if i provoke a guy holding a gun and he ends up shooting someone, is it my fault, or the shooter's fault?

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The jew cries out in pain as he plunges the knife in your back.

To be fair. Nothing wrong with this plan

missiles on tel aviv means moscow turns to irradiated ash along with russia's entire army

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its your fault.

The problem is this is the same argument Israel uses to run sorties over Syrian territory and bomb Syrian territory. It is based on reciprocation. Russia doesn't want to shoot down Israeli assets because of the USA, but you can't expect them to be sanguine with the situation if when they refrain from engaging you in territory they are otherwise fully engaged in, you turn around and shoot their shit down when they do the same thing you are doing... only it's worse than that, Israel is actually DESTROYING stuff, Russia was just doing recon.

>missiles on tel aviv means moscow turns to irradiated ash along with russia's entire army
hubris is your downfall

I actually plan on visiting Russia next summer. I can't remember the name of it, but there's this fuckoff huge glacial melt lake I want to go see/have fun in

>can someone explain this?
You throw a rock and hit someone hard in head.
You cower behind user.
Angry head guy whacks user.
Got it?

The world should unite against israel and tell them they arent permitted to have a military and take all civilian weapons.