Soviets were not white

>Soviets were not white

Attached: 1945.jpg (990x694, 177K)

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Meanwhile, this is what Nazi untermenschen looked like around that time

Attached: 16-42vtoraja-mirovaja-vojna-10-21-990x671.jpg (990x671, 198K)

Flyboys were always the elites

Meanwhile in the Army:
Russian of 43,85 %
Ukrainian 12,67 %
Byelorussians of 1,01 %
Azerbaijanians of 18,67 %
Armenians of 6,41 %
Georgians of 6,43 %
Ossets of 0,5 %
Chechens and Ingushs of 0,05 %
Kabarda and Balkar 0,56 %
Dagestanian 0,68 %
Karachi and Circassians - 0,03 % (all mountaineers of Northern Caucasus - 1,82 %).
Turks of 0,1 %
Kalmyks of 0,11 %
Uzbeks of 2,56 %
Tadjiks of 0,01 %
Kirghiz of 0,03 %
Kazakhs of 0,44 %
Mordvinians and Chuvashs of 0,65 %
Tatar 0,92 %
Jews of 1,43 %

Others of 3,19 %

Those are national figures of northern group Transcaucasian front for November, 1st, 1942
As the war continued there would be more asiatic people in the Army, probably ending over 30% but I dont wanna search more.

Attached: main-qimg-473a95d2a8548351c9fca484f328f1a2-c[1].jpg (602x402, 60K)

It's sad to remember the Empire succumb to (((central bankers)))

That's about how many soviet pilots this guy downed with a fucking Brewster before jumping to BF-109.

Attached: Eino_Ilmari_Juutilainen.jpg (400x593, 22K)

The Day of (((Moloch))) Removal may yet be realized, user.

Don't lose hope!

>russians are white

Attached: Screenshot_20180918-123807.png (1080x1920, 1.18M)

What the fuck are you even trying to say, you stupid fucking slav?

> shot down in droves

>Burger acting like he's better than the top crop of whites
Nigger please

Attached: orig.jpg (1600x1200, 291K)

Soviet is not white. Soviet is artificial nation, which contains all nations and ethnicities of the USSR. It is like "American" who can be white, black, Asian etc.
But The backbone of the soviet forces were Russians who are white (

Soviet is not a nation, not an ethnicity. Nobody before Hrushev ever said ''coвeтcкaя нaция'' because it would be wrong. A nation is formed historically and culturally, we can just affect it, like the bolshevics who speeded up the ukranian, belorussian and other minority ethnogenesis.

Soviet people - this is what they were, coвeтcкий нapoд, they were united economically and politically, not culturally or genetically.

Those who say otherwise are either fools or evil-doers

>Soviet people - ... Not culturally
You know that from Karelia to Armenia, from Brest to Vladivostok every school pupil studied in +/- the same school program and watched the same movies in cinema and read almost the same books.
There was cultural connection between people from every corner. Thought in the end they were not as strong (it takes more time then 70 years) as in one single nation, and didn't stop the disintegrating process.

Attached: russia is nigeria with snow.jpg (736x514, 135K)

Slavs aren't Aryan

Attached: IMG_20151031_185803.jpg (679x792, 191K)

They're pilots. Pilots are always white. Mongolians can't fly planes well due to their slitty eyes. It's why the Jap air force was so ineffective.

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lol I'm sorry what? they absolutely rekt the allies in the early war m8. They only started to lose because thier planes became outdated by 43 and couldn't produce enough newer models quick enough due to war shortages. look at the n1k, late war japanese that decimated allied "fighters"

Attached: kawanishi-n1k-50886999-d4c2-4cf0-b6f1-d5acc45ee60-resize-750.jpg (750x567, 52K)

The Bolsheviks were Jewish

they would lose the war if they were white

Culture is not about education. Education is the absolute basis, culture is mostly inherited

Pol believes every German soldier was an Aryan pretty poster boy.

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Bro, this shit again? Common iam waisting my time on you. Can tell a few storries told by my grandmother.

>Russian army comes, hide in the forest. All girls got raped, even young even old. Some of them hanged themselfes, even compleat families.
>Russian army comes germans deffending, german officer shows it in the scope. The road is brown from russians.
>Russian army comes in, german lost 10, russians are putting their dead on the trucks and its full.
>Grandmother see the russian soldier, she immidiatly think its mongol.
>Russians come in the house they get themselfes a pig, they are cooking it, while one part is raw the other is cooked, they are eating it.
>Russians steel all horses and cattle even the pigs, they leave a wounded hourse hit by bullets. Grandfather heals it..
>Russian soldiers do care about one plate to eat about, the one whats for washing my uncle's diapers.

Bro i dont want to be offensive, and i dont want to be offensive againt long dead people. Hell knows what the germans would did to us, but the red army what gave bread to people is a myth. Even the russians used the therm occupation. This is what was told to me and i think russians are still better than some westeuropeans who think themselfes as socialist, liberal.

meh, white enough

The guy on the left looks like an italian, the right one looks like a pole

Nice germanic army

Untermensch filth

> Those are national figures of northern group Transcaucasian front
Yeah, what a coincident that there were so many non-Russians at this front