Are we weak men creating hard times, or in hard times creating strong men?

Are we weak men creating hard times, or in hard times creating strong men?

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(((We))) are creating hard times, (((we))) have been doing this for a while now.

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It's also our fault for falling for their tricks.

In italy?
Probably neither if your guy actually stays in power and kicks all the nogs out
Just in a long good times period

But what happens if those strong men refuse to fix hard times?
>Human perception is really low

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not where I live

that's because you're all weak

I only ever see this weak men - strong times meme with the Romans.

What other civilization follows this seemingly natural, universal cycle?

And wouldn't that mean that Giganiggers from Africa soon will rule a new Rome?

They are already conquesting space user. R-right...

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Africans never got far enough along to enter the cycle. Left to their own devices they'd just pick fruit and fuck all day like they do on sentinel island.

It wasn’t even weak men that made times hard with the Romans, bad emperors contributed to decline but the biggest problem was diseases and famines causing their population to almost half between the 3rd and 5th centuries


That must have been the natural state of man once. We got over it by hard times, if the theory of harsh conditions in Europe is to be believed.

What wonders might develop if all other people are fat and bloated and only the African has a hard time?

October revolution disproved this shit

Thanks user for reminding me of a great Greek gal I spent quality time with. Her: "I could go for a hard time right now"
Great lady.

check out fate of empires and search for survival by glubb

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Then they are not strong, but weak. A strong man will, by definition, fix shit around him. Sorry MGTOW betacuck

we are entering hard times,so we are still weak

This. Those of us that are here that choose to SIG are creating strong men, but our generation is largely weak.

The hard times have already been created, and we are living in them.

We are weak pussies. Zyclonians are our only hope. We have to prepare them accordingly.

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