They took this away from us
They took this away from us
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You gave it away and won't take it back.
What? You don't like (((diversity)))?
i have a folder called never again for this kind of stuff
These are all great. Keep posting.
It's gotten so bad that we don't have the right to take it back. That's how fucked this country is.
Detroit in 1916 v Detroit now
Dude, it is almost if history and culture are extremely dynamic things that cannot be controlled or turned back
wh*Teys are finished. this article from the leftist mouthpiece themselves before they went full left:
hope wh*Te genocide happens even faster and your race is exterminated from the face of the Earth (preferably through efficient Chinese shooting squads)
Whatever you do, resist the urge to cut their lungs out with a grapefruit spoon. And remember to sage in the options field.
Did you actually notice anything about this photo?
One thing REALLY stands out.
MEN are working the checkouts.
>Muh sage
>Muh the rules says this!!!!
How much of a faggot are you leaf?
>all those fairly recent UNIX time stamps that likely came from one single thread
Lil homie gay ass, go back reddit
>he thinks the purge won't happen
Your child-raping kind won't get to Allah either, because we'll dip those bullets in pigs blood before we wipe you out.
They took this from you
fuck off nazi bigot, refugees make everything better
That last one is made up.
> From virtuous wives to sex crazed sluts.
What a wonderful world we live in.
>third article published on the same day and at the same timestamp as the second one (7EDT = 12BST)
>archive link is dead
Mate, nobody took Blackfriars Station away. It's still there.
They took this away from us.
I wish I was a boomer. Probably the best time to grow up ever.
Beautiful bump!
i bet whoever made that picture thought that was the worst it could get
they took nothing from you, you have it away for a 20 silver coins
But now you have this vibrant and beautiful culture instead, how great is that?
at least they kept the lamp posts
Nobody took Piccadilly Circus away mate. It's still there.
Nah it's better now... not
Gotta love the memeflaggots. You shitskin sister-fucking inbreds don't want to reveal that either you or your parents elected to move to the West because it's preferable to anywhere in your shithole Umma.
And you're speaking to me in English, not me you in Arabic. You lost and your empire is gone. Moreover, the Chinese are in fact cleansing and forcibly assimilating you, just like the Tibetans.
>we don't have the right to take it back.
I honestly hope you take your own ‘life’.
Where is that? Those columns look very cool. Never seen them before.
1901 Worl'd Fair in Buffalo NY
still a blacked advertisement on the huge awful wall to the left
Right yeah I actually found it with a reverse image search.
Such a shame they demolished the buildings, but then it says they weren't built very robustly as they weren't made to last anyway.
Still, very impressive architecture.
You get triggered just by seeing black people in adverts? Snowflake.
They destroyed all the buildings from the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago as well.
Stupid degenerate goy, it's you obese fat animals with the excess of freedom and money have nothing to do but virtue signalling. I hope American Jews destroy your libshitty civilisation and stop your degenerate liberal agenda.
why did things look so much cooler? things feel so bland now
Such a shame. Amazing buildings.
Good goy, let's destroy the most right wing, nationalist country in the West. The future of civilization and the white race will be much better served in the hands of the Bongladeshis, frogs, and krauts.
Imagine for a second a world in which Theresa May, Macron, and Merkel, and that Xi guy in China or whatever, were the center of power. This would be a better world?
Because we have freedom and money, that means America should be destroyed and we should let these Western European cucks who are Islamifying and niggerizing their countries to run the show? Trump's election has already had a good effect for Europe. Moving the Overton Window to the right benefits all of us, including you, Dima.
We'd do just fine without you, Jamal.
Just to extend an olive branch, I like all of the English people I've met on a personal basis, and Gordon Ramsay is probably my favorite guy on TV. It's nothing personal. I'm just defending my country and pointing out that America's downfall would not serve Western Civilization's interests whatsoever. What good is there in ceding the Western Hemisphere to Jews and shitskins, Rupert? How does our downfall benefit you?
I think all western nations (Europe, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) should band together, but you implied that Europe wouldn't be able to manage without you, whereas I think we would.
Brutalism and the death of Victorian architecture
Reddit tier thread.
looks dark and gothic, cringe. or is it just the black and white filter?