Devs Sep 17 >Suspected wide-scale Israeli strikes across Latakia and Tartus >Syria,Turkey and Russia agreed on a DMZ in Idlib >No military OP in Idlib until Dec - Russian MoD >Lavrov; RF has information where drones are assembled in Idlib, will be eliminating these underground workshops soon >Turkish journalist traveling from Damascus states he witnessed large military convoys headed northward >YPG sleeper cells claim killing 6 rebels in Afrin region >Peskov; Putin is meeting with security officials in Moscow today to discuss Idlib >RuAf concentrates strikes on ISIS in Al-Safa/Badiya Al-Sham for 72 hours straight >DeZ cs; SAA claims they nearly have split the ISIS pocket in half, allegedly ISIS fell back towards T-3Pumping Station >SDF state they captured Al-Sayyad district and several localitiesinside of it on the Fawqani front >Iran confirms they bombed Kurdish militant group conference in N Iraq last week >Houthis claim this afternoon that their troops bombed a UAE command center in western Devs 16 >Saudis continue to get BTFO on a daily basis, "no end in sight" researchers say Yemen.
>Demilitarized zone >Russian Defense Minister: There will be no military operation in Idlib I called it over a month ago. This will be a frozen conflict just like Transnistria and Donetsk. Idlib is now a defacto sovereign state. Refugees will never return to Syria.
Chase Parker
First for Assad dies tonight
Nathan Morris
Putin The KGB Paper Pusher is not fitted for the job. Zhirinovsky and Zyuganov should do coup and rule Russia in coalition. Putin is an illusion created by high oil prices and sexy newscasters with lipstick.
Ethan Brooks
Holy shit Israel is literally making fun of Russia
anyways >IDF apologized to Russia but blamed Syria, Hezbollah, and Iran for shooting down Russian plane
Landon Butler
sad. turkey gets away with another land grab with zionist backing
Ian Flores
>The Israeli Army spokesman just handed the full responsibility of downing the Russian il-20M to the #SAA and #Hezballah And stated that when the Syrian ADs were going off the Israeli jets were over Israel
Ayden Clark
Turkey confirmed it ages ago.
Samuel Williams
In the mid 90s Zhirinovsky and Zyuganov were openly saying in packed political rallies that they would fuck up the Yids if they win, Russians almost listened to them but they cucked out in the last minute and elected the KGB Paper Pusher.
Juan Sullivan
Daily reminder that (((Charlie India Alpha))) is a confirmed kike
David James
FUCK JEWS AND FUCK SUNNIS. The only sunnis worth saving are Syrian SAA members and Liwa al Quds.
Andrew Smith
Pretty much, it was clear after the Putin-Erdomeme meeting. That said, Syria shouldn't want refugees back at all, part of the problem that led to the war was having way too many people in Syria
Anthony Hughes
Daily reminder that (((Charlie India Alpha))) lives rent free in all your guys' heads
Austin Miller
Welp, Russia and Syria officially got cucked by Turks, Likes, Americans and Kurds.
Fuck this gay earth, evil always wins in this god damn world.
Israel expresses sorrow for the death of the aircrew members of the Russian plane that was downed tonight due to Syrian anti-aircraft fire.
Israel holds the Assad regime, whose military shot down the Russian plane, fully responsible for this incident.
Landon Walker
They are nervous because they afraid that the KGB paper pusher will punish Israel but this is not going to happen because he is a cuck elected by cucks. All the best Russians died in WW2
At least we have what to suck you 1 inch monster Kos omak
Wyatt Gray
Is Pissrael finna get dabbed on? I was hoping to wake up to Tel Aviv smoldering and glowing. Hope the "adequate response" is 14 splattered IDF. They used that plane like it was a Palestinian boy-shield.
it wasnt Syria who shoot down Russian plane, it was probably French, russians registered same time that french navy launch rockets, and then same time russian lost control that russian plane, so probably french shoot down that russian plane
this is coverup operation, because Putin popularity plummet if they told the truth that it was french who shoot down that plane
It is impossible for an S200 to hit a Russian plane since its radar only recognizes NATO war planes as targets. This is Russia again trying to find an excuse for its impotence to respond to a US/Israel/French
this official explanation is very naive and childish that Israel plane hiding behind russian plane
Russian mod have to lie, to damage control, trying to save their faces
remember when US slaughtered over 100 russian soldier in Syria while ago, russian officials doing to best to hide that incident
sorry for ordinary russian soldier in Syria knowint that Russia let US and co. slaugter you and Russia doing nothing to defend them, Russia just trying to hide their casualties in Syria
5N62 has no intrinsic IFF recognition, so no, it was not impossible at all. >since its radar only recognizes NATO war planes as targets Patently untrue. S-200 guidance is semi-active radar homing, missile homes in on illuminated targets in its terminal phase, doesn't give a flying fuck whose plane it is.
ana al britouni, I can read both the arabic and hebrew abjads, but I'm white and based
Chase Murphy
this is your last chance bolandi, i really don't want this to happen to you, i kinda like you, delete now or you will truly regret it.
Carson Ward
sure thing kazim
Christopher Sullivan
nfokho ya yahudi :כככ
Daniel Gutierrez
Alright thats enough fun posting for now, you know i actually hate jews and want to nuke tel aviv right schlomo ? slaughter juden wherever you find them