Germany hate thread

>be german
>start both world wars
>create communism
>flood europe with refugees
>blame the jews
why are krauts so evil?

Attached: gerflag.jpg (474x284, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread: BAD WAR2apdfversion.pdf

Imagine how boring the world would be without Germany. You're welcome.

they get enough hate why not show them some love every now and then?

Let's look at modern day Germany instead.

>Love immigrants so much they take in millions of them.
>Mama merkel even lets these unfortunate souls drink her breast milk.
>Germans are so ashamed of their past they paid Israel 100 million shekels in reparations

Germany is a nice place ;)

yeah, beacause all the good germans were killed by the JewSA
now only the rabble is left

Oh yes, without Germany, we could have been exploring the galaxy by now. Some bong would have become the father of modern rocketry instead and the space race would have been Formula One with space planes.

Fuck off ahmed, go out of my country we're full

Without Germany we would had not:
- computer
- airplane
- rocket
- atomic bomb
- telephone
- light bulb
- dynamo
- periodic system
- jeans
- tram
- motorcycle
- car
- diesel engine
- x-ray
- spark plug
- holocaust
- tooth paste
- photocamera
- audio tape
- television
- maglev
- jet engine
- helicopter
- nuclear fission
- currywurst
- ballpointpen

.. and much more. So fuck you, without master germany we would life like the nig nogs back in africa

We didnu nuffin
Trying to get our state in order n shiiet
We gud bois

Show flags, faggots

>EU cocksucker talking shit about Germany, the great enabler of the EU

Hmmm, reminds me of the nazi meme-flaggers who talk shit about nazism


Attached: 6ee.jpg (491x491, 40K)

Why I should hate them, they are great nation. They just don't have luck for leadders ( I mean current ones )