Women shouldn’t not be cops

Women should not allowed to be cops. The girl on the left is a try hard lesbo who let her partner get capped yesterday in Sacramento. More officers had to show up to take down the perp. Couldn’t even revenge her fallen partner.

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learn how to double negate before you make another one of your low quality dumpster threads you dumb insulin lacking mongrel

So they should be cops?
סגה ין אל פילדס

You guys sound like retards

Starting to hear stories like this more and more these days, hardly surprising the average male is going to be quicker and stronger than most trained female cops. You give criminals an opening like that you can be sure they'll take it

>gets tattoos and piercings
Woah edgy.
>gets street bike
Looks like we have a badass here.
>that’s not enough, joins military
Hoorah, amirite??
>joins police force

This is what happenes when people let a female think she’s tough and let her play along with the men. It ends in disaster.

What happened?

a link would be nice, you fucking nigger

>be cop with female partner
>get called to Pep Boys
>pull up
>get shot
>partner does nothing
>more cops show up and shoot perp
>female cop gets praise for being a strong womyn

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>Women shouldn’t not be cops

double negative
confirmed russian shill hiding behind american flag

No, you and op do "shouldnt not be cops" in thread title means Should be cops

Keep bumping my thread for a typo

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What do you even do in America if you call the cops and a woman shows up.

Why are real life lesbians so not erotic

pic unrelated

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I have no idea why the fuck we allow women to be cops. THEY ARE NOT CODED FOR COMBAT OR OPEN CONFLICT.

My question is, how does your partner end up dead and all you have to show for it is a grazed arm and no kill count, unless you were running away?

Yeah no shit

When you cower and cover your head there's a good chance your arm will get clipped.

That would explain it.

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>I have no idea why the fuck we allow women to be cops. THEY ARE NOT CODED FOR COMBAT OR OPEN CONFLICT.

mandatory diversity hiring

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I wonder what goes inside male cops' head when they get a woman as partner
It must suck knowing you're out there by yourself, since your partner is completely useless in any serious situation
>Shouldn't not be cops

Not even alone, but dragged down and at a disadvantage because you're constantly having to protect the female cop as well as yourself.

>I wonder what goes inside male cops' head when they get a woman as partner

NYC cop here. In my precinct, it's forbidden to partner up a female with a male, They're always put with another female. The reason for this is that we have Captains that actually care about us and know that two women can't get into too much trouble together, as seen in the webm. If there was a male cop in this situation, he'd receive NO help from a female cop. They are either overweight or so tiny that they are absolutely useless.


She always felt weak and powerless until she became a cop then I bet she felt like she was on top of the world right up until the moment when that gun went off

That made me think of this video, female officer nearly gets her gun taken off her putting herself and her partner's lives in danger, leaving him to save her life because she can't hold off a spic manlet.


>showing off your boo boo
>bestie aka “battle buddy” smiling
>partner is in the morgue downstairs


Women entering the police force is when deadly shootings by police go up. The higher the portion of their workforce being women, the higher their rate of shootings. Why? Cops rely on superior force. You raise a hand to a cop, he pulls his baton/combat flashlight. You pull a knife on a cop, he pulls his gun. You pull a gun, 15 cops shoot you dead. Cops have to operate this way, because they are always outnumbered.
Women are smaller then most men. This means she's already "under-force" when a suspect decides to resist. So she has to pull a weapon. This past decade, many pull a taser, but a taser is not a Science Fiction weapon. More than 50% of the time, its useless. So a lot of cops skip the taser and go straight for the side arm.
Another fun piece: suspects escaping from court custody was much lower until women entered that part of the police force. Most prisoners that escape while under court custody do so by overpowering a female guard that is escorting him, and they usually take her side arm when that happens, arming the suspect.
Want to reduce police shootings and escapes? Forbid women from working the courts and patrol and holding cells. They will scream sexists, but more people will survive unharmed while in the custody of police or while interacting with police.

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Lmao I hope he got away


Here's a link since OP is too fucking stupid to post one:


I knew this girl. I tried to soften her up a decade ago. I told her she wasn’t a hardass like she thought. I could see through her on day one. How can the Sacramento Police academy not see what I saw so easily?

Now there is a widow weeping because she had something to prove to her mom who an heroed and fucked her up for life. She’s just another hapa with screws loose and they gave her a badge and a gun.

Women should not have any responsibility at all much less the law.

lmao he just blasts the dude point blank in the face

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Not my opinion. I have made two or three good experiences with female cops in the last two years.

Friendly reminder that no amount of statistics will make a difference and these people really do not care how many men have to die so women can pretend they're equal.

Very interesting.

Agree 100%. Though I am not for anything to do with putting women on pedestals. If more of these suck up blue pill faggot had a nagging wife they'd go all Al Bundy overnight!

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Women are so goddamn inept at everything they do

this, based bloodthirsty nigel-anglo. There are ALOT of things that need to be done in ALOT of areas that really are quite obvious - but it won't ever matter to them.

They skillfully leave out “woman” in every news article when possible to blend them in as male police. It’s disguting and I think you’re right.




Bitches are like ''this is bullshit''

Women shouldnt be in military or police or in the firefighters, they just endanger their partners and people around them.

Love how she doesn’t even bother to try, how she then tries to cheat by using the beam to get up. This webm is th female nature in a nutshell, wants to do what a man does but with the least amount of effort. Oh an never mind the that dude is missing an arm and leg, he turns around to try to help the cunt.

Honorary checked.
10 bucks says that won't be in the report.

>B-but my gender studies professor and buzzfeed told me im better than men

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Get away with it.

however they wanna spin it, she's now the laughing stock of every singlr male officer in her precinct

This fracas in Rancho Cambodia really put the judenpresse in a bind.
The shitbag news around here are going above and beyond not to name "the suspect".
All of their articles mentioned, "the suspect" around six million times, it took them a day to cough up his name.
This is hilarious because Black Lives Matter had a rally planned for today in Sac.

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Is the OP pic really of the girl who got her partner killed? Is she really fucking smirking and making selfies when her partner is room temp?

Fucking women.

Is it still summer?
'Cause this should be right in /pol's/ wheelhouse.
We have a BLM protest at the cop convention, a day after a groid kills a cop.
Fuck all of you millenial niggers, you fucking disgusting faggot jew femenist fuckfaces. FUCK YOU ALL

Also, our sheriff outright stated in the press conference that people should make a counter-protest, show up at the BLM party and show support for the law.
This is how shit gets started, niggers.

Rolling for third time charms and ultraviolence at the BLM rally.

Kek is speaking to you niggers but you can't read. Try hooked on phonics you double niggers

Yes it’s really her