America is actually 0% white

America is actually 0% white.

Attached: no white.jpg (2560x1440, 502K)

Thats the price of capitalism.

>200 million whites vs 8 million

>that one asian kid
damn, feel bad for that guy

>200 million

Look at this picture. They all look like 18 years old and the pictures on the wall like they are in preschool. Wtf is wrong with them???

b-b-but fuck these commie scums
muh capitalism and negros

False. Capitalism is the best system. With the best sytem you become a magnet and everyone wants to come. You could deny them entry tho. The problem is immigration, not capitalism.

But when you deny them you cant use cheap labor force - and that is the core of capitalism. Capitalism is all about the money. They dont care about race, nations oreliion. Only money. Just like jews...

All the white kids are in private schools

>nogs choose the teacher that gave them an easier class
How suprising

do you guys have an equivalent of AP classes and remedial classes? In my high school the white and asian kids would all be in the AP classes where they actually taught you and you could get college credits and the black/hispanic/druggie kids would be in the remedial classes where they would just watch movies and do stuff like "underline verbs in the sentences with red crayons, adjectives with blue crayons and nouns with green crayons" or other retard shit.

Wrong. Capitalism relies on increasing profits over the rates of debt. No debt, no capitalism. You increase profits by having cheaper labor, which comes from abundance of people, which comes from immigration.
That said, I’m not shilling against capitalism, let alone, dare I say it, communism.

No, capitalism is about letting the free market do it's job. Sure, employers will always want immigration because when you reach the point of everyone who wants to work having a job, the free market starts working for the worker. If everyone is employed you need to win the worker over with a better sallary than he has at his current job. You can't just hire pablo from ecuador when you want your pool cleaned. If you decide from the beginning that there will be no immigration, there will be no immigration. It has to be constitutional.

You don't have to have a debt based economy.

>You can't just hire pablo from ecuador when you want your pool cleaned.

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>b-b-b-b-but fuck these evil nazi scums

There are no differences in education level between classes in Europe. The diffrence can be between schools if one is more demanding or less.

>feeling bad for insectoids

Now compare it to an average classroom in Brazil.

Attached: 2.jpg (2048x1361, 147K)

Yes you do, if you want to maximize profits. And capitalism does want to maximize profits.

Come visit, we need Aryan blood to feed.

you will see something like this in 10 or so years in the countries like Sweden France and England that have millions of younger shitskins now going through their public schools. For the shitskins it's just babysitting and getting money from the government to fund the schools. For the students that aren't 80 iq subhumans they still try and teach you. This is also why we have private schools and why many republicans and white people in general want to have a "voucher system" so the white and asian people who want to learn aren't dragged down by the subhumans

School system in the UK. 5yo to 11yo primary school. You do 3 exams on basic science, maths and English. Then you go to secondary school 12-16yo where you get split up into sets according to how well you did in your primary school test (+plus an unofficial IQ rest they gave you). Size of the classes depends on the school but in my school, there were 7 sets A to G with A having the smartest students. Each set had 30 students. Then at 16 you did your GCSEs on at least 10 different subjects and go onto community college (if dumb) or sixth form (if smart). In sixth form (17yo to 18yo) you choose 4 subjects to go into in great detail and drop one after the first year and keep 3. Those 3 subjects are what you use to get into university. So yeah we’re separated by the time we’re 12yo

My school was pretty white. We only had maybe four Hispanics and one black out of 200 graduates. (No minorities dropped out btw).

We kinda had sets in primary school too, usually split by just sitting similar level kids on the same table, so the smarter kids were all together and the retards were all together.
And I think those year 6 SATs are gone now aren't they? You don't do


Attached: immigrationact1965.png (559x558, 173K)

old professor: we are actually going to learn and study
young professor: fuck studying we will just have fun

>class picks young professor

what a fucking surprise, this has nothing to do with ageism, what a shitty experiment

I think we had something like that but they got rid of it. I recall having "red green and yellow" reading groups depending on how well students were reading early on while trying not to say "these people are capable of reading, these people are not etc.". I think they ended it with "No Child Left Behind" under George Bush when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. Still they had to separate the niggers from us at some so they did in highschool with the AP classes because one nigger can be so slow and cause so much distraction that if they are in your class they will prevent all 20 other students from learning. If you have 3 or 4 niggers absolutely nothing would get done.

Attached: NCLB_0.jpg (630x354, 220K)

Listen to this little Swede cuck, hus mother and sister are in the other room getting abused by Mohammed and Abdul so he sits on pol posting retarded videos. Can you hear their screams, Sven? Its ok to fap.
Saged bc op is a little swede cuck.

>One alternative school
That's where negros go
Also we will be white longer than any country in Europe at this rate

Wow is this what a schools look like now? I'm a GenX boomer and went to high school in the 80s in LA and we were mostly white with some Mexicans. We had regular desks facing forward too, now this weird commie cubicle layout. I miss Republican California before Reagan cucked out.

it's all gorillas and goblinas now

projection much?

What am I projecting? I don't get it.

My school was 99.99% spanish. We had one niglet and one hapa out of 20.000 students or so.
The other day I saw a documentary film about a neighbourhood from Madrid and there were 3 spanish kids only in the grade they were filming about.

Seems like kids are not enjoying too much, some of them are turning racist really quick. That gives me hope.

>bunch of blacks and mutts pick the teacher that won't make them do any work.
Well color me surprised.

Yeah me too. I'm out of this shithole soon for a huwhite state. All the childless boomers that live around me are blissfully unaware that they are going to be murdered by shitskins in their old folks homes in 10-15 years.

dem titties doe

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So that's a 'yes'

Not even one qt in the bunch.

all a part of the plan

Attached: the plan.png (2580x1668, 2.54M)

>falling for jewish tricks
There are still parts of America that are 95%+ white.

America has over 150 million whites

wow so he turns on the projector by pressing the button, moving it out of alignment especailly with touch sensing technology. So i have to recalibrate the board when teachers complain all their writing is 1 inch to the left.

what a cunt

I’m a senior at my high school, and the demographic census for student enrollment showed that only 18.3% of the entire campus is white. 23% don’t speak English as an added bonus. Texas is fucking lost.

Underage + roastie
tits or gtfo

Hahhahahah fuck i would kill myself if i had to endure a year with that class, all amerimutt betas, just imagine what they talk about when they are not inside a classroom.