Merchant in swedish donald duck magazine

Walts legacy lives on.

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hi Swedish user :) tehe


Does it say "Kalle Ann....." something on the top?
I know that in Denmark, Donald Duck is called "Anders Ant".

It's "Anders And". "And" meaning "Duck".
Sweden has "Kalle Anka", where "Anka" means "Duck".
We've got "Donald Duck", since we weren't assed to make up another name.

Finland probably has "Vittuun Vittu" or some shit.

Kalle Anka, seems like he's only called Donald Duck here on iceland he is also named Andrés Önd

Wtf Swadians are real? I thought it was a nation from Mount and Blade?


Here it's Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse and Goofy, but uncle Scrooge is for some reasone called "uncle Dagobert".
There was even a famous blackmailer who called himself "Dagobert" after the comic, because he wanted to get as rich as uncle Scrooge. He always had crazy schemes for the money drops, like dropping it from an express train by a remote controlled device that he would operate with radio signals. In the end, he got caught and sentenced to a long jail term.

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