Do runes have magical powers

Please no Christian or atheist faggot answers. The germanics believed the runes had magical properties so if you drew it on something or wore it on clothing it would have an effect. Is this true?

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yeah, submitting to such demonic things as these does tend to invoke what one might call "magic"

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Begone desert spawn

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I think it depends on what you mean by "magical".

If etching a rune on something allows you to better focus and channel the meaning of the rune into existence, and thus improves your performance and life, then yes in a way they are "magical". If you mean magical like a fairy tale then no.

If you know what they actually mean and believe in them and can invoke them. Otherwise they're just scribbles on rocks. The power comes from the person's interaction with the rune, not the rune itself. That's why so many religions ban idolatry, the power comes from within and not from the idols. The idols/runes are just helpful tools for reminding you how to unleash that power, they didn't literally bestow it to you

scamming idiots could be considered a "power"

I'd start from the bottom up.

Imagine a plethora of human experiences divided into 24 (number of elder futhark runes) archetypes.
Any situation can be illuminated by one of these aspects in a way that makes sense. It is a great method of contemplation, you can ask a question and the rune provides you the way in which the situation should (could) be understood.
I strongly suggest you try something like this.

As for the magic part, it is beyond my scope but I can see why people ascribe them divinatory powers.

Attached: rune.jpg (1600x1200, 288K)

you're a brainlet

No you fucking cringe LARPer.

You're asking the kind of questions which cannot be answered properly without initiation. That is because we lack a shared vocabulary and understanding of a number of concepts.

If by magical you mean "an effect outside the realm of accepted science", then yes.

>post images of Catholic/Orthodox hocus pocus ceremony
>chastises others for practising 'magic'

Hearty kek

>yes goy, all your heritage is larping

What do you think memes are?

Words have magical properties, the written word even more so. The runic alphabets seem to be imbued with mystical symbolism almost like in hieroglyphs but beside that the fact that you could encode meaning on a rock that would stand for eternity meant you were a great shaman. The ability to use runes like the ones found in Constantinople to direct adventuring troops to where they could reinforce your campaign meant you had physically more power over the world thanks to mastering runes.

Magic isn’t real you fucking child.

Poetry is also magic, modern poets can't even begin to condition their minds to be able to do what the old poets used to do effortlessly. Kings would trade a sword worth the GDP of a small country for one grand poem about them because the poem could entrench them as rulers even more than the sword.

Yes, user, Runes have magical powers.

Back when I was 14, I watched Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, where it was revealed he got his supernatural stamina and durability from the thurisaz rune (called the thorn rune in the movie) scarred on his chest. Being a dumbass teenager, I thought "Hey, I'll invoke this supernatural diabolic power, it'll be fun". So I grabbed the closest pen, which happened to be red, and drew the rune on a piece of stiff paper that came from a Reese cup package, and tucked that into my jacket's breast pocket.

That was Thursday afternoon. I stayed up late that night watching tv and playing vidya, then stayed up later. Wound up not going to sleep Thursday night. Well fuck it, I'll go to school without sleep, I've done it before. But this time I wasn't tired. Also I neglected to eat anything, and didn't develop an appetite anytime during Friday. Get off school, come home, start doing shit I do, and didn't go to sleep Friday night either. Nor Saturday.

I spent three days with no sleep and no phone, only drinking a little water, without feeling a bit of fatigue. I realized how fucking weird it was Sunday morning, and started to get worried. I had toyed with demonic horror movie magic I didn't understand, and it seemed to be working. Perhaps I was putting my soul in jeopardy? So I went and found the rune in pocket of the coat I'd since taken off, and burned it. I then lay down in bed, instantly went to sleep, and slept 23 hours until Monday morning.

It was among the weirdest things that ever happened to me.

*no sleep and no food

How the hell did I make that typo? I don't think I even owned a phone then.

>Doesn't know that Christian runes existed
Stupid, fat Niggee

No one cares about the jew runes except for the jews

All symbols are inherently magical, so yes.