President Donald Trump said the U.S. is looking “very seriously” at establishing a permanent military base in Poland. Trump said at an Oval Office meeting Tuesday with Polish President Andrzej Duda that the two would discuss the possibility and “we’re looking at it very seriously.” “Poland is willing to make a very major contribution to the United States to come in and have a presence in Poland,” Trump added. “If they’re willing to do that, it’s something we will certainly talk about.”
The Polish leader has sought additional military support from the U.S., citing the risk posed by an emboldened and expansionist Russia. Duda has asked for a permanent U.S. military base in Poland to serve as a deterrent, and his government has said it would contribute financially to the establishment of such a facility.
No, it isn't, if there's any niggers they work on supply. They don't fight infantry.
Fuck off Russophile sage
t. former Army vet who recently finished his contract
Luke Parker
Undeniably idiot, would be better off not to waste money on some shithole
Austin Butler
polish woman are whores
Leo Sullivan
In that case he should send them all over for a certain death of STD's
Asher Lopez
A Brit has the audacity to call one of the saviors of Europe a "shithole". Fucking kek. Your entire nation is literally becoming another Somalia as we speak whilst Poland is a homogeneous white ethnic European Catholic country.
I suggest you neck yourself, Britbong.
Eli Long
True, but in order to live, they do fuck for money.
Landon Torres
Poland is the biggest cuckfaggot country when it comes to USA, lmao
Jaxon Stewart
Thank you Trump. I want nukes aimed at Poland. I've lived when radioactive cloud, from exploded Power Plant, rained radioactive rain. It made me really dumb and "apish". I'd rather be evaporated than radiated again. t. Polak
Isaiah Brooks
>polish woman are whores
Hans, we know that Muslims destroyed your entire nation and that your women breed with niggers on a daily basis. Don't take your frustration of your politicians actions out on the Poles, they have done nothing towards you. And if you ever visited Poland or knew a damn thing about Poles you would know that Polish women are some of the most conservative women there are. Your women on the other had; are notorious coalburners. Just search up German interracial porn and a quick search will do.
Carter Ramirez
Saviours? You need to get out of nappies moron.
Jordan Morgan
Polak you are delusional KYS
Ian Cooper
>only the purest mutts die for Israel, niggers stay at home and fuck our women based mutt is based
Jaxon Gonzalez
Battle of Vienna? Polish-Soviet War?
Meanwhile your nation betrayed Poland by shaking hands with the Soviets. Your Churchill was a cuck. Your nation today is a sludge of third-worlders and you have no identity. Your cuisine is also fucking shit.
Chase Lopez
I'm Hungarian, Britbong. Kys.
Hudson White
>No, it isn't, if there's any niggers they work on supply. They don't fight infantry Come to think of it I've never heard of a nigger going to OCS, outside of the Hollywood nonsense.
Whiter than you. Try being first generation born-Hungarian American ;)
Zachary Fisher
That'll change the moment the EU get their way and start shipping blacks into Poland. The Polish women in the UK are massive coalburners, worse than the native women by quite a margin. I see no reason why the female population in Poland would be any different. So when the US does get it's base and the EU get Poland to open the borders, you'll see Polish women getting knocked up by darkies left, right, and centre.
Jason Ortiz
That's.. not how it works.
>The Polish women in the UK are massive coalburners, worse than the native women by quite a margin
Why do Britfags always conjure lies to hide their inferiority? I see fags like you spewing bullshit like this and then btfo on many threads. Poland is a very conservative country. If Polish women despise sandniggers, what in fucks name makes you think they would be coalburners? Here's a vid of a Polish women telling Muzzie scum to gtfo, what in fucks name would make you think a girl like her would accept a degenerate nigger?:
Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, Lithuanian and Estonian women are the most homogeneous in the world. Western European women like Brits and Germans are coalburners. You try to hide your own inferiority complexes towards alpha Polish males. Kill yourself.
Adam Hughes
>The Polish women in the UK are massive coalburners, worse than the native women by quite a margin. I used to live in Liverpool so I know that this ''statistic'' of yours is nothing more than an overblown lie A hyperbole, one could say.
The vast majority of the Polish women stay with Polish men The race mixers are a tiny minority
Liam Hill
>So when the US does get it's base and the EU get Poland to open the borders, you'll see Polish women getting knocked up by darkies left, right, and centre.
HAHAHHHA you clearly never been to Poland. Just last year, a Tunisian migrant (Muzzie) stabbed a Polish man at his kebab shop. You know what happened the day and ensuing week after? Anti-Muslim/shitskin protests and near pogroms. Poles are a defensive bunch and protecting their women is embedded in their DNA. What do you think would happen if it were niggers? There would prob be a Holocaust.
>The vast majority of the Polish women stay with Polish men The race mixers are a tiny minority
If not with Polish men they go on to marry Slovak or Hungarian ones; ie still white and neighbor nations.
Britbong men on the other hand see their women raped and enjoying Muslim and nigger cock on a daily basis and they cannot do anything about it for fear of being called racist. They then take their anger out on Poles, the only white alphas in the country and so they make up lies to hide their own inferiority complex. I kind of pity them until I remember they brought this upon themselves.
Hunter Ross
That's not why we're building that base.
Isaac Smith Great example
Parker Evans
what happened to AMERICA FIRST? last i checked, america first wasn't neocon ideas. what happened to pulling the military out of the world? >inb4 muh world police excuse
I spend 5 months on a Poland rotation attached to the 173rd ABCT in 2014.
3 guys from their brigade support battalion managed to knock up 4 polish girls, one was underage. One managed to knock up 2 women, quiet impressive. And yes you guessed it, all 3 were black.
It caused a huge shitstorm but was mostly swept under the rug because of the optics. I only know about it because I was a paralegal with the local JAG unit out of caserma ederle, where the 173rd is based out of.
Spent way too much time talking with polish lawyers who barely spoke English and trying to figure out their child support laws. Needless to say there are 4 mulatto kids in Poland now whose mom's will be getting monthly checks by uncle Sam for the next 18 years.
Sebastian Nelson
(((They))) need a military presence to force diversity upon Poland probably.
Ignore him, Pole bro. Brit Jow Forums virg, has never been outside his home.
Then what is the reason, smartass?
Poland is providing the majority of funds to it and they pay their fair share towards NATO. Read the article first.
Ayden Anderson
>mutts paying for the security of some slavniggers This is a very costly hobby, burgers
Cameron Rodriguez
Close Ramstein and relocate everyone to Poland.
Brandon Powell
Imagine actually believing this. Tell me genius, how many military bases does America have around NATO nations? What makes this any different?
Gavin Butler
This happened.
Gabriel Rodriguez
But bringing everyone home would be the best option.
Tyler Smith
Poland is paying majority for the base, not America. Read the fucking article ffs.
Samuel Lee
>america first guys! Several months later >Cucking to israel like never before >Sanctioning russia >Building more bases around the world You guys got conned
Elijah Carter
>Majority So americans will still pay to protect this shithole? Hahaha theres nothing more pathetic than amerizog attack dogs
Julian Diaz
Who is the current leader of the Polish State anyway? Because nobody actually knows. Also, this seems rather redundant since the previous ministers which were promptly deleted were already doing the right thing. People literally elected a government that doesn't exist anymore. What the Fuck.
Nathan Sullivan
I don’t believe you because there is ZERO way in hell a matter like this would stay silent especially in a country like Poland. An UNDERAGE girl getting RAPED would result literally in the castration of the rapists there and hostilities by the local Polish communtiy. Stop spewing lies to push an anti-Polish agenda. We know you are a kyke pushing and peddling bullshit.
Christian Foster
>how many military bases does America have around NATO nations?
>What makes this any different? Having it within the country is a massive advantage.
Connor Wood
Polaks are exceptional shit stirrerers, don't get surprised to be dragged in to another conflict with some or the other
Jace Price
>Poles halfway across the globe having to buy exclusively American LNG >American military-industrial complex buys up all the Polish defense businesses and hikes up the retail prices >Poles become 1000% whipped cocktoys for Mattis and Bolton POLAND PARTITIONED & BTFO AGAIN Wish we could have taken part, but it looks like we'll have to sit this round out
Sebastian Lee
No suggestion it was rape. Polish women are known coalburners.
Matthew Martin
Poles have a natural need for domination. Just look at their history. "Poland has not yet perished" so as it sucks the cocks of all of its mightier neighbors
>Fuck Russians You're getting fucked the most
Adam Collins
>No suggestion it was rape. Polish women are known coalburners.
Read his post, he said they were raped. Also, you are just another typical Brit who sees his women getting dicked down by sandniggers and niggers on a daily basis so of course you resort to making up lies against Poles. You never set one foot in Poland so don't you dare concot bullshit about their godly women.
>No suggestion it was rape. Polish women are known coalburners Exactly the point Polkas are rapists
John Barnes
>You guys got conned
Why didn't you mention Assad establishing his hold over Syria, Trump cutting aid/weapons to rebels, no war so far vs Iran, etc.
Joseph Stewart
>Poles have a natural need for domination. Just look at their history. "Poland has not yet perished" so as it sucks the cocks of all of its mightier neighbors
Kek, you don't even know what that phrase means. That phrase refers to the fact that the Polish spirit is strong and it has not perished yet due to the fact they persist. Also, remember that there has never been a situation where Poland was invaded and lost by one power, it was always MULTIPLE.
Caleb Davis
I do not know of any women of any ethnicity where all 100% are loyal to their ethnicity. If you think otherwise, you truly seem to lack a proper understanding of the female specimens psychology. There is nothing exclusively special about Polish women.
Brayden Myers
Poles hate Jews. Have you been ignoring their spat with Israel this entire year? And why would a pro CATHOLIC party be run by a JEW?
Jack Howard
>the moment the EU get their way and start shipping blacks into Poland
See, you retard, this is never going to happen. Even if this make believe fantasy of yours was true, hundreds of thousands of armed citizens would make sure it doesn't happen.
Stop projecting your own countries flaws onto other lands.
Gavin Miller
>creates a deluded fantasy about Poorland >goes full cognitive dissonance to keep the fantasy going
I've interacted with Poles unlike you.
Gavin Ross
>muh poles >I am hungarian >ackhtually, I'm hungarian-American EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.
Hunter Lewis
>he thinks being too stupid to form an alliance is a virtue
Wyatt Carter
>There is nothing exclusively special about Polish women Agreed. Only deluded amerisharts suggest otherwise.
The nation that has been the biggest victim of WW2 is definitely a “shit stirrer”, LOL. Especially after not having their independence for over 123+ years. Kys.
Jace Torres
>russia btfo >when all there's been the past decade is nonstop german aggression against the poles wrong era buddy. the soviets are gone and the cold war is over.
Luke Watson
Maybe that's why all the outcast polish thots move to the BBC capitol of Europe aka UK?
Nicholas Reed
I doubt you've interacted with anyone besides your mother inside your basement. Off to the gas chamber with you.
What is hard to comprehend? Poles and Hungarians = Bros. A first generation Hungarian born in America = Hungarian-American.
Jason Murphy
>wrong era buddy. the soviets are gone and the cold war is over.
Crimea and Georgia ring a bell? Russian imperalism is not over. Not by a long fucking shot. Also look at their threats towards countries like Romania, Poland and Baltics.
Tyler Mitchell
Why are using nigger terms? No ethnostate for you.
Samuel Mitchell
Holy shit, this. I came up for reenlistment a month ago and straight up told my retention NCO I couldn't stand all the "fat, bearded soldiers who don't even know what their job is," that were shitting up the esprit de corps. The look on his face was great, he knew. Gonna see this month if I can swing helicopter pilot or something, anything, otherwise it's been a fun 12 years...
Hunter Wood
>ruling party literally replaces it's self in a few quick months with people nobody asked for or chose >it all goes to shit why is nobody doing anything about this shit CAN SOMEONE PLEASE JUST BLOW UP OUR FUCKING PARLIAMENT ALREADY AND MAYBE RE-WRITE THE CONSTITUTION WHICH WAS WRITTEN BY DRUNKARDS SO WE CAN ACTUALLY GET SOMETHING FUCKING DONE ALREADY? our government is literally something out of star wars right now
Luis Gonzalez
Comic is not funny.
There is nothing special about Polish women in regards to this idea of race-mixing; the problem is with all women. Here in Canada for example I have known Palestinian, Lebanese, Jewish, etc, girls to spread their hairy pussies for white men all the time during high-school; I speak from first hand experience.
Parker Martin
This thread is fucked. It always has to be ruined by a Brit or Kraut.
Every. Fucking. Time.
Why are britbongs and Germans such anti-Polish pieces of shit? It definitely has to be jealously. Must suck having your identity and religion taken from you.
Andrew Adams
>Crimea, Chechnya and Georgia not being justified The PIDF in this thread is pathetic
Nicholas Martinez
It wasn't rape. She was 17, which is legal in Poland.
I literally have pictures of me in uniform in poland and a bunch of polish unit patches and a polish airborne beret I traded for, wanna see 'em? Or is the fact that this really happened going to shatter your fragile world view.
Ayden Wilson
Slavs deserve a strong ruling hand above them
Asher Davis
More like EU btfo'd
Oliver Nguyen
Good idea caging the bear before the animal attacks.
Aaron White
Poland is truly our greatest Ally.
Isaiah Jones
I guess the problem was that the Brit was trying to paint Polish women as some sort of ultra-race mixers when that is not even true in the slightest. He is a typical Brit; upset that his nation was taken from him and third-world subhumans were imported into his nation. He is jealous of Poland’a homogeneity and the fact that Polish women tend to marry their own above other cultures and races. This is his inferiority complex and he can’t stand it so he takes his anger out on fellow Europeans. I have seen this happen on a few threads and they are Brits EVERY TIME. They’re so cucked
Jack Gonzalez
A few do green-to-gold but very few. Honestly all officers should be pulled from enlisted so we don't end up with commie sjw shits
Daniel Martinez
Muh 6 gorrilion Shoah Oi vey!
Asher Scott
It's a potential FU to Merkel too. Germany gets billions every year from the US military presence every year.
Aaron Parker
Israel is, you numnuts >Same shit though
Carter Hall
Did you even read that post you guys said the same shit hes on your side
Ethan Martin
Re-read your post again dumbfuck, you said it was rape. And what are your pictures going to prove?.. The problem is you are a JIDF kyke who lies. If a situation like the one you existed happened in Poland, THIS would happen:
Fucking riots, murders, etc. everywhere. Polish men are defensive and would go crazy. It's kykes like you who push bullshit. You tbink rape is tolerated here, Burger?
You are pathetic since you claimed the Cold War days are over and Russia is no longer an enemy, LOL. Crimea and Georgia disprove that instantly. Russians stocking up missiles towards Kalingrad disprove your bs instantly.
Nolan Martinez
Why does Poland never give up? They always say USA stronk, Poland stronk. I have never seen a nation love the USA as much as them.
Isaac Foster
german woman are horses
Elijah Cox
Fuck off bong with your imaginary political reality Another butthurt Kraut. Color me surprised This. Because being an ally of the US is the worst that a country can do, right? Fucking Russophiles are butthurt. Do you understand that there is a difference between having a base in a country that is the most loyal ally the US has in Europe, part of Europe that is strategically important to the US AND being paid for it, and having troops at war in a shithole?
Gabriel Thomas
>german woman [sic] are the narrow-head masterrace
Owen Garcia
*3 million.
Because Poland has not yet perished like their motto. Poles have fought like hell for the survival of their people.
Jaxon Wright
>Protecting Poland >Treating Poland Like full Ally
The collective REEEing of Kikes over this will block out the sun this due to their long time irrational ongoing hatred of Poland.
More like non-existent and getting bred by shitskins. Polish women on the other hand keep marrying their Polish (or a Slovak, Hungarian) husbands and keep having strong Christian children and values. Put two and two together and of course this rustles the jimmies of Western European cucks who have seen their nations getting bastarized since the late 60s.
Austin Rivera
They just love african americans in military uniform
Yeah...that did not happen. Also ever heard of GROM? Another genius. Idiot. US is being paid for having a base at one of the most loyal allies in a strategically important part of Europe.
Tyler Collins
Remember Trump’s inauguration address? “We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones”. This is it.