Name a more NPC political opinion than

Name a more NPC political opinion than
>the world has never been better

Attached: america was never great.png (907x1329, 127K)

>Coo Coo

Attached: ibcr0wkcxlpz.jpg (1200x630, 69K)

>Look at my sportsball team and at the merchandise i bought and display

>im socially liberal but economically conservative
>their is nothing wrong with something as long as the free market says its ok
>corporations aren't inherently evil because they would just change if they stopped making a profit

>America was never great
>posts the world has never been better
>one of the sources in the graph about America is a global stat

Op confirmed npc retard

It's only Europeans countries that overtook America. America lost its edge to European countries.

But yeah, China making 15 cents instead 5 cents sure made the world better.

Profit is what you make when people give you money for something. If a corporation wanted to do something counter to what people want then nobody would give them money anymore. Fool

> who cares the world is fucked anyway!
Said by someone with a gleeful smile

No, profit is what you get after you subtract revenue from expenses. It's entirely possible to abolish profit.

then explain why its profit has led to big corporations like apple and google push globalism harder than any government. you can only get so far with profit as something useful for your ideology until it gets subverted and backstabs you. profit might be the reason we can live cheaper than ever, but it has destroyed small white communities in exchange for huge multicultural messes in the cities around the western world.

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why are all the bad things going in the happy direction?

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You need to tell these people expenses include wages and bonuses for the owners, but I agree it can be abolished and many businesses report tiny profits for their huge size.

>USA after 2010


How can you sustain an advanced society past individual family units with no real incentive for me to help anybody besides my friends and family

Please nuke us.

What are you even talking about?

Jesus christ. It's shit like this that makes me think burning communists alive isn't a half bad idea.

How will you abolish profit brainlet

The world has never been better.
The western world hasn't been as shit as it is in a long time. You'd have to go back to the bloody world wars to have it worse and even wars are a more "external" type of derangement and you have better chance of recovering from it unlike subversion.
You have to understand most of the world in 1955 was living either under socialism or in street shitting conditions dying of diseases of which we have forgotten the names.

>If America, culturally and economically, was like Europe and Europe demographically like America the world would be a better place

Which is exactly the reason ancaps are retards.

>if people want it then it's good

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>the world has never been better
Objectively true. Read some Stephen Pinker.

>Which team do you support?

Not everyone who has a team they support is an NPC. NPC does not mean someone who is unable to have a convocation beyond politics

It's asking "Which team do you support?" that is the NPC part.

>I’ll tell you what’s best for you

>everyone knows and does what's best for them

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>I am a global citizen

here's some OC

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"I think if we just come together, we can fix it"

The average IQ of America is sub 100 now. That's the median. That means that half the people living in this country have a sub 100 IQ. Do you really think these low IQ individuals know how to live a prosperous life? Look at the average 56%-er right now. Drinks soda nonstop, fast food, sports, casual sex without regard to health, political opinions that can be summed up in a short sentence or less, extremely susceptible to the most basic marketing techniques. Capitalism takes advantage of these people (who are your countrymen - even white countries have the low IQ untermenschen class) to enrich the kikes up top, leading invariably to moral degredation and a culture hostile to intelligence and awareness. It's just as jewish as communism and you're a clear boomer if you can't see it.

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NPCs with no ideas but who want to seem smart but also know that they might sound stupid so they pretend they're joking but also not joking haha

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wow dude are you like a Nazi or something?

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Being even slightly interesting in any kind of a sport team these days is the biggest good goy thing you can do. It's on same lvl as dick mutilation.

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I don't get it, why are they getting so worked up about this? Random people across the political spectrum are flipping because of it. Someone calling you a bitch, whore, pussy whatever, alright. But this?

Depends, if your local team is all white English but in a regional league then what’s the harm?


Radial centrist here
politics is for NPCSs

Attached: kmZzM03.jpg (983x376, 49K)

It's just a replacement for patriotism. People need to feel proud about something (((sport teams))) just lead people astray from the truth like drugs.

>making a political position out of the middle ground fallacy

You can be wrong or you can be right, or you can be mildly wrong and be a centrist


They cower in fear as we win the cultural revolution

>we need to gas half the Jews

The NPC is immunized against all dangers: one may call them a Chad, roastie, normie, incel, it all runs off them like water off a raincoat. But call him a NPC and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Explain Google, turbokike

>Germany was the bad guy in ww1

>National Socialism

Literally "I want to be a part of a collective" the ideology

>DA (99(((09((JOOOOZZZZ))00090)!!!!112

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You have to be beyond naive to believe this is how things actually play out.

>If a corporation wanted to do something counter to what people want then nobody would give them money anymore
Oh, you naiive fool...

Attached: TrumpNPC3.jpg (605x413, 141K)

Nah. A test to see if someone is NOT an NPC is if they are woke on the JQ.

Meanwhile, the left literally calls anyone who disagrees with them a bot.

>pfft stupid lefties all generalizing us enlightened right-wingers
>I bet all the lefties are cucks and bot criers! XD

School finish early?

>I don't think like one group of people but I think like the other group of people therefore have real opinions and a value system I came up with my own
No. Sage and fuck off with this npc bullcrap already. Its bordering flat earth bs

Attached: npcbaitfished.png (1242x1230, 188K)

Attached: gasp pepe.png (510x332, 64K)

Shit, it's some kind of meta-jew

Here’s one:
>posting statisics that you haven’t read the source to.

>using life expectancy global rank as a metric for health

this is just disingenuous

It's the US's falling spot that's the problem.