Why is Republican humor best humor?

Why is Republican humor best humor?

Is this part of 'owning the libs' strategy?

Attached: ben.png (646x693, 495K)

I keked.

Okay, this is epic.

No, this is epic

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Where can I buy this shot glass?

narrowest shoulders ever
it's just so feminine to have clavicles that are this narrow
you look like a little boy with those. at least go to the gym

No, this is epic.

Attached: 1536661479417.jpg (1080x1147, 183K)

No, this is epic

Attached: BenShaprioOwnsYetAnotherLib.png (478x767, 274K)


humor is most effective when it is based in truth. That's why leftists can't meme because memes are the language of truth. They can only succeed at taking over humor by censorship and extreme nepotism

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How is he the only jew that looks less like a jew from the side?

I fucking hate this passive aggressive vague "X tears" nu-banter. Such a feminine way to make fun of others. Belongs in tumblr.


spotted the shareblue shill

user DESTROYS leftist humour

Agreed. It's shocking to me that people consider this shit humorous.

How is it not funny?

You're kidding right? Why would it be funny? "Drinking X tears" is literally the purview of screeching retards on tumblr and has been for years. It takes absolutely zero creative spark to say "Haha, you disagreed with me, looks like you're a CRYBABY!" which is what this amounts to.
It was stupid when reeing leftists did it to reassure themselves that they're tough badass chicks and it's just as cringey to see (((fellow right-wingers))) doing it, maybe more since they're dragging me into it by association and elevating this infantile nonsense into the mainstream discourse.

Attached: 48b1eb42.jpg (836x529, 69K)

> Shapiro posting

Jesus Christ.

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I want Benji to get hit by a truck

please stop posting here, ben. reddit is much more ((your speed))

Based and Redpilled! XD

This shtick is beginning to get old.

Actually funny

>Because it's Ben "Facts don't care about your feelings, unless we are talking about Israel" Shapiro

everytime I think about this guy and that other guy who shook the hands of the africans that murdered his daughter, I get real sad.

>Rabbi Shipiro
>(((Republican humor)))

Attached: 1497027714746.png (23x585, 1K)

>you criticized a jew so you're jewish somehow durr
>1 post by this ID
you have to go back

To be fair, those are some damn fine tacos, and his daughter was a vapid leftist cunt.

Is he really /ourguy/?