1. Muhammad was born into a Jewish tribe, Banu Quraish, and worked as a (((merchant))) 2. Banu Quraish lived in the Jewish Himyarite Kingdom in western Arabia 3. All of Muhammad's wives, except for one, were Jewish 4. Muhammad's top lackey and the first Caliph of Islam, Abu Bakr "Al-Siddiq", was a Jewish exilarch from Iraq name Rebe Shallum 5. The majority of 'biblical' stories in the Qur'an actually have their origins in the Talmud 6. Justifications for criminal acts in the Qur'an are justified with word for word quotes from the Talmud, the best example being Muhammad using Yebamoth and Sanhedrin to justify having sex with a 9 year old girl 6. The religious laws found in the Qur'an are identical to those found in the Talmud - i.e. Kosher is interchangeable with Halal 7. Jews and Moslems may pray in either a Mosque or a Synagogue 8. The first Ulema, which created the Sharia, was located in Kufa, Iraq, and was within walking distance of the Talmudic academies of Sura and Pumpedita, where the Babylonian Talmud was created less than 100 years earlier - most of this Ulema was made up of Jewish Rabbis who 'converted' to Islam
I could go on and on. Anyone who denies that Islam = Judaism 2.0 for the goyim is either totally ignorant or a liar. Stopped saying Islam is based and red pilled, you might as well say the same things about Judaism.
Yes, but Islam IS a sect of Judaism that gradually split off, and that is due to the fact that the Jew Muhammad wanted to let 'inferior goyim' become proselytes en mass, which is a big part of why he had conflicts with the Jews.
Adam Foster
Christianity is Judaism 2.0
Lincoln Sanchez
That's impossible because Christianity came before Judaism.
Jack Clark
Nothing is wrong with merchants. The problem is OLIGARCHY.
Ryder Rogers
I would agree. The only thing that stops them from being classed as the same race is their skin, but the 2 are definitely Abrahamic races
Asher Russell
good thread. islam is the jewish replacement for native arab pagan religions just as christianity is the replacement for native aryan religions.
Jackson Morales
Islam is nothing but a meme... I KEK
James Ramirez
Based. Thanks for this, I will add it to.my copypastas...
archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/175692215/ St. Augustine reversed 300 years worth of antisemitic doctrine within the Catholic church. yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300166286/augustine-and-jews >She shows how Augustine’s struggle to read the Bible led him to a new theological vision, one that countered the anti-Judaism not only of his Manichaean opponents but also of his own church. The Christian Empire, Augustine held, was right to ban paganism and to coerce heretics. But the source of ancient Jewish scripture and current Jewish practice, he argued, was the very same as that of the New Testament and of the church—namely, God himself. Accordingly, he urged, Jews were to be left alone. From Christianity Today: >As an 18-year-old student at Carthage, Augustine reveled in promiscuity. Sex had become an obsession for him. “From a perverted act of will,” he wrote, “desire had grown, and when desire is given satisfaction, habit is forged; and when habit passes unresisted, a compulsive urge sets in.” After a year of promiscuity in that university city, Augustine settled down with a mistress. ((((Although he never revealed her name, he remained with her for more than a decade. ...)))) 300 years later, after Jews had been integrated with a previously SEGREGATED society, Islam was created in order to retake the holy land. youtu.be/isskmxLG28k