The left won't bring it up, because they don't want to 'defend' him for it.
Trump paid for Stormy's abortion
Hideous even when he was younger? Damn.
That's what a successful man looks like, faggot, show some respect.
have you seen his sons and daughter?
fucking disgusting m8
>imagine having a leader as compassionate and beautiful as this human being
How? He's revolting.
Trudeau doesn't look great, but at least he isn't absolutely repulsive.
>cut cock, ugly jew face, elaborate hair to hide his bad genetics, sexual deviant, serial cheater.
Trump got some explaining to do.
>Trump paid for Stormy's abortion
What a dick head
How could mushroom man kill barron's brother? not even bill did that
>billionaire pays for mistresses abortion (implying he had unprotected sex while he is married and has 3 other children)
can we get this man an award stat?
the JEW media needs to acknowledge this!
OP how much nitrous have you done today you fucking baboon
>implying he had unprotected sex
Stormy's lawyer said it multiple times during the Tucker interview. Stormy also told the European press that she has information that could damage the president to the point that he'd resign.
He knocked her up.
Nice leftist meme you got there. How do you like this one comrade?
You should be using the dog dick mushroom instead, although I guess the tip isn't that bulbous.
no shit he did you fucking idiot i’m saying how stupid OP is for thinking Trump deserves anything foe fucking some stripper without a condom while married
I am OP, faggot. What I'm saying is he will get away with it because he's so fucking BASED the Left won't bring it up. The fucking guy is the God Emperor, taking what he wants, and nobody can stop him. It's amazing.
Think about it. If the left were to go after him about it, they'd be saying that abortions are bad. They'd be back tracking on 50 years of "progress" and "woman's rights"
Even if it isn't true, we should start getting the Left to 'meme' this, and then call them out on their bullshit. Their brains will implode, they'll go even more crazy, and the party will fall apart even more.
Fucking hell Jow Forums, it's like you don't know what a fucking psyop is anymore. Bunch of fucking boomer faggots.
will images of toad be enough to troll trumpfags now? Lets find out
you sound like the ugliest grossest incel ive ever heard
>The emporor takes what he wants
you worship him and jerk your musty dick when trump does something to offend the left bc “muh triggersXDD”
literally no one on this site is a boomer shut the fuck up and go suck trump dick
>literally no one on this site is a boomer
Says the faggot that doesn't know how IDs work here. Go back to facebook grandma.
Defend him for being a hypocrite?
He has had hotter pussy than any of you fucktards. Mushroom dick or not.
“He knows he has an unusual penis,”
“It has a huge mushroom head. Like a toadstool…
“It may have been the least impressive sex I’d ever had, but clearly, he didn’t share that opinion.”
“I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart..."
Stormy Knows the truth
>hotter pussy
The Italian PM had prime pussy, Gadaffi has prime pussy...Trump fucks a dumpster and we are supposed to be jealous?
An obese fuck like him needs to pay a literal filthy whore to fuck him...then pays her AGAIN so she does not tell the world he is a miserable fuck.
LOL, fucking /ptg/ boomers...neck yourselves
>Defend him for being a hypocrite?
Everyone in politics is a hypocrite. That's not the point. It's like the Global Warmer's that deny that the climate changes naturally.
The point is that the Left knows this, and won't bring it up or discuss it. This is how we fuck Planned Parenthood and the abortion agenda in general.