The jews are not the enemy of humanity it is the Japanese

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If (((you))) say so


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The Japanese person is the exact opposite of the Jew. The Jew fears the Japanese

As (((you))) wish

japs are too shy to rape,they have small benis also they would commit sudoku cause the victim would burst into laugh attacks at tiny asian benis

>The Japanese are not the enemy of mankind, they are pretty based. The real enemies are the jew and his eternal lapdog

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Whatever helps (((you))) sleep at night.

Retard they hate whites. Your retarded and autistic for watching cartoons made for seven year olds.
No that's chinks. I've seen all sorts of reports of rapes of white women by Yakuza.
How's your wife son achmed doing pewds.
What's it like being non white you shouldn't post at all Italy.

You’re retarded and autistic. Check your autism bro

>the Japanese
Fuck off Schlomo

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Yellows and Browns should be flushed down
They breed like roaches.

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You hate the samurai because you fear the samurai.

T. My grandpa

No. I have a simple principle when it comes to people who have prior been our enemies:

-If they fought courageously, savagely, and without asking for or giving quarter until their near-extermination, I love them.

-If they fought bravely but surrendered when obviously outmatched, I respect them.

-If they fought poorly and weakly, but lacked culture and strength, and so quickly folded, I pity them.

-If we've never fought them because they used money, trickery, treason and obfuscation to turn us aside to fight their enemies at every turn, I hate them.

Guess which one the fucking Jews are, and guess which one the Japanese are.

>Narrated by Rodger Waters




Is this bait? I don't think that jew shills can be this stupid.

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Jews fear Japanese anime.

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No. He is just one of the Eternal Chinks, forever assmad at the Honorary Aryan.

The Japanese were never a real enemy, they turned on us when the Jew used Roosevelt to take steel away for them. It was a fight for their fucking survival. The Rape of Nanking was killing commies and potentially saving the lives of millions more than they were killing. The Jew fear the samurai, so it used America to end Japan for them.

t. Zhang Wang

The Eternal (((Jap)))...

Attached: TheEternalJap.jpg (501x585, 100K)

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fake jew and jap are both of the same bloodline
from ham, shem came from ham. you should
see what they really look like without japheth

they're AI, gods restrainer and grace are what
is keeping them from going full terminator
mode on all of us japhethians.

k9 = 119 DOG

opposite of dog is God, or Real people.

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1 Jap has more honor than the entire jewish race

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>Falling for Japanese tricks.
You need to open your eyes to the deception. The Japanese merchant has bought you hard.



>getting mad when they use smarter tactics
Smh just like the niggers with whites

No you cultureless retard, whites fucking fought niggers and won effortlessly, over and over.

If we actually behaved like Jews towards blacks, they would be right to hate us.