This is fine

This is fine.

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bluepilled af

It's the sun's fault


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Hey user how come your chart only goes back that far? Can you explain the Roman warming period to me? Why was it so hot back then when there weren't factories. Could it be that the temperature changes and isn't influenced by humans?

Aren't we currently on the period of the ice age cycle where temperatures are supposed to be rising?

Attached: PhanerozoicTemperatureShaviv.png (1029x571, 72K)

it's funny because apathy is exactly what the corporate kikes want out of you so you keep buying cheap bullshit
Solar variation can be ruled out as the cause of the warming trend.
>paleo reconstruction
Is imprecise as fuck and of dubious significance of global historical trends. Multiple lines of evidence strongly support the idea that human activities are causing the modern trend.

>imprecise as fuck and of dubious significance of global historical trends.

>science is only inaccurate and wrong when it doesn't agree with what I think it should say

it typically ebbs and flows due to volcanic activity
the great dying was basically a massive bubble of magma that ate it's way to the surface and erupted until it killed 95% of living land species iirc.

what matters to humans most is the acidification of the oceans due to pollutants. because the ocean is really balanced on temperature, and ocean life is very finely tuned to thrive in specific conditions, the destruction is reciprocal and much more threatening then global warming on a thousand year scale.

>muh ice age
we won't be going back to one now

Attached: 2000_Year_Temperature_Comparison.png (1449x1088, 316K)

Nobody denies global warming doesn't exist except maybe flat Earthers. That's not the fucking argument. It doesn't matter because you won't learn anything anyway.

Literally a made up chart.

Wow another made up chart.

Paleo reconstructions are not enough to discard all the evidence for the modern trend, of which we have vastly more than we do of all historical climates ever. But you would know that if you were actually informed and could rationally consider all of the evidence. I haven't dismissed your evidence as non-evdence; I have dismissed its significance in understanding the warming trend since 1900.

Not made up at all, but based on measurement data. The one I posted consists of several paleo reconstructions overlaid with the instrumental record.

Fake and Gay

That is accurate global data, the one thrown together by two guys making wild guesses is this one Made up of observed data from various sources, as opposed to your apparently preferred method of "pull things out of our ass that tell us what we want to hear".

is this one of those charts that came from doctored data to ensure a scary outcome?

the only thing getting deadly hot is the smoldering pile of garbage that climate science has boxed itself into

>more plants
>more wildlife
>don't have to deal with horrible winters six months a year
Yes, yes it is fine.

Nothing's deadly hot yet. That will come after several centuries. Your ignorance of climate science is not grounds for dismissal of the evidence.

No, according the the climate gate emails, the data points for these charts have all been made up.

zoom out

>based on some measurement data

ah yeah, you can always discard samples which do not carry the narrative for being faulty

looks bearish to me

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>of which we have vastly more than we do of all historical climates ever.
Typical b.s. of "there is tons of evidence" and showing none of them

>"pull things out of our ass that tell us what we want to hear".

climate "science" nicely summed up

Gotta keep that funding coming in.

>things that aren't true
Higher temperatures increase transpiration from plants. Combine that will all the soil erosion and deforestation currently ongoing, and the future of forests and whole biomes is more in doubt than it is assured simply by an increase in CO2.
Nothing in those e-mails suggests the kind of fabrication you denialtards are all too eager to jump to conclusions about in order to dismiss everything out of hand without further consideration. Most of the criticisms I've seen rest on a misunderstanding of error correction of systematic biases, which is empirically valid in data analysis.

Zoomout faggot

And cycles are also real. Stop sucking Al Gore's green cock and realize fear and money are at the root of climate change

>the future of forests and whole biomes is more in doubt than it is assured simply by an increase in CO2

so because of that we need to tightly regulate your life - it's for your own good.

stop pedding your lies.


What more do you want? OPs chart is based on millions of data points. Here's some more.
AGW is strongly likely to be true, regardless of what politicians and hypocrites do.

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I don't know what you're talking about. The literally state the outcome is not what they wanted time and time again and ask the engineers to rewire the programs until the results are the desired ones. It's very simple.

>Nothing in those e-mails suggests the kind of fabrication you denialtards are all too eager to jump to conclusions

ah yeah, if you refuse to acknowledge a scam, it doesn't really exist. keep looking the other way.

Attached: climate_change1.png (623x873, 263K)

LOL. That's not the real data. The `30s were as hot a present day and the real data shows that.

and they do stuff like take reading from city or from the center of some huge asphalt parking lot. places where temp would be the highest possible

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exactly as they did on wall street

Yes this is fine. More of Canada and Russia will become usable, Africa and the middle-east will become even bigger shitholes, and the EU will probably become even more self-destructive from pity. Feel bad for Aussland though...

>140 years

Fuck off brad

You can change the scale on any graph and make it look scary. The scale on this in terms of actial risk should be 5 times higher on the y axis

First I want you to wake up from the capitalist malaise of consumption that drives all of humanity and much of natural life towards doom, just not the humans and other organisms that happen to be alive right now.

*adjusted data
funny how the unadjusted graph looks very different

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>mean temperature

ah thanks for controlling my life and telling me what to do in a totally non-authoritarian way, glorious leader

It keeps making French and Italian wine from the 1980s more valuable, so yes, it's very fine.

Exactly. In linear regression analysis, they simply take the lower data points from the older sets and the higher ones from the later sets. It's an invented new slanted mean. Disgusting that people call this science.

What are you talking about? The truth of AGW does not rest on future predictions of computer models.
There's no scam. You don't have the scientific reasoning capabilities to understand why what they are discussing in those e-mails is no evidence of conspiracy at all but a legitimate discussion of systematic error corrections.

who cares

Fuck you and your fudged data

>exactly what the corporate kikes want out of you so you keep buying cheap bullshit
Yeah, it sucks living like a king..

>this image again
>no scale on the y-axis
>not realising that the extemely rapid rate of warming relative to epochs show that there is clear human interference in the atmosphere

Can't understand what is gained by denying climate change and it's effects when it's going to fuck over yourself and your children's children.

>You don't have the scientific reasoning capabilities to understand

well, you don't actually know that, but keep making assumptions. that's why your type keeps losing.

but of course i'm willing to listen to your excuses. pile them on. i'm sure you've convinced yourself, and it's hilarious to see you attempt to convince others, when they were outed good and proper.

nigger this is bait

I'm saying no such thing. You are misrepresenting me. I just want you to pull your retard brain out of your faggot butthole and learn something that proves your idiotic dismissals completely wrong.

yes! yes! now hand over your shekels to the government for your climate crimes like a good goy!

The surest sign of low IQ is someone who thinks linearly instead of cyclically.

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try it to explain to the brainwashed lefties ...

>northern canada and alaska become farmland
Yes, it actually is fine. We just need to make sure we build the wall.

>proves your idiotic dismissals completely wrong.

well, you've failed miserably to do so thus far - consequently, we can establish that you're the retard.

but we already knew that the minute you decided to parade your ignorance about climate about.

wow we better import millions of third worlders into the first world to combat climate change

Attached: CANADAVSQUEBEC.jpg (612x637, 202K)


Not good enough, I'm tired of these 7 month long New England winters.

When climate change really gets going, it'll be billions fleeing unlivable conditions.

Neither of the political sides want to actually fix this shit.
One want to use it to cause drama and power, the other is too busy fighting china with their same dirty tactics.

well, in fairness - most could probably work as climate 'scientists' with a few weeks worth of training. fudging charts, and discarding of inconvenient data points - that sort of thing.

I do actually. You have abundantly demonstrated your ignorance of the facts and how the data is to be properly understood using the tools of science, multiple times in this thread. Don't get defensive, you're just a fucking retard regurgitating lies that can be debunked with scientific analysis.
This graph is made by a denialtard and contradicts the graphs of numerous scientific papers on the modern warming trend. Denying the trend even exists by applying erroneous analysis is laughable.

>climate change denial
>flat earthers
>same boat

Hi Rabbi, nice to see you are posting for shekels.

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Yeah, better to do something now to prevent this from happening instead of denying it, when this will be the consequence of inaction.

It is fine. Warmer temperatures mean more livable land area.

Global warming is a simple way to punish developed countries and mke them pay developing nations by penalizing development by carbon credit offsets. If you dont know this there is no hope for you. It is plain marxism.

wow, an entire degree

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Actually, all of your posts have been based on denialist canards that can be demonstrated to utilize unsound reasoning and improper analysis. You could try to learn how it really works, but that would require humility instead of delusion and regurgitation of various lies that can be demonstrated to be such.

No it doesn't at all.

>you're just a fucking retard regurgitating lies that can be debunked with scientific analysis.

really? all i see you posting is the same old, stale, repeatedly - and trivially so - debunked 'science' which soros paid you handsomely to shill about.

i suppose you being here means someone can take a break.

how about reading a book instead of "we love science, the right is literally anti-science" memes

I'll even help you

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fucking lol - every post of yours is literally a repeated, canned response.

you're not really terrible intelligent, though highly gullible. that's probably why you chose climate science.

Attached: Image 2018-09-18 at 6.47.58 PM.png (715x969, 1.24M)

Yeah like when Al Gore said NY would be under water by 2010. IT'S SETTLED SCIENCE

The actual science has not been debunked. Your claims are empty rhetorical tricks. The warming trend exists, and multiple lines of evidence strongly suggest human activity is the primary driving factor.

>1 degree

yes. now stop taking my tax dollars to fund your pet projects.

Lol I love watching retards try to sound intelligent. This post is what stupid people think "smart" looks like.

>liberals actually believe that weather stays linear across all of time and has never been significantly hotter or colder and that such trends can never happen naturally and if they do, it must be because of pollution
The absolute retardation of the political left.

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Okay you fucking mime, you just repeat what I say about how you're wrong, ignoring and bypassin the specific reasons based in scientific understanding as to why you are wrong. Instead of addressing them you continue to act like a weaselly kike using sophist rhetorical tactics. Please kys.

the fact you call the raw data erronius analysis is hilarious. when the model doesnt fit reality, reality is wrong

>multiple lines of evidence strongly suggest human activity is the primary driving factor

especially when you cherry pick your data points, put them on a cherry picked timeline, and ignore all debate on the topic.

remind me again how science these days is a popularity contest. muh 98%.

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Miami is halfway there now, just because he had the numbers wrong doesn't mean it's not happening at all.

The raising oceans are an objective fact.

Attached: Image 2018-09-18 at 6.50.02 PM.png (729x960, 1.26M)

Daily reminder that this is jus a warm period amongst a million + year ice age

This faggot and 90% of this board is gish galloping to the denialtard finishing line. Drown your opponent in an ocean of bullshit and repeated canards that have been repeatedly addressed every time this argument comes up. That's all you have, because you can't say anything that's actually rational and convincing. I can't even keep up with all the retarded bullshit.

Attached: Image 2018-09-18 at 6.50.27 PM.png (722x957, 1.18M)

>Please kys

well, i'm sitting here on my beach front property, expecting a tidal wave. that's what you useful idiots predicted. well, at least, after you thought the earth was cooling.

>the effects of China in the world

How old is this? The models keep getting proven wrong lately because the results are worse than expected.

It's not raw data. It's literally made up shit from a denialist faggot. Go look at the graphs in real scientific papers.
It's not cherry picked. It's the sum total of the most reliable evidence gathered since the modern era.

>The raising oceans are an objective fact.

stop your lies