What is it with the rampant dick sucking of Russia on this board? It makes no sense at all

What is it with the rampant dick sucking of Russia on this board? It makes no sense at all.
Yes, it's best to be on good terms with them to avoid war and they should always be respected, but then I see posters (American posters no less) that actively wish that Russia would invade America and topple us.
It's disgusting, Russia is not the bastion of white society and traditionalism people seem to think it is. "Based Putin" does not exist.

Someone explain this mentality to me please.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Bump, answer me you traitors.

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>One of Europe's largest mosques opens in Moscow

>Russia: Drone captures massive Eid al-Fitr celebrations in Moscow

>Russia: The World's Second-Largest Immigration Haven

>part of the plan /Kadyrov’s soldiers (20.000) are ready to kill Ukrainians if Putin will give an order

Crimea: Largest Mosque Ever Built, for Crimean Tatars

Political Islam, Migrant Crime, Terror Cells Challenge Putin Claims of 'Great White Hope'

Attached: gopnik.jpg (549x911, 68K)

Because of "muhh based qt slavic women" or "muhh baste putin maymays xDDD"

Russia was and always be a shithole. Westerners tend to be deluded about them. Perhaps they are ashamed of being Americans, idk, I love the US and would kill to be an American.


Attached: The+one+to+rule+them+all_066a50_6610420.jpg (1200x7078, 801K)

Because they really believe that Putin is le saviour of the white race and traditionalism even though Russia is a big slum with Aids ridden habitants

We don’t care about Russia itself. Many just like the stances and actions Russia has taken in foreign policy. The open secret of opposition to israeli objectives like Iran and Syria. Also based Assad unironically

And an even bigger melting pot than the US itself.

Putin likes to kiss jewish ass and it is probably a crypto jew

Joan hates Russia because it has no famous sweets or foods high in Transfats.

Fuck off Joan

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It’s politics. In foreign affairs it’s undeniable Russia is a counter to Israeli and western objectives. Putin shakes hands with bibi and then cucks then in Syria.

>In foreign affairs it’s undeniable Russia is a counter to Israeli and western objectives.

No one is worshiping those inbred mongoloids you fucking pidor proxy hohol.

Russia doesn't have niggers running amok and tranny faggots reading to preschool children. Russia doesn't worship football niggers either. Russia > America

Just a buch of paid sills pushing their agenda.
Thought this is common knowledge really.

yeah it has chechnyans who are like 1000 times more dangereous than low iq niggers

A Russian plane was just shot down yesterday. The official story is that Israeli f16 flew behind the Russian ECC plane to hide from Syrian air defense, and the Syrian missle mistakenly struck the Russian plane because of it. (It’s more likely the Israelis, or the French ship, shot down the Russian plane.)

Russia is an ally of Iran. Iran is helping to defeat the jihadist groups in Syria, so is SAA.

Are you telling me Russia and Israel aren’t at opposite sides in Middle East operations?


putin kiss jewish ass, and let israel to do whatever the fuck it wants in the middle east

wait why did the communist flag appeared

Because you have been false-flagging some other thread with your gay and AIDS ridden opinions.

i do not shill for russians

Russia doesn't let fags and muds run amok. They will physically remove any fag or mud who acts up.

That is what I appreciate about them.

retarded beaner lmao

retarded vatnik scum

sure thing, ivan..

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>what is a proxy
It's just like how leafs became the worse fucking people on this board when Hillary was aiming for office.

I hope they invade us so they can kill fags like you. I'll even enlist in VDV death squads so I can do it personally.

the russian army is filled of gay men

When things in your country so bad that any other less worse things is an improvement.

At least they have an army. You can't even control the drug gangs in your country.

niggers are way more destructive than Chechens. What planet are you living on?

Russia has more nationalism than any country other than greece or turkey maybe. They represent an idealised america for a lot of poltards.

Sage this literal faggot post

Making such a shitty thread you have to grab your cellphone to bump it.

This is another IDF shill thread that is trying to subtly undermine Russia so that we stop calling out their Israeli false flags. As always, sage and ignore.


Niggers are too stupid to cause a secession war

Simple: We have a 5th column in America called the left that became worse than Russia ever was while Russia toned it down after Communism fell.

The communists are here now.

It's Russians using american proxies. Jesus Christ. It's an active measure. Haven't you guys noticed the attempt to make Russia "cool" in the past decade or so?

The Putin memes where hes on a bear, on tanks. The "in Russia, we do this and that" meme. The meanwhile in Russia memes.

All of it. It's Russian propaganda. They've been doing this shit for decades.

Why? Because young people on the internet are impressionable. They want to normalize the way you see Russia. They want Russia to seem not so bad. When in fact its a shithole run by dictators and the Russian mafia. Because when the real news about Russia drops, and it will, you will see who they really are and it's not going to be pretty. Except to those who were brainwashed by the Russian memes.

A lot of people on the board think in black-snd-white terms. If Russia is good in one aspect it has to be good in all aspects.
And it's not only about Russia. A shit ton of nuance is lost on pol/ a one because they have the need for authoritative answers and definitive ones. Yes or no kind of reasoning. God forbid you actually know the subject and have views that are the middle of the road. Also, to be honest, it's part of the beauty of this board to some extent.

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>but then I see posters (American posters no less) that actively wish that Russia would invade America and topple us
Must be a rare sight since I have never seen this happen at least not unironically. You are not just making shit up, are you?
Seriously tho Jow Forums is a place where anons don't just drink (((western))) kool aid just because muh greatest ally.
In case the hivemind sides with the opposite in some cases with the enemy then you seriously need to look at your own politics.

All limp dick faggots just as bad as fucking betas onions that want their fucking daddy to fuck them in the ass. Any man willing to be subjugated by another country is pathetic


Active measure

Agreed, fuck off Rusians. Get your country out of the third world and come back in 10 yrs.

Wouldn't like to receive 15 rubles? So just play along.