Why the fuck did she even come forward?

Why the fuck did she even come forward?

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She's mentally ill.

Offerings of jewgeld.

Because fuck trump and fuck white men

She's mentally ill.

Your mom came forward.

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The goal of the (D)emocrats is to (D)elay everything for as long as possible, because that's all they've got. They are hoping, pleading, crying, praying for Trump to lose the 2020 election, so they intend to slow things down so that they can quickly reverse all he's done. They are mad enough that he got one SC judge in, now they want to slow down the second one and be such a thorn in everyone's side that the enemy will give up in frustration.

Trump doesn't give in to these tactics, so they are pushing it into maximum overdrive and still failing

damn she's ugly

even if she is telling the truth, who is the real victim in this case

Because she lives in a liberal bubble and never thought someone could challenge her accusation. Also it just a ploy to delay the vote long enough for congress to go back to campaigning

She is going to make BANK on the book deal she will get from liberal publishers. Plus all the money she will make from liberal donors because fuck drumpf.

She's mentally Ill


Follow the money. Watch closely over the next several months as her family purchases cars and homes. There was payoff somewhere, believe me.

she sacrificed her reputation, lying to save Abortions from Nazi Trump and KavanGoebbels

because she is a mentally aberrated roastie, go figure

because she is too old to even get niggers to fuck her

Attention-seeking. Seriously, this guy's so fucking good.

>Trump doesn't give in to these tactics
They don't know how to deal with this. I don't think any of them dealt with a no-bullshit commander in chief before.

1) it actually happened and by some magic she sat on this story until kavanaugh is about to be a supreme
2)she's crazy
3)she was paid off by dems, commies, alinsky tactics, etc

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Clearly not attractive enough to get raped.

follow the money

Actual, principled conservative here. I've supported Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy in 2015, and I was beyond impressed with his decision to nominate Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. With that said, I take all matters relevant to sexual assault very seriously. I have a daughter, and I believe it is our duty -- no, our universal moral imperative -- to hear out all women who have allegedly been sexually assaulted -- including Kavanaugh's accuser, Christine B. Ford -- loudly, clearly, and as transparently as possible. We must also allow the Senate to conduct a thorough investigations of what are seemingly credible allegations of sexual assault. Remoteness shouldn't play much of a part in our considerations. Let me remind you that this isn't a partisan issue. Sexual assault harms everyone. Given my strong principles, I can even come to acknowledge the reasonableness with which Senators Kamala Harris and Chuck Schumer speak.Thus, I support a delay in the Senate's vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Once he is cleared, I think the Senate should confirm him. And that's coming from an actual, principled conservative.

>She's mentally ill.
Aren't they all?

stfu cuck

Kys nigger

They threatened to kill her family and even her dog nigga.

to give corker and flake cover

NEW: Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying, lawyer says.

hahahahahahaha he's finish

kill yourself shill




I know this is bait, but "principled conservative" just means willing to bend to democrat orders.

MORE: Lawyers for Christine Blasey Ford say in letter that she has "been the target of vicious harassment and even death threats" and because of that, has been forced to leave her home. https://

>to give corker and flake cover
seriously if those two faggots fuck this up my skull is literaly going to come off my head. I almost dare them to do it just to see what happens. it would almost be worth them fucking it up just to see them get tortured to death

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>he's finish
FBI already said NO - twice.

I mean how is it not completely obvious that this is the reason.

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I'd fuck her.

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>anything that harms my conspiracy with my boss is bad
Kill yourself, neoliberal.

there is not status of limitation on rape...fbi do your fukken job

I smell pasta boiling. This could be gud.

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Her life is ruined. She will never be able to have a normal life and (((they))) will not make her independently wealthy.

What is your definition of rape? Also, both were minors at the time, if it did happen.

Everyone has a price, and it's usually not very high.

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>Book deal
What is slander and lible?

If not money, threats and blackmail?

the (((they))) are on the right not the left dumbass

wasted numbers and fuck off retard

>She's mentally ill.

99% of psychologists are mentally ill themselves, ask anyone who works around them on a regular basis.

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You sound like a faggy Nancy boy

After the confirmation hearing was finished and no dirt was found on Kavanaugh, the info was released as a final way to delay the nomination and to try to discredit him.

It's politics not morality.

Nigga what?

Pathetic, as expected.

Anita Hill is still considered a strong heroic woman by the left.

Fudging dirty jew tricks

first of all, you goddamn cretin, the statute of limitations on rape is generally the same for any felony, some states extend it longer, but there is a statute of limitations and it is not 30 years. second of all the FBI exists to investigate interstate organized crime and to perform counter-espionage.

She's a mentally ill leftist and the (((Democrats))) dangled a juicy carrot in front of her.

She did it for the shekels


Trips proves she's a fkn useful idiot who was punked into a kamikazee mission to blow up the liberals

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have you ever know a jew to give anyone money voluntarily? she isn't getting any money. she is just a deranged old roastie who cant even get nigger dick anymore and impeach drumpf is all she has left

She's pissed because Kavanaugh has had a successful career

A parasite that should be removed

The two month thing was extremely obvious.
They're scared.

jews don't pay money. she did it because she is a roastie and wants attention

Leaked Video!
Sorry. It's. Over.

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The important part is - THEY ALL KNOW EACH OTHER.

I can sense your sarcasm mate. But still, how the fuck are they supposed to investigate this? It's such a joke.

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FBI: "When specifically did this happen?"
Her: "I don't really remember... 35 years ago."

FBI: "So what evidence do you have to prove this happened?"
Her: "I have none."

FBI: "So what should we investigate?"
Her: "Uhhhh..."

I hope everyone who supports Trump votes inn November. If you see this and are thinking about not voting in the midterms just do it. Sick of the fucking Democrats.

like it couldnt have been more under the table or under some other guise. 250 is 250

This. She was paid off but not enough to actually testify under oath, cause when caught she's risking a bit more than the regular ridicule that she's going to get for this stunt.

I don't see anything on here about baseless allegations of things that didn't happen thirty-five years ago.

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I think it is time to call in a Medium.

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is carl feinstein in any way related to dianne feinstein?

They trade shekels all the time. That's how they get their dirty work done. It probably didn't take much though. There's a million crackwhores out there who would do it for less than a grand, which is pennies considering we're talking about one of the most powerful positions in the country.

What a load of shit on top of a load of shit.

this. so who is paying for her team of lawyers?

Can /x/ help?

I understand that you are replying to a shill but your facts are wrong here.
Please double check what you saying. There is no statue of limitations or rape or attempted rape in Maryland. There's a story about a guy who went to jail in 2013 for an alleged rape that happened 35 years ago. So yeah, they could prosecute him but why the fuck would it be a jurisdiction of FBI? On what grounds?
Also she should sue him, why hasn't she?

Also how the rape that happened in Maryland by Maryland's residents is FBI's jurisdiction?
Liberals don't know how the government works obviously but even for them that should be a no brainer.

they wanted to delay long enough to get through the election
then impeach and take it from there
but make no mistake
this is their long game
really really really


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>Remoteness shouldn't play much of a part in our considerations. Let me remind you that this isn't a partisan issue. Sexual assault harms everyone. Given my strong principles, I can even come to acknowledge the reasonableness with which Senators Kamala Harris and Chuck Schumer speak.Thus, I support a delay in the Senate's vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Once he is cleared, I think the Senate should confirm him. And that's coming from an actual, principled conservative.

Faggot who can't see through the Dems bullshit.
Hell my liberal Aunt and Uncle are calling bullshit on this one

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>Actual, principled conservative here.

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She's taking one for the team, honor doesn't matter anymore just power

>reasonableness with which Senators Kamala Harris and Chuck Schumer speak
this bait might have worked on a site like Facebook until this lol

Because as a post wall roastie, she can't pass up an opportunity to make herself seem desirable again.

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Why can this black guy fondle and grope on live TV during a FUNERAL and the roasties on Fake News yawn?

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is not the accusation, so
guess we're still fine


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nice response shill

they're not sending their best

oh shit


i thought NSA was counter-espionage. FBI is just fed police

She was raped

>Why the fuck did she even come forward?
Mentally retarded libtard is literally mentally retarded.

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Absolutely Flexian.

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True if big.

She's probably had fantasies of Kavanaugh raping her for years.

Hillary voters are "principled conservatives" insofar as neoliberalism means the unrestrained right of the idle rich to control markets without the people having a voice.