Kamala Harris Rapes

At a party I attended at Howard University 33 years ago I was rape by Kamala Harris. Justice needs to be served and Kamala needs to be held responsible for her crime.

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Lucky you she is pretty hot for a nog,can you describe the attack in more detail please.

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You Trumpkins are really triggered, huh?

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>I was rape

ok now get a phd and write a letter to your congressman

Get fucked Muhammad. Turn in your spoon.


Come and prise it from my cold dead fingers nigger fodder.

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Why make stuff up when you can dish out actual dirt?

Kamala Harris climbed up the political ladder on her back.

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How did you get raped? Did she pegged you in the ass or did she forced your dick in her pussy/ass.

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true if big

really, if its that easy to ruin a career, it should be a matter of course to destroy the democrats

any girls here want to say they were raped by a dem?

I hear and support you, OP. #BelieveAllAnons

That's a very insensitive word. "Huh." Like you assume so much about me. You should apologize.

I can attest, I witnessed Kamala ply user with alcohol and took him to the back bedroom when he was barely able to walk. I didn't see her drink anything that night and she had a really creepy smirk on her face.

I was foreign exchange student, english is not by best language. she took advantage of me being a naive female and did things to me that would have gotten me killed by my family for losing honor.
I left Howard and do not trust police to do anything. Howard campus security did nothing when I complained to them.
Kamala likes girls more, I experienced it.
I am a girl
true, Howard has the report.
thank you, foreign exchange students like me were preyed upon by kamala and her friends.

Can you greentext the experience?

actually a better plan would be to blame a republican and then come out as a fraud after it gets taken seriously

I guess I'd find you to be more credible if you spoke to a therapist about this now (have them take notes so you can bring it up when she wins the DNC nomination), and then go to her yearbook and pick a couple of her classmates and claim they were there

I would let her rape me tbqhfam

I believe you.

I went to school counselor at Howard becuase I was so traumatized and counselor did nothing. Howard counselor did nothing. Howard security did nothing. I almost failed out of Howard that semester after being so traumatized and afraid of bumping into or seeing her on campus. Still wake up with night terrors because of what Kamala did to me.
If you are a girl, she would rape you too if given the chance.

dry as toast

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Just opening up about this is traumatizing and makes me cry. My children and family do not know. I teach my children not to trust police or school counselors because they will not help them.

I admire your commitment to the LARP

I have the proofs. My privates smell like curry and I have a gaptoothed bitemark on my junk.

Don't even ask me what she did to Pooh on the loo.

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The difference is, Ford is a teacher and you're a nobody.

No u weren't u incel

it really happened, Kamala likes small skinny girls like I was back then.
I am not from India, but people there do honor killings also from what I hear.
there should not be two tiers of justice. justice should be applied equally.
Yes, Howard security and counselor has documented proof when I told them the day after it occurred. I still remember all the details to this very detail. Anyone that cannot remember their rape is a liar unless they were drunk or passed out. I can remember it all.

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This is the Kamala Harris you're looking for...


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