The Trump administration is unable to account for the whereabouts of nearly 1...

>The Trump administration is unable to account for the whereabouts of nearly 1,500 migrant children who illegally entered the United States alone this year and were placed with sponsors after leaving federal shelters, according to congressional findings released on Tuesday.
The inability to track the whereabouts of migrant children after they have been released to sponsors has raised concerns that they could end up with human traffickers or be used as laborers by people posing as relatives.
How 'bout that pizzagate, huh?

Attached: mac tonight.png (312x212, 88K)

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Actually I have a friend that works at one of these camps. Apparently there was a huge fire and all the kids just vanished. Nobody can figure it out. The entire town is off limits.

>the inability to track the wareabouts of children who had no business being here in the first place

cool, sounds about right


Maybe dont come here illegally, or at all.

The Anti-Christ is on Earth.

Gee whiz maybe we should start separating all the spic kids hopping the border with their "parents"

>The Trump administration is unable to account for the whereabouts of nearly 1,500 migrant children who illegally entered the United States alone this year and were placed with sponsors after leaving federal shelters, according to congressional findings released on Tuesday.

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>its your fault we handed you have to a pedophile or human trafficker
>I cant read

>The Trump administration is unable to account for the whereabouts of nearly 1,500 migrant children who illegally entered the United States alone this year and were placed with sponsors after leaving federal shelters

Attached: unflattering-donald-trump-chin-photo-ps-battle-35.jpg (700x696, 98K)