Give me one tangible reason you hate Q

Give me one tangible reason you hate Q.

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People don't hate Q, it's just whiny millennials who don't like it when they get left out of the loop yet again.

I don't. I think the boomer response is hilarious.

>Literally a meme adopted by your senile parents so that they have something to do

Not really into LARP kiddo

Why hate something that doesn't exist?

It's LARP 101 and retarded Boomers fell for it hook line and sinker.

I'll admit that I thought Q MIGHT be legit at first too, until a week later when I realized he wasn't actually saying shit.

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I love it because it proves most trump voters are just desperate retards who don't understand people lie on the internet

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It takes pressure off Sessions who is obviously corrupt and divides the Trump movement.

This natzi websites claims that Q is a jewish scam. Opinions?

The gamification of politics is fascinating.
Perhaps the future of governance by an informed constituents.

Because I almost always have to follow it with a "U"

Because the US military is far too powerful for how little is supposedly being done.

I'd even believe if it was truly a group inside the government posting all of it, I just don't believe that they have any fucking say over what's really going on, it's all impotent.

>keeping the peace during a transition of power
>slow-boiling the narrative to not scare the public
Bullshit, rationalization for boomers who live in movies in their heads

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Instead of organizing people to do something useful, he just keeps saying stuff like "believe in the plan" and telling people to wait. Considering that a direct pipeline from Jow Forums to Boomers should be capable of world-changing feats, wasting it on completely pointless LARPing is amazingly irresponsible.

Idk over a year of trust this vague plan and a fat lot of nothing really. Just shitty buzzwords and nothing really tangible. I'll believe when shit actually happens

the one, and only, thing Jow Forums has ever been wrong about

Because it's Nostradamus for the boomer age. Vague nothings that can be construed as something when they have no deeper meaning.

I can't. I love Q.

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When you lie so good it needs censorship and full blown MSM attention/discrediting. What is wrong with more people being exposed to redpills exactly?

He is the biggest troll Jow Forums ever had

i dont. disavowing everything is part of the satire

A larp to convince right boomers to waste their time "researching" and grasping at straws instead of actually doing things that are useful. It's really just a shitty cult.

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I don't hate Q, I literally don't even think about Q.

>Doesn't think about Q even though he just posted about him

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yet trump doesnt call it out?
if it was a larp trump would have denounced it last november.
this blows your theory out of the water

What would Trump have to gain from that, regardless of what Q is? It keeps the drama and mystery going, and secures a certain group of Trump loyalists. Commenting on it would risk fracturing his base and call useless media attention to it and to him for considering it a matter of such importance that it needs to be denounced by the president.

It is full of IMMINENT HABBEDINGS that never happen. It is good for boomers into hope porn.