Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Cringy Morning Edition

>Current Merkel-victims: 22 y/o German beaten to death in Köthen/Sachsen-Anhalt

>Chemnitz rundown English


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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


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Moin moin

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Bümp for the lost youth of rapefugees ;_;

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Why did Maaßen not reveal dirt on Merkel but instead accepted the Schweigegeld?

Daily reminder to leave the church

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he was overdue anyway

He's wrong. Jesus was literally a antisémite. And im sure he would have hated niggers too if he ever walked through Berlin at night

Why would he? In less than 5 years he will retire and enjoy his pension.

Would've ruined himself as well, if not ONLY himself. Merkel did so much shit, a lot of it illegal, and nobody fucking cares apart from the AfD.

I was sitting next to a guy, surfing AfD sites. Guess his appearance:Grey hair, mid 50s, fat, oversized old clothes.

I voted AfD and I'm an fat engineering wizard in my 30s

The AfD is a magnet for losers.

The hot women all indulge in degeneracy

Rural and suburban retards etc.

It's mostly the losers that reveal their power level, so those are the ones you see in public. Regular people stay quiet about it because they have something to lose.


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I was visiting a Volksfest close to Munich and saw the most Germanic people in my life. Tall young women and men, dressed in expensive beautiful Bavarian folk clothes. They were not your typical fat redneck filthy folk people but real white people.

>30 years old
>they were over 20 when the war began
>still they lost their youth

ich esse die schiesse, alles duetch essen schiesse

Dann wünsche ich dir einen guten Appetit.

Hahaha I fuckin knew it, the shitshow will continue. These Idiots got duped by basedmamamerkel, she told them maassen will leave Verfassungsschutz so retarded spd heads started crying it out loud and being confident and now they realize they lost big time.

So will the SPD be #standhaft?
Was that the straw that broke the camels back? They will probably just get the choice for a new Verfassungsschutz stooge

lol, someone in amiland tries to shut down right wing youtube (again)

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I you have something to loose, revealing your powerlevel is not worth it.
I'd risk getting serious problems at my job for the slightest rightwing views


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well, so they didnt like maaßen getting a raise, but what is the other thing he is talking about?

ok, got it

Dalai Lama heute in Darmstadt Jungs

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Based and redpilled.

its ok to be white

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Juten Tach

Selbstloser Stupser. I'm off to morning training, Kameraden. Don't forget to self-improve! Even a little every day will get you further!

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He got promoted, why would he? Merkel dirts herself a lot. If you haven't watch the aftermath yesterday, everyone thinks this "Regierung" can't rule like this. It's a theatre.

ha! If only...

>Slept rather well, thx! Good day to you too, Herr Maus!


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This. The time will come when this charade is not necessary anymore.

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>the reincarnation of Michael Jackson!!!

Shamone!! :DD

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Just decided to skip my workout today and took a shower instead. I feel shit now, thanks.

As long as it stays in the family...

based alpha kevin provoking new ellections to boost the afd over 20%

get this man a beer!

based and redpilled

so lets do a summary.
The left views it as a win for the rightwingers, since they wanted to punish Maaßen, instead he got a payraise and "promotion". They overplayed their cards and said they will be tough this time, but they cucked yet again and get critized hard by all fractions of their party.

A win for AfD.

The conservatives view this as a loss for the CSU and Merkel. Merkel couldnt convince their coalition to let go of Maaßen completely, Seehofer had to defacto fire his guy and give him protection in his ministry. So Drehhofer cucked again.

Win for the AfD.

conclusion: SPD loses, CDU loses in bavaria (good), AfD wins (good), probably greens will win from this as well, as all the commies wander of to them (not good, since they have higher ratings than afd already according to "polls", but we will see).


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Should have done an extra section for Merkel since conservatives dont see it as a win that she demoted him, but rather that she lost power obviously

The absolute state of the Bundeswehr:
>Seit einigen Tagen lodert im Emsland ein großer Moorbrand. Bei Schießübungen der Bundeswehr hatte sich am 4. September auf einem militärischen Sperrgebiet eine Fläche entzündet. Ein bereitstehender Löschpanzer fiel defekt aus, sodass sich das Feuer schnell auf sechs Quadratkilometer ausbreiten konnte.

Germany is like a ripe fruit laying there ready to be plucked by anyone who wants it. This country has no funtioncing army

"our mole" Amthor subverting the CDU from within, getting attacked by (((Union der Mitte))) Merkels newly founded SA of Bücklinge.


CDU starting to eat itself: "was ist das für ein scheiß-laden hier" FUCKIN KEK first transforming they state into a scheißladen and then complaining about it.

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i think he preferes prosecco

>deutsch memes

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radicalising the greens might help us in the long run, because normal people will be pushed out by this. or they even split and maybe one half will be under the 5%

Don't feel bad, there is always tomorrow.

>Soldats face when

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go for it, a split happened in Austria after all and now look how grünenrein that parliament is

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So, then Martin Luther himself couldn't have been Christian, since he did all that (not online but in print).

True, but Jesus wasn't Christian.

You would be surprised what young women see as attractive these days.

Wrong, Jesus was the only Christian.

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He was the first self-hating jew.

>mfw the Austrian Greens have literally turned into fungis

I swim half an hour at my private pool and then go to gym for 1 a 1.5 hours
My power level is off the roof

Would have expected you'd say "...Mag. Maus!"


Nietzsche with .45 convinced me.

>private pool
One day...

dont see how AfD gain. SPD get a scalp and keep whining so to influence Maaßens replacement. meanwhile 3 other Germans got murdered since Chemnitz. this shows AfD have no power, no influence and are excluded, their polling mandate power is illusionary

>radicalising the greens
>ecofascist Splittergruppe trying to stop the humanflood endangering our ecosphere

A man may dream...

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I want out.

Let's just admit that the EU fucked up. The best we can do at this point is leave and build while the economy is still strong.

You are here, forever
and ever
and ever

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Germany meddling in brasilian elections.
Thats why Chulz was there recently.
>its totally ok when we do it!

Germany is too entangled into the financial mess the EU and the Euro (an undead currency) have become. The TARGET2 covering the Italian debts alone will break the neck of the Nationalbank. Other countries (Austria, Visegrads) may leave the sinking ship and cut their losses but Germany and France will inevitably go down in a mutual death embrace of hyperinflation. Weimar 2.0 soon. The night is darkest before the dawn.

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Ballistic nihilism :D

>Weimar 2.0 soon. The night is darkest before the dawn.
>Mein Geischt wenn
It can't come soon enough.

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>Maaßen soll Staatssekretär für den Bereich Sicherheit werden - allerdings ohne Verfassungsschutz.
Wait, so he gets more money and basically a similar job? I bet SPD-cucks are beyond mad.

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succinct. but even those countries that would cut the ties to the undead currency (cool name, (c.)) will suffer terribly, probably the same as with the central powers. this is because economy is extremely interconnected and countries have abandoned autarky principle long time ago. thus, let's assume Visegrad goes off the reservation and then euro turns belly up. hyperinflation in euro zone, payments mean nothing, unemployment spikes, production goes down, crime et cetera up considerably, all current ROL systems are already destabilized and stretched thin due to buntness. this in turn affect the rest of the world and closest neighbors most. many of the bigger industries there are not local, so when the mothercompany goes down, the subsidiaries will go down even before that! some stability in the East might be provided by Russia (remember - they, just as chinks - are buying gold hand over fist) so certain avenues for export might remain. then again it would require exceptional leadership in those countries and most importantly temporary reversal to autocracy, but since that is highly unlikely I see this shit going far and wide and very very bad. America will get hit too, and maybe even more so. with EUSSR markets down mutts will be strung out. with dollar already n its last leg, this will probably be the death knell. and when US of FA go down, then it is basically an event horizon. nobody can predict how this will play out. will the West go to war in order to "save" themselves? will they just wither and die? will this trigger renewal and healthy ethnostatism? will China take world's policeman's mantle? Russia? highly doubtful, because people call for their emergence based only on pure economic output, but neither of these two have sustainable economies and even ecology. Russia has demographic problems to boot.
there is a very good book (or a n article) on system fragility due to interconnectedness, but I forget its name. very good read btw

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he also fired the SPD staatssekretär Adler for that.
According to Bild Seehofer proposed to replace Maaßen with the BKA Chef but they refused

no they won't they will replace Maaßen with a Merkel Bootlicker to observe the AFD


Rapefugees exposed.

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Watched this video and was kinda shocked how fucked up this lefties are. They are human trash. I mean look how they are acting.

I would unironically be very interested to hear what you lads have to say about video related:

there was a book years ago called 'Das schwarze Reich' that dealt with these things, Also the Jan van Helsing books
and by the way:

What do you mean?

B&R, he even mentioned the Finanzamt-Affäre, which most people don't bother researching properly into. Thank you for sharing, will follow his tip reading Hanfstaengl's memoirs.

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Google uses us to further their automated driving ai. haven't you asked yourself why it's stret signs, lights, crossings and cars being asked? There is unironically easier pictures to determine that you are not a bot, but half as useful to google.


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What you can try to do is pay for VPN and be in a remote location.
Captcha is AI basad afaik, so if oyu are in a low-traffic area chances are it won't be as fucky.

Well, yes, okay, but what do you think of the whole idea?
Is nazism literally a meme-ideology after this?
I mean, personally I am just interested in a fairly free society with low governmental power and genetic tech to improve humans to reach new heights as humanity, but I like to think that the thid reich was at least a little more free of international finance.
This would put all this in question.

Kek, it could be, but honestly, it's not that hard to train an AI.
Chances are that it's just this way because it's recognized quickly by many people but still hard to do with a simpler program.
The recognition for AI has to be much more precise.
I think you are just joking, and if you are not, you should be thinking more critically, it's literally better to have people mark polygonal areas of an image with what is searched rather than having them identify a few of 16 square pieces, which is highly imprecise.

It's obvious that they are training their AI, but terror? Most of the time I don't even have to solve a capture, it just confirms right away.

uhm sweety

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>ebin trolling

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this cant be real

then she can live out her more radical approach towards AfD. LEFT WING DEATHSQUADS AGAINST AFD NOOWW

>Its real

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V-Man will soon get orders to plunder all Insraeli restaurants. Heh

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also stop linking this garbage site thx

>what is content replacement for puposes of snibbeningz

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Holy fuck I knew I'd be probably a muslim friendly terrorist versteher and Antifa friend but that they will use this Terrorist U-boot cunt is really too much.
Thats the last nail in Germanys coffin, really.