
Dose anyone else here not give a shit if the Chinese take over the world.

Ther civilization isn’t as good as whites but at least it’s civilization and will maintain the divine nature of humanity.

They will probably fuck up the Africans almost as much as they deserve.

Ther women are debatably more attractive and well behaved than whites.

It’s not the ideal future for humanity but if China wins the long game I won’t be upset.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Don't fall for it.

China > EU

Attached: EU.png (800x533, 28K)

Same systems.

Same tyranny.

Different names. EU is falling.


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>Ther women are debatably more attractive and well behaved than whites.
I have 2 happa babies somewhere in china

i like chinese people and i wish them well unironically

do well china

Lol why do chinks always move like they have a stick up their ass

The U.S. will step on China like the insect it is.


Almost forgot to post this along with the first

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>here's this Asian with 10x bigger tits and rounder hips than the vast super-majority of Asian bee stings, to convince you to like Asians like my beta boipussi self, goy.

Thread after thread

We are going to substantially reduce the Chinese population this decade.

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chinks have never tried to take over the world, they never fought an aggresive war in the last 5000 years

more likely they wait til EU and US get filled with 80 iq mutts and then extract their resources and labor, no point in killing inferior humans that can be used

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The Chinese government uses amazing propaganda though.

This social ID bullshit is crazy.

Chinese people are alright.

Their cities are post communist shitholes and their governing bodies are corrupt though.


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China and humanity are mutually exclusive. Life means absolutely nothing to a Chinaman.

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They must have, maybe some sort of ancient medical secret where they use the magical properties of the stick to have better fertility and good crops

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that picture

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Fucking cringe thread.

They call it the Waterbuffalo Eggroll.

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Fuck those chink fucks.

chinaman mad? i'll have the fried rice and pork dumplings

>at least it’s civilization and will maintain the divine nature of humanity.

You are insane and clueless.

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No one. I repeat NO ONE can resist the BBC


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You guys check out the new STEVEN CROWDER CONFRONTS Vid? It slays SJW professor.

If you enjoy eating plastic then go to China faggot . I prefer white people

You must be chinese. your baba has always wanted to see your mama take a big black cock in her ass desu. sorry not sorry

chinks are subhumans

There is ONE future. It is an American future and it is the one where mankind transcends to divinity in flames and glory.

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Nope. But my wife is Korean.

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Not merging with machines though.

Fuck that transhumanist shit.

What are the odds that the women could track you down?

absolutely based

>racial purity

>In love with black man
More like, exited to see a trained zoo animal out of his cage for her to play with.

Its just a shame our european predecessors didnt manage to colonize and genocide the natives in africa, china, and india and all the other brown countries.

Hell a westernized China, probably called some noble name like Neo Cathay or East Columbia would be god tier if its billions of chinks were replaced with a billion whites and aryan colonists instead, with maybe a few squinty ones left on reservations.

China is falling down now though.
The dictatorship by Chinese Communist Party will end until 2030.

If they exterminate the niggers and Jews I'd be fine with it.

Yes we agree.

See almost every post I put on this thread.


You think America has racial segregation? You haven't seen shit until you go to China. The Chinese are some of the most outright racist people on the planet, and they don't give a shit about it.

Anything other than Chinese? You're fucked. You'll never be Chinese, you'll never be one of them. Even half-Chinese babies in China are severely looked down upon. One of my good mates is Chinese and he took his wife (who is a white) back to China and he said everyone on the mainland looked at them as if they were pieces of shit - took photos of their children, generally looked down on them.

The Chinese are not your friends and they will never accept you. In terms of subverting other races and making them work for the 'ruling' Chinese, they're worse than the Top 1% globalists because it's not just 1% of predominantly Jewish people who subscribe to the ideology - it's a whole fucking continent of them. Billions of the cunts wanting to fuck you up, take all your shit. They don't care. Locusts.

The asians hate pc culture but are statist, the whites like pc culture but are relative to other races anti statism. Is an unholy union of the best of the two races the only way?

Why do you care roastie

Chinks are the most untouchable race on the planet, they are niggers with brains. Breed like locust, cause destruction in their wake. It's a curse in human form.

People in America are very brainwashed.

I've lived in many countries worldwide.

*besides kikes of course

In my dreams, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and China unite under a new flag--separate but equal. They spend 10 years arming themselves and then they reach out across the globe killing every non-east asian they see. They are relentless and savage in the reaping...White, Republican, pathetic Christian men have miscalculated--they realized (when it was too late) that you can't drive to war. Too fat, and too cowardly most of them throw down their AR-15 and beg for mercy, whimpering like dogs. The based East Asians mow them down while laughing.

The white women are rounded up, stripped naked and paraded before the men. The ugly ones get a bayonet across their throats and die choking on their own blood on the ground. The attractive ones live a few weeks longer chained to various walls around the new Empire, raped every few hours at the men's discretion. Many are beaten and tortured for fun. They scream out for their white men to come save them, while many even beg for forgiveness realizing that "Refugees Welcome" and feminism were a mistake.
Their mewling and screaming falls on deaf ears..The white men's corpses are food for crows. Eventually the white women all die of exposure, dehydration, starvation etc.

After the whites are gone, the new glorious Asian Empire cleanses the Earth of Jews, Blacks, and browns completely. Their DNA stores are turned to ash. It is a fitting end to the inferior races. Now it is time to conquer the stars.

This would be such a glorious end to a horrible life.

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If you don't mind a plague of demonic locusts destroying that's good and beautiful about the world... like, say nature and animals and truth and freedom...
Me personally? I mind a lot.

Pity that you don't even know what or where my country is.

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All Asians except the Chinese hate China

T happa incel

Of course the white American moron is once again going to fight for his (((masters))) like the blathering retard, two-digit IQ sub-human he is...Apparently the last 125 years of non-stop war at the behest of Jews was too short a time for him to learn anything.

I can't wait for the next big war for Americans. We'll finally cleanse the entirety of the white, male, Christian, idiots once and for all.

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The whites will nuke you first, mentally ill bitch.

G'day Chink studying in America

someone link this dog eating rice cunt to a China hate thread and it'll sum up why China cannot take over the world

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You're being manipulated, slave.

Research David Icke and Jim Marrs.

>white, male, Christian, i
There's white male Christians in Europe too, dumb fuck.


You need to go back, plebbitnigger.

>thinking straight up communism is a preferable alternative
I can't believe another thread died so that this one could live. OP is a retarded faggot.

Who the fuck are you Canadian fag?>

Go suck the Queen's ass

>tfw obese lazy degenerate American goy is talking about IQ

Chinese are 3rd tier asian behind Japanese (1) and Korean (2). They edge out Vietnamese and Filipino but there's nothing amazing about 3rd place.

I sure as fuck care, the whites would be much better for the universe. But whatever, if evolution decides to weed out whites in the end I can't do anything about it. Lord knows I tried by having as many white children as I could and raising them right-wing and christian. At least if the chinks take over, the whole world will become a collection of two homogeneous ethnostates (India, China) and the niggers and sandniggers would get exterminated because chinks hate niggers and Indians hate sandniggers. Not sure where spics fit in here.

>tfw mongol who snuck into sibera is lecturing an american about being white


>glorious end to a horrible life
Don't worry, you still won't get laid, hapa incel.

> Chinese take over the world
Nothing would change. China, USA, they all controlled by Rothschild central banks. There's literally 4 countries in the world that is still free from Rothschilds. And we all think they're hostile, totalitarian, under dictator regime and so on:
North Korea

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I mean, at least they’ll exterminate or subjugate all the niggers, I guess?
I don’t know what their long game would be though. Chinese can’t innovate so what will they do once they win? Where do they go from there?

>implying we have anything to fear from a culture where criticism is near impossible because it causes a loss of "face" and severely fucks with the bureaucratic hierarchical Asian social cohesion


>I hope that your male is impotence and premature ejaculation


Nice try, Ching Ping. I live around a lot of chinese "people" and they are absoute scum, never trust those fuckers.

I need some of the Jessica baby fat pictures.

so many Russians in Thread yet you have Chinese problem in Moscow
except from my experience drunk Russians fight Chinks at bars in Russia

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Hmmmm? Will they kill off the niggers and jews?

We have all sorts of problems in Moscow, so what's your point?

>Will they kill off the niggers and jews?
They kill all the non-Chinese

remove chink!

Jow Forums says dead insects, bring it. i like Jow Forums. said sand niggers were boring.

So-called China expert here, been many times for different jobs and travel. Every pollack should visit at least once to experience what a harmonious fascist state can be, it's quite inspiring.

fuck off shitskin

Yah, you are chinamen. We know.

chinese response to the american trade war is just painful to watch even north korea figured how to run around trump china cant seem to figure it out when the answers is staring right at them

They're our allies against NATO, why would we do that? It's the matter of survival.

you faggot the jews are just going to put themselves at the head of the Chinese government