How much of a police state is the USA right now? how far do you think it will go?

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I wanna see a military junta to round up all subversives.

Define police state. My goal is to turn this country into Singapore with some minor tweaking.

like the kikes?

FUCK OFF drugs need to be legalized faggot

will drugs make us more redpilled?


They certaintly red pilled me, but everybody deserves the right to alter their own consciousness with whatever substance they want. The government should absolutely have no power of what you can do with your body unless its abortion because thats murder

*over what you can and can't do

what about all the degenerates?

What are the best drugs to try?

America is a 0 on a scale to 10 of police states. If you don't act like an asshole and don't pull a gun on police you'll be fine.

you should watch the Alex "T-babez" Jones Police State docs. those were the good ol' days when aj wasn't an actual faggot and made good "documentaries". but yeah get your answers there. everything he says that would happen, happened. and expanded ten fold and will never stop until every gun is in the cops hand while his boot is on your head.

One step at a time

lmao this is what bluepill looks like. an ever expanding police state that he doesn't look at just because a cop doesn't bother him simply for existing. but the surveillance state knows everything about him, right down to what he buys at the grocery store. but the cop down the street is just sitting in the middle of the road waiting on speeders, whatever.. doesn't bother him one bit

0 out of 10, unless you're a low IQ negro then you might feel worried. Doubtful that and low IQ negro knows what an actual police state is though.

Oh no! The deep state knows I like premium toilet paper! How will I cope?

Depends on where you are, even by city block, and also by what socioeconomic class you are (defined by relative economic security).

In general, examining the nation as a whole, we're pretty fucking far down the slope to totalitarian hellscape (basically just waiting for the pigs generational degradation to reach its nadir). People have a hard time acknowledging it because it's all based in our incomprehensibly-fucked unplanned bureaucratic-corporatism system, which our bullshit manufactured political puppet theater is all about distracting them from.

It's pretty shit at it. The population can to easily set up unregulated markets to sell things it's already illegal to sell or sell untaxed while ignoring regulations. Besides illegal guns and drugs, there are websites, trade shows and markets where you can buy all sorts of sketchy shit without needing an ID or getting a receipt.
Just because the the government can collect all transmitted data does not mean they have means to sort through it all even with computer algorithms. The FBI, CIA, ATF, DEA and NSA are still only able to keep narrowly focuses on known dangerous targets until they can pin something on them. They do not prevent every terrorist action, or even crimes they know they should. If law enforcement rounds someone up on a bogus charge it's a risk. It's sort of a reverse 1984 where everyone camera can record the police and shame the way they arrest people, even when force was reasonable.
The worst of the abusive police just do shit to poor people they know they can get away with. Often arresting the same low tier criminal repeatedly to make it look like they are doing their job.

MDMA, LSD, Psilocybin Mushrooms and personally Methamphetamine but I'm able to restrict myself to only doing it once a month or so. If you think you're brave enough to try em, you should definetely try them.

i was going to CTR this but you're fucking retarded

cop hasn't been on my street since 2009. I called them to report an asshole hunting from his car.

drug users need the China treatment

Niggers are destroying stuff in my neighborhood, am i allowed to call the police on them?
