“The Jews are not communists!”

“The Jews are not communists!”

Attached: D70A065E-D8A9-4B44-B026-F27CF0E67E2F.jpg (640x640, 250K)

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His head fits a Jew cap

Oh sweetie...

NPC detected

Attached: simple_npc_sheet_by_mariekesmit-d91kc8p.png (850x480, 45K)

Someone tell him about the Bolshevik revolution.

Wtf is a npc

Jews are the best at capitalism so how can they be communists?


Non player character

Then what are Jews?

>t. NPC

Attached: 1536026199813.gif (478x350, 84K)

Hi !
I'm doing some research on npc and really need some help. If you can collect 10 informations and return them to me in this thread, I have some good Peppered Trout Jerky I can share with you!

tfw; your boss says he has never sucked a ding dong then goes off on a story about how his shirt was off cuz he got grease on it and he was in fact offering a plate of sausages which he had in his office for no apparent reason to the reporter

>There are different forms of capitalism
>They use finance(Cominterm)capitalism
W--w-what did he mean by this "guys"(goys)....

Attached: 3a33d8aace814947d794d81293f07a24.gif (964x912, 98K)

One of the most annoying punchable faces and attitudes ever. Hate this brainlet but at least he pisses off leftists.

Quest: help NPC gather information
Reward: -1 intelligence

This is unironically true, they just want to make the goyim communist. If we didn't exist they wouldn't be pushing social agendas aimed at sharing money from the wealthiest.

Attached: Schlomo and the German Revoloution of 1917.jpg (338x671, 50K)

>Jews are not communists
The literal father of this ideology is a Jew!!!!

Attached: Marxism and its Jewish Origins.jpg (829x1475, 338K)

Know more news ass fucked him live last night.


Attached: 36791A79-CCD6-4644-8FF5-78EF6E134D21.jpg (1561x970, 976K)

Attached: 200_years_together._10.png (661x213, 32K)

Got any more of these?

>Jews are all one thing

Attached: 1535102858087.png (645x729, 77K)

He is always going off on people who call out the jew.

He gets so butt hurt about it, it's hilarious. He doesn't even know why he gets mad lol.


Attached: 7E1B70B9-B4AA-4C36-901C-95916C6A667F.png (729x729, 197K)

Owen "Shabbos Shiller" Shroyer

Owen "Shabbos Shiller" Shroyer
He will scream his head off at you

Nice try Satan kike.
Running the state that runs all the companies makes it easier for Jews to manage entire economies.

true. they are shape shifting lizzards