FBI to open a full investigation into the crime Kavanaugh committed against Dr. Ford

When under FBI investigation Kavanaugh can NOT be confirmed. It's illegal. Too bad for the repubs that the investigation will push any potential confirmation past the midterms, but as a society we have to take rape accusations seriously. Thank God for FBI to upholding law and democratic order in these times of Drumpf's dictatorial policies, violations of immigrant children's rights and unlawful anti-women nominations.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>It's illegal

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"It's totally inappropriate for someone to demand we use law enforcement resources to investigate a 35-year-old allegation when she won't go under oath and can't remember key details including when or where it happened."

Google that then kys faglord

Yes we are a nation of laws not of Drumpfgkh. Those laws must be upheld and protected. We need district courts and the whole judiciary to take a bigger role to stop Trump's unlawful policies. And the FBI can help to protect the law. Their integrity is beyond reproach. Unlike Twitler's and his demented supporters. FBI will stop Kavanaugh's confirmation and Americans will thank them for supporting our values and the Constitution. The repubs have got arrogant and think they are above the law. They will find out that they are not.

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The FBI can start with questioning Mark Judge who was in the room and is an eye witness. It will unravel from there. He will make a deal to avoid a long prison sentence and will testify against Kavanaugh.

bet this fucking whore is a lib shill who wants to suck hillarys dick

I’d love to watch you hung in public with every dem

Trumpck needs a republican majority on the Supreme Court to stop the district courts from undoing his unlawful policies. It's all about a cynical and undemocratic power grab for the repubs.

If the FBI investigates an almost 50 year old groping and literally continues to sit on their ass while children are being raped and killed now.... It will not be good too many angry people.

Judge already btfo Ford

Good. They should investigate. They will shortly come to the conclusion that it's impossible to prove her allegation, and his confirmation will move forward.

This is a brilliant bit of politics by Ford, but it's also very risky. It personally disgusts me to see such a serious crime used so nakedly to derail the nomination of someone whose character suggests that he is not the same person who did this, even if it's true. It's a strange battle to pick, because, even if she prevails and he is passed over, there are a lot of people who probably feel the same way I do.

>FBI investigation into 30yr old non-crime
*sip* This kid thinks he's trollin'.

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Goddam you are so desperate I can smell it.

2 Justices, minimum

The Dems are used to having the FBI take part in their corruption games. I guess this will be a test.
The FBI has no jurisdiction to investigate this claim. It would fall under the local police.

I guess it might be time to kill some jews

And here is the thing. The Rats have lined up propositioned volunteers to slander any prominent GOP pol. But here is a threshold for decency that they have crossed. They are going to soon spontaneously piss off enough people with this shit that there is going to be a reaction. I know if this woman lived near me I would start working on her in nefarious ways. What are the odds that someone like me already lives near her. The Rats can’t protect her forever and she is going to have to live somewhere and the more people they piss off with these antics the more likely someone like me makes one of these fucks suffer consequences.

You really need to take your faggot shut and fuck off back to it nigger. Anyone withal brain knows the FBI said fuck all that mess and Big K is oK, K?

Into the options field boys

>Posting in a meme flaggot thread

>He will make a deal to avoid a long prison sentence

Judge is not under any threat of charges or imprisonment.

Your bait is fake and gay like your moms dildo that you habitually fuck your faggot asshole with

Joke’s in you faggot

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You’re also aware that this is a civil matter too, right? FBI does federal offenses you retarded jackass

Lying under oath carries a 5-year prison sentence. It's easy for him to have a lawyer write "dindu nuffin" letters on his behalf (paid for by Kavanaugh) but let's see how he will do when FBI grab him by the balls and read the letter of the law to him. He will break in no time like all those Mueller has investigated. He will panic under pressure and will make a deal to save his own skin and will testify against Kavanaugh. The repubs will be taught a hard lesson in not being above the law.

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The FBI let violent nigger DeAndre Harris assault a man with a maglite.

you are kinda stupid an uninformed of the matter here let me help you out my friend
FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigation.. notice anything?

Also the "crime" isnt a crime anymore even if it did happen (which i doubt) cause the milk is already sour the time has already passed. The statute of limitations have been beating borderline twice by time my dude.

>what are statutes of limitations

Kavanaugh could have dipped his nuts in chocolate and slapped Ford across the face on camera. Even then, it still wouldn't stop his nomination.

>Lying under oath carries a 5-year prison sentence.
>doesn't question the fact that bitchtits doesn't want to go into hearing ~under oath~

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The fbi is not... you’re lying, or stupid.
Just about everything thing you said is stupid.
Fucking leave...

2 Justices
2 Scoops
2 terms

deal with it

But she was probably counting on the FBI being anti-Trump enough to stop in on her part. This looks like a MASSIVE miscalculation that will set the #METOO movement back.

And let me say this...I believe her. I believe she experienced what she says she did. But I also believe that she is mistaken about Kavanaugh being the guy who assaulted her.

Is she going the testify or not. Any real news

They are both lying
She is exaggerating
He is in denial

>statute of limitations

Wrong. Not in Maryland.

>FBI investigating whether a teenager tried to cop a feel at a party 30 years ago
Dream on.

>What is not taking an oath and providing zero evidence about an incident 30+ years ago without any recollection or details?
This is a civil suit which would immediately get thrown out the door

how do democrats even go along with this shit without becoming republican seeing how the system just doesnt work

The Rats got cold feet. Even if they let this whore speak in private she will have to walk past the TV cameras to get there. Long sleeves covering her tramp stamps in 90 degree weather are going to leave what little remains of her integrity in tatters. The Rats have too late realized they fucked up which is why DiFi walked her back yesterday with that bullshit “I can’t tell if it’s true.” She knows it isn’t true, it is all planned and DiFi was part of the planning.

OP raped me.

>might inadvertently kill me
That's a big penis

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Lemme summarize it for you

>Woman claims thing happened 30 years ago at party
>Man claims thing did not happen 30 years ago at party.
>Other man supposedly present says thing did not happen 30 years at party.
>FBI concludes there is not evidence to support woman's original claim.

Or alternatively

>FBI says fuck off it's well past any possible statue of limitations.

It worked with Roy Moore, why no do it again. I think nationalist, conservatives, et al. just need a hashtag me-also to signify on the front end some sexual misconduct.

>passed a polygraph

when will people learn that polygraphs don't mean shit

I'm going to enjoy killing Dems after the midterms

democracy doesn't work -- no matter who you vote for (even donald trump) -- there will always be a shadowy cabal of unelected officials making the real decisions behind the curtain. Alone, on its face, that is dangerous territory. Even stranger, after years of the media pushing denials, debunks, and so on of a deep state. what shows up in the times? an op-ed from the self-confessed and identified deep state, or as they apparently prefer to be called, "the steady state."
it's being waved in your faces that democracy is a sham. furthermore, if the political system is broken, then it follows that the government is illegitimate and should be overthrown. surely the (((globalists))) and (((cultural marxists))) realise this and if we pursue that assumption, what are their motivations in doing such a thing? are they agitating for civil war? does the pope shit in the woods?


Here ya go little libby. At worst this would be assault. That statue ran out somewhere in the ballpark of 30 years ago. This case is so cold scientists are want to use it to study quantum physics.


Isn’t that the great part about not remembering where it happened, you can shop for jurisdiction til the cows come home. Also, was Kavanaugh listening to a Russian numbers station while “rape-murdering” that girl, because the FBI only investigates a limited set of crimes?

Democrats have based nearly every piece of legislation regarding gun control on movies. Do you really think they can distinguish reality from fiction? As far as they're concerned polygraphs are just magical truth finding machines.

I'd prefer to see that over this mess...

>Too bad for the repubs that the investigation will push any potential confirmation past the midterms

Are you serious?
You do understand that soon there will be no DNC anymore. I am surprised if your party can live until january.
Tens of thousands of DNCs domestic enemies will be rounded up in night time raids. Charges are very serious. There will be death penalties. You think this is a funny game. In your pathetic attempts at a military coup, soon, women will find out, for the first time in the history of man, what is it like to be in the frontline in a real war taking bullets, or a prisoner of war with full torture, humiliation and executions. When it comes, you know, you asked for it. No, you begged for it.

Yup. Not admissible in court. They can be a useful tool, but its not the holy grail of truth or anything. Guilty Psychopaths can pass the test, nervous innocent people blow it every time.

Every investigation MUST start with some kind of sworn statement. the end.

I hate when I inadvertently kill bitches while trying to rape them. Talk about blue balls.

The polygraph is just theatrics to help with interrogating dumb people. The investigators use it as a prop to corner dumb people into confessions, but they are also instrumental in many cases of so called 'false confession syndrome'


Lmao Tick Tock Drumpfies

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They're too far invested in their own bullshit that they couldn't ever bare the thought of admitting they were wrong. It's why these past few years the just keep doubling down on their losing strategies.

Doctor, we have an emergency here.

Ford is some Californian Libshit that donates to Act blue, formerly ShareBlue. The timing on this is insane. Maybe she should have been concerned about this 36 years ago? Why right before confirmation? Because it's fake as fuck. We need to instill harsh punishments for this nonsense.

>It's why these past few years the just keep doubling down on their losing strategies.
they are using machine learning to try and control revolution within society, an artificial intelligence decides what headlines to run with and when

or hadn't you noticed the news now looks like a computer wrote it

You sound delusion
Im a registered dem
I can't believe the stupidity I'm hearing from my side.

Get ready for the blue puddle to be mopped up

Stay salty bitch, Kav will comfirmed and you will kvetch. Nothing more

WE need to unite together, all of us, before THEY complete the final stages of their A.I.

>Elon knows how bad it is

The average normie has no idea what the future holds IF WE DONT out aside our difference and men of righteousness unite and battle the NWO, illuminati, and technocrats. Many creeds and colors work for these people and we need to unite like some faggoty lord of the rings movie and put an end to the A.I. demigod

This is a warning from the future.

>if we do not unite against the satanic A.I Beast grid system

Then we have a DARK FUTURE ahead


Relax and enjoy

>unite against the VILE PEOPLE NOW


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i think it´s amazing to see the US democrats destroy themselves like this. They have been reduced to coercing people to make 15 year old rape allegations in order to not confirm a supreme court judge, aswell as encouraging a former porn star to break an agreeement with trump and talk about the shape of his penis. I mean this is so hilarious i am almost in tears.
If this woman truly was raped or sexually harassed she wouldn´t wait 15 fucking years to talk about it. I can´t take anyone seriously who waits that long i´m sorry. This #metoo shit is pure cancer because dishonest women are using it to go after men they don´t like and have had a sexual encounter with at some point. Eventhough it was consentual. These dishonest women are completely mudding the waters.

>leaf hiding his leaf flag

You fucking racist with your big white raping cock

Yes you have there. You are in deep deep trouble. No way out for you. Your crimes are so severe.
What I told you was just what happened here 100 years ago. Your trajectory is exactly the same.

>15 year
more like 40

>WE need to unite together, all of us, before THEY complete the final stages of their A.I.
the AI has been up and running since the 1970s, Trump's largest campaign donor invented the AI

don't worry


You can't stave the Kav

Even if this did have a shred of reality it sets a precedence that any girl in High school that let you touch a titty can wait in the shadows deciding to destroy your life at any moment.

>Drumpf's dictatorial policies
Literally nothing he has done is against US law.
>violations of immigrant children's rights
Wrong. Illegal aliens have no rights. The legal definition of it in blacks law dictionary is that they have no right to stay.
>unlawful anti-women nominations.
Totally subjective.
I can´t believe how completely full of shit you deceptive lying manipulative bastards are. But it´s good that a lot of people are finally noticing.

I don't trust the FBI anymore. I didn't want to believe it, but our justice system is severely politically biased and therefore any "justice" it reaches is now illegitimate. I honestly wanted to believe it was just grand standing but I can't deny it anymore. This country really is done. Guys like me will continue to exist just to be thorn in the side of you weak pussies, but playing your little fuck fuck games isn't going to save America anymore.

Jow Forums: stay in the gym, stay reading, stay training your hands and trigger fingers, vote in a way that harasses the left every chance you get (even if it's seemingly an empty gesture) and speak your mind with no concern for the repercussions. You will be judged unfairly either way, might as well commit to what's in your heart now dudes.

>Even if this did have a shred of reality it sets a precedence that any girl in High school that let you touch a titty can wait in the shadows deciding to destroy your life at any moment.
Exactly. That´s the whole point. These allegations shouldn´t mean fucking shit when they are made 15 or 30 years later. How convenient they find some cunt from his past to do this, to try to stop him from getting on the us supreme court. We all know this has nothing to do with this pretend sexual harassment. She either got coerced to do this precisely now, is perhaps against trump and conservatives politically. Or got some money under the table or all 3.

"as a society we have to take rape accusations seriously."

Starting when? Oh, now we will?

I heard the FBI is putting a special agent Peter Strzok in charge of this investigation.

We won't be able to tackle the rape issue until all the niggers have been exterminated. Joggers is the bigger issue right now. Hell, all major tv networks are pro-nigger

+1 faggot op now show flag

This is just false moral outrage, we all know this has nothing to do with sexual harassment. They could have claimed he shot someone inawoods and hid the body and they never found it, but someone alledged he overheard him talking about it to someone. They would be perfectly fine with that too. This has to do with nothing else than by hook or by crook trying to stop kavanaugh from getting confirmed for the US supreme court. And they are willing to go this far in order to try to do it.

>Yes we are a nation of laws

But you don’t live in the US

>When under FBI investigation Kavanaugh can NOT be confirmed

Good thing he’s not under investigation.

>Yes we are a nation of laws not of Drumpfgkh. Those laws must be upheld and protected. We need district courts and the whole judiciary to take a bigger role to stop Trump's unlawful policies.
Find me one policy trump has that is illegal according to US law? No infact it´s the other way around. His political opponents are breaking the law constantly. For instance sanctuary cities? That´s against US law!

This leaf is part of the shill raid we’ve been expecting.


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These people would celebrate if a mentally ill sexual degenerate were nominated, but because this man is a man of upstanding moral character, they weep and wail and gnash their teeth.

Did you hear about the second accuser?

I chortled.

This. There is no road forward that doesn't require blood.

Here´s also an angle of this sexual harassment or rape allegation you didn´t consider.
>Brett Kavanaugh's mother is judge who dismissed a foreclosure action against accuser Ford's parents
>The parents of the woman who is accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct have a connection to the Supreme Court nominee through his mother, a Maryland state judge, online court records show.
>Martha Kavanaugh granted a motion dismissing a 1996 foreclosure action against Ralph and Paula Blasey, according to the records.
>Christine Blasey Ford publicly came forward Sunday to accuse Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault decades ago when they were both teenagers in prep school.

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He will be soon. Every democratic Senator is demanding it. They need only 2 Republicans to join them, Collins and Murkowski. Delay the vote until a thorough investigation is done.

And anyways you cannot confirm someone who is guilty of an alleged rape.

>professor of clinical psychology
>passes a polygraph test
Well she MUST be telling the truth. No way someone who knows exactly how a lie detector works would be able to fake it.

>He will be soon

Keep dreaming leaf. Your whore has no proof.

Right exactly this is why you are willing to have this woman be decietful about it. This has nothing to do with rape or sexual harassment. Also if you wait 15 or 30 years to tell someone. And conveniently wait till he´s about to be confirmed to the US supreme court. Then you don´t have cleana flour in your bag and you are full of shit. And is obviously doing this for political reasons.

She’d have to say where it happened for local police to get involved. I guess that’s just too hard to remember.

That’s all the time.

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Ofcourse every democratic senator is demanding it. This is purely political thing. Democrats do not want kavanaugh on the supreme court. This is also why they are so pissed hillary didn´t get in because it was partially also about stacking the supreme court on the side of libtards who then enact these nutty 'progressive' policies for decades.

a computer? More like Mary J Cuntstein
>this happened, and why its a good thing
>we tried x for 2 weeks and you wont believe what happened

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