Tell me why you don't support abortion right this fucking instant.

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But we do support it for deformed freaks and "minorities", not for healthy european babies

Stop posting this girl. It makes my skin crawl

This. Shit. Is. Nightmare. Fuel.

Why are so many people that are "for abortion rights" against the death penalty or executing pedophiles?

Rett syndrome doesn't mainfest itself until later when the baby is about a year old.

>she's the cutest girl I've ever met in my entire life

I cant do this anymore when it comes to these fucking liberals. I understand she was born with a disorder and I do feel sory for her and hopes she has a fulfillment life but I'm not going to sit here and call her "beautiful." Shes horrendous. Literal nightmare fuel.

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that's npc for you

Because it's the only way I can spread gay genes.

because it upsets people like you

do both faggot

Whatever that thing has on its face is obviously apparent in utero

Only a true faggot would kill a baby.

they're forced to sink all their time and resources raising this monster, which is denying them the opportunity to have healthy kids

You know in nature, if the child comes out deformed, the mother's instinct is to abandon it. This is totally natural

Fucks sake we have this thread every day. The pol answer is that abortion is a necessary evil in order to kill those who will have a net negative effect on the world the fact that so many blacks are never born due to abortion is a perfect example

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source: your STD-ridden bleeding ass
Rett girls look completely normal on birth, they get deformed as they grow

I don't like niggers

For this sort of situation, very late term abortions should be offered.

We do support it, we reproduce, the left just keeps aborting their kids. Also less niggers. We win

It’s my worst nightmare put on earth holy fuck

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You wanna know how I get these scars?

>abortion is a necessary evil
It's not. It literally reduces humans to labour and is in indirect support of degeneracy, since it gives population the idea that we're nothing more than meat, so the people start threating themselves and others accordingly. If you suport abortion, you could just openly start supporting degeneracy of the left, because it's what you're doing anyway, just a bit dilluted, so most of you retards can't see it so it's fine when you can't see the connection between the two things. You're the normies of Jow Forums.

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>Wake up at midnight
>Turn around
>See this
What do?

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>strings of drool cascading out of the oral chasm
fuck just work up and now breakfast is out of the question

Touching sluts vaginas is disgusting even for doctors

I support abortion in case of rape, threat to mothers health and genetic error

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>hey guys be nice to animals even if their brain is limited to responding to basic stimuli
>oh killing fetuses?
>that's fine lol it's just a clump of cells!

Abortion is straight up evil.

Because God has a plan for each of us. We are as he made us.


Give Maleena and Baraka's kid her mask back pls

Would an implicit/indirect for of eugenics work? Keep the myth of human dignity whilst imporving life overall?

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I do in these cases and I worry about it not being allowed.


I really like this guy and am not suspicious of him at all

Post the quacking pepe one

We should keep a pit of pit bulls and toss these freaks of nature in. I don't understand why we have to keep these drains of resources and life around and suffer for them when they supply nothing.

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Genetically inferior people needs to be purged from the genepool.

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Light it on fucking fire. Why.

what's the point of not killing that kid?
it's literally a money sink.
It will dependable it's whole existence and just a burden for her parents (is there a dad?) and her siblings until it dies.
Can't talk.
Can't work.
Can't feed themselves.
Literally more useless than a house pet.

So which one of you fuckers was fucking in reactor 4 of chernobyl to produce this fucking abomination?
I’d fucking light this little shit on fire and throw her charred meat to the dogs

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This shit was in my recommended last week, i clicked the video and i couldn’t watch more than 10 seconds of it. Letting a person that crippled live while she sees how the people surrounding her have normal lives is just depressing as fuck.

>I love her way more than you're supposed to love your family

This bitch gonna look like this in 50 years

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animals are alive but unborn niggers aren't yet. prevent crime.

>realize i look like this
>biggest want in life is to stay out of the spot life, don't want to become a spectacle
>dumb cunt mother whores my disability out on social media for free gibs and virtue signalling
not saying she should have been aborted, but her mother should be publicly caned for doing this shit

then euthanise them at 1 year

i support abortion because its one of the only things helping with overpopulation

it is most definitely murder though

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I'm not even saying you shouldn't abort downies, but this particular disease is not an argument for abortion.

I'm sorry, this is funny.

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>and it's beautiful

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Why do so many of these goblinos have tracheotomies?

la creatura...