Gender theory destroyed by these 3 simple facts

Presumption: Gender is a social construct

1)Gender roles are present in our genetic cousins, the apes.
>Therefore fender role predate human society

2)Gender role have always been restablished reinvigorated by societal collapses.
>Therefore denial of gender roles is a societal construct

3)All* civilizations known to man have independently established similar gender roles.
>Therefore human nature is gendered

Conclusion gender isn't a social construct

*outside 3-7 tribes in human history never accounting for more than 100 00 people for over 107billion humans that ever lived.

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seriously though, fuck drumpf



Better answer:

Gender is a biological fact.

Do you have any datas to back that up, especially number 2 and 3?

Otherwise you'll face their stupid rebuttal: "but some shitty indian tribe had 24 genders, checkmate bigot long live gaia".

>all civilizations
No, but all matriarchal societies have never developed past the stone age technology wise.

It’s like you don’t know what a social construct actually is.


Gender norms are 100% social constructs and you’re an idiot to think otherwise. Expecting a male/female to act/speak/dress in a certain way according to those norms is retarded.
However, this is not to agree with shit like transexuality or “toxic” masculinity.

While I agree with what you're saying, there is only one statement needed.
What does every single cell in your body say? XX, or XY?
Question answered if you're boy or girl.

Now, what is a social construct, is the modern perception of masculine and feminine traits, which is being referred to as "gender".
What's really happened here, is we took a word that used to mean "sex" which took over for the word "intercourse" and gave it the definition of "how far along the masculine/feminine scale are you?"
In truth, we as a whole should have come up with a new word for this. But stupid people be stupid, which is why people like me need to spell this shit out in minute detail in the hopes that the retards can understand at least a part of it and the retarded arguments can be brought to a minimum.

You might have a point but getting so butthurt at dudes wearing dresses makes me lmao at cuckservatives
I mean what the fuck is so wrong with a mf wearing lipstick and saying "from now on call me sally"?

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> Gender norms are 100% social constructs

No, they're not. Men are protectors because they're physically larger and stronger. Women take care of children because their breasts produce milk.

signs of a dying civilization

Basically all major empires at their peak showed the signs of homosexuality, women in the political court, and perversions of the family structure / marriage disintegration / adultery.

They were always reformed with the nuclear family in small, tight communities surrounded by a central religious order and strict gender roles and a strong moral code. Then again, as abundance increases people become more degenerate and the cycle continues.

Modern society is careening down the decent part of the parabola of this process.

6 year olds doing it.

>Doesn't believe toxic masculinity is real but knows that gender roles are retarded
This is pretty contradictory desu
Just remember how many times you have been shitted on for not being manly or brave enough

I need sources, you are pulling info out of your ass. And not, a single news article from 2009 about an isolated case isn't a representative sample.

M8, trying to reason with brainwashed idiots is futile.
Just ask them this:
>if gender is indeed a social construct why do people feel compelled to change their gender traits (aka mutilate their genitals) in order to "feel" like their desired gender?
And see them recoil at the sense of their brain doing some work

There are no genders. Only sex - Male or Female.

Google it yourself.

Traditional gender roles are a set of connecting social systems built around domination, oppression, and submission.

But patriarchy hurts the men too. If men were rational creatures, they would be working to dismantle patriarchal gender roles as if men's lives depended on it, because they DO.

Men taking on more physical and dangerous jobs (and women being encouraged to be less physical and less daring) due to a gender role that demands that they be providers (as opposed to women) is and example of gender roles, AKA patriarchy.

Men being brought up to deny their emotions and "toughen up" (as opposed to sharing their feelings and emotionalizing, like women) and therefore being less likely to seek treatment for mental illness is an example of gender roles. AKA patriarchy.

Men being indoctrinated to be violent and aggressive (as opposed to submissive and non-threatening), toward women and animals and one another, is an example of gender roles, AKA patriarchy.

Feminists want to fix this. We want to help men. All you have to do is cooperate.

Based and redpilled

I this you?
Muerte a los putos!!

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Even better :
Gender doesn't exist
Gendered roles do not exist

Biological Sex exists
Sexual roles exist

The slippery slope isn't a fallacy with these people, it's a playbook.

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>Humans are a hierarchical creature, in permanent competition.

>Thoughtness, Strenght, Power are all sexual selection criteriums for men

>Feminists want to destroy the western white male, replace him with Jamal, and such his dick while wearing a burka for eternity.


Fuck binghole blumpf!

Year 2100

>Oy vey they killed all the queers
>How could that happened
> These people were blind and hateful monsters

Unironically, this. There is a false belief that the elites like the LGBTQ people. The truth is that being molested as children made them that way. The goal is to find a way to hide this from the plebs so the elites are remain in power. The choices are the neocon method of silencing the LGBTQ or the neodem method of normalizing the LGBTQ. However, if it were the case that satanic pedo cannibals were normalized, the elites were turn on the LGBTQ quickly because they would no longer need to be needed.

did you miss the footnote?

Most languages have natural gender (masculine, feminine, common, neuter) but in the pre "circus-freaks-are-normal" era, they mapped direct to the biological sex of the noun's referents.

>Men being brought up to deny their emotions and "toughen up" (as opposed to sharing their feelings and emotionalizing, like women)

I used to think this was a valid point, but in reality women don’t want men that cry and it was unfair to tell men otherwise. A woman will often be vulnerable and looking after children, so she instinctively looks for strength in a partner so she can relax and do her damn job. A woman expects emotional neediness from her children but seeing it in her partner makes her feel unsafe

Even those weren't really matriarchal. The matriarchy truly is a myth.

Well, we can also affect the future. Say, we start selecting sexual dimorphism out of humans through eugenics. I mean, it's possible.

Though right now, you'd be correct.

Sorry sweetie but BLUMPF is sooooOOOO done

Agreed, it's fucking retarded that people get so pissed about this

Although I agree with your sentiment, your first point is moot.
>Gender roles are present in the apes, therefore gender roles predate human society.
But the presumption is that "Gender is a social construct", not "Gender is a human construct" - apes are social too, so your first point doesn't disprove the presumption.

>you have a point but seriously, FUCK drumpf