Rebecca Surgar everyone

>how do we get degenerates out of companies that create cartoons for children?

Attached: DnZgygaX0AAMPY-.jpg (668x267, 53K)

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We can’t do anything about it unfortunately. CEO of Cartoon Network is (((Christina Miller))). Don’t let your kids watch this degeneracy my daughter only watches the classics like tom & jerry and looney tunes because I know they’re safe.

>anyone wanna hear some ukelele music

Attached: 220px-Rebecca_Sugar_Speaking_at_New_York_Comic_Con_2014_-_Peter_Dzubay_(cropped).jpg (220x348, 21K)

all pedophiles should get the rope. sexualizing cartoons for children is textbook pedo behavior.

Why is it that every time you don't pay attention for a second they add another letter to LGBT?

Do you not know about rebecca sugar and her early history of drawing r34 of old cartoon network shows?

Attached: 1436667133849.jpg (536x500, 97K)

>if you don't tell kids about their sexuality before they even understand what sex is they will grow up to be damaged

>LGBT make everything sexual including children cartoons
>then wonder why mommies often associate them with pedophilia
Why can't we just make cartoons asexual like we always have



just look at this creature

Attached: (((rebecca sugar))).png (512x512, 351K)

HOLY SHIT. big if true. that's fucking disturbing

It dragon dildos itself

It is true

Attached: tumblr_opyd3l6UIs1vxy45qo1_1280.jpg (608x1280, 109K)

All I'm seeing is admitting that it is indeed the goal to indoctrinate children into particular sexual fetishes.

that looks pretty rapey

Took me a while to see it's Ed and Double-D.

She drew a cartoon about sentient rocks who force each other to "merge" to become more powerful. Of course she's into rape

Exactly this

What is it with this meme of 'deserving' love, 'deserving' support.. etc.

None of that's deserved.

>kids deserve love and support
And people wonder why millenials are so entitled

She talks like and probably thinks she has good intentions but she just doesn't understand that this shit is just degenerate.

Typical "feel good" hippie crap that is created to make society less alert and give in on every retarded idea (((they))) come up with.
Basically make a generation of snowflakes that do nothing and demand everything in return.
Make them think they deserve everything even though they contributed nothing and have no value by themselves, never achieved anything and do not work for anything.
All this "it's okay if you are like this" narrative is like that. Make people not try to achieve something better and "accept themselves for who they are" when they are absolute lazy pieces of shit that need to improve a lot of things about themselves.

The fuck is I and A?

Intersex and asexual?

Pedophile alert. Only pedophiles associate sex with children's entertainment. Mature straight and mature gay adults do not even consider sexuality in children because they realize kids are not and should not be sexually active until long past puberty.

Ugly on the outside, ugly on the inside.

>Mature straight and mature gay adults

no such thing

Ah, more imaginary shit.

Well intersex is the only real one, that's what is the pc term for hermaphrodites is now

Le 2% face

Doesn't really fit though if you think about it. Those other terms are for sexual preference and identity disorders. Being intersex is a tragic accident of birth and a tangible quantifiable physical disorder. Its like throwing midgets in with fags and pretending like they have some common political and social connection.

>Only pedophiles associate sex with children's entertainment
Y'mean like the people with lesbian haircuts that can't make a cartoon for 10 year olds without injecting a faggot agenda into it?

While I have my criticisms of the show, it does accomplish two things worthy of commendation.

First - it examines relationship dynamics in a critical way - distinguishing healthy from unhealthy relationships, supportive vs dependent, assertive vs abusive, etc in a way that most other shows aimed at 10-14 year olds really haven't done, and it does it reasonably well.

Second - when you strip away the lesbian rock shit, the show is basically a 'Humanity, Fuck Yeah!' greentext in animated form. The aliens are almost entirely portrayed as emotional trainwrecks who are all one bad day away from completely losing their shit, while the humans are constantly shown to embody the noblest aspects of humanity and solve every problem with human ingenuity, adaptability, perseverance, and empathy. Every lesson in the show is about how human attitudes and human ways of doing things are superior and solve every problem and the long-term arc of the show is the human characters getting the aliens to realize that their traits are superior.

it keeps growing

>modern day cartoons

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Are you a woman or Redditor?

Ttgo is meta as fuck

who are you quoting?

Knowing and accepting that you're garbage isn't necessarily a good thing user.