White "Supremacy"

You guys post so much about the white race and how you are superior, blah blah, while posting pictures of the top 1% of white men when in reality most of you are pale, disgusting, skinnyfat rednecks that get your women stolen by literally every other race and are too scared to do anything about it.

You LARP here as a supreme race to take the pain away.

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Thanks for the blog post.

Roasted roastie detected

go get raped by a pack of wild niggers filthy trollop

individualism must die to usher in the age of progress, but in that age of progress idividualism will resurge and the underclass of sociopaths and sadists will be born, destroying the regime. Its an endless cycle really.

We have the most fluctuating oxytocin levels for a reason.

"hah, I called her a roastie, that'll prove her wrong!"

you're no better than black people that claim the egyptians for accomplishments.

You typed a lot of big words without giving any reasoning to them trying to sound smart. "Age of progress" is too vague, you could say we are in the age of progress now due to technological advancement.

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well it's not like your kind cares about real arguments. literally the niggers of gender.

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This picture tells me you're deeply damaged in the head

Reddit is that way sweetie :)

Ad hominem, ad personam.
You're pathetic. Grow a brain, think twice, set your political beliefs with acurracy and come back to discuss about it.

Hahahaha, it's funny watching you guys try to come up with something. You know what I said is the cold truth.

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>calls people names
>gets called names

I'm sorry you have to go through this but Jow Forums is not one person and it's all satire.

Now prove what you said. Seriously, prove it, prove that you're not an underage basement dweller shitposting during your free time, and that your political beliefs are better than mine. I you do so I will follow you.

lgbt is satire gone wrong

Because we'll be on the fucking news you absolute fucktard.

kys pablo

I assume (correctly) you just described yourself you unfuckable ugly anime posting loser.
>Bl*ck "supremacy"
>Posts bbc copypasta about how blacks are superior

you are really stupid, I never once mentioned political beliefs.

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Several patterns of evidence indicate that nowadays, most WNs are ugly and sexually frustrated. I don't believe this to be a coincidence, or a result of their ideas. I believe the causality goes backwards: they became WNs as a direct result of sexual frustration. Freud, Marcuse, the Frankfurt school: they were prematurely right. Fascism is now entirely caused by sexual frustration.

Just a little thought experiment: imagine you're a good-looking normie with a normal social life, and a lot of friends of all backgrounds. You regularly have sex. The last time it was with an Indian girl who digs you.

Now... It's Saturday afternoon. Are you going to fire up YouTube to watch a one hour video of David Duke (that creepy Tussaud wax doll) expounding on the "long winters theory of racial differences in IQ"? Are you going to spend an hour reading obscure Julius Evola texts on blogs like Counter-Currents?

Can you picture yourself doing this? Obviously not. Most likely, you'd use your Saturday afternoon to chill with friends, have a girl come over, prepare good food, watch a movie, work on your novel... Do cool, funny stuff.

Only ugliness and loneliness can lead to an intellectual interest in racial differences or rightist political theory.

Racial nationalism is so fucking stupid, it's a cope for not achieving shit in life. White Nationalists are bitter, dissatisfied losers. Everyone I see who is passionate about any kind of ideology and doesn't earn $$$ off it are all losers who are using their ideological beliefs as a coping mechanism.

Chads, really successful people, they don't seem to care about that shit. You just need to have a girl who is really into you, enough to make you feel loved and important. I guarantee that when you have that, you don't care about racism anymore. Obviously, less than 10% of white nationalists have that.

Wrong, I'm mixed race and have a qt asian bf.

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>Mixed race
It's ok. You don't have to have any inferiority complex over it.

>Unable to post without avatarfagging with oriental cartoons to take the attention away from his moron posts
Imagine being this pathetic.

This is very high IQ, good read. The people here don't want to accept it though, it's the final "redpill" for them I guess.

What a weak bait.

There are more important things than personal happiness you retarded fucking faggot nigger leaf

He doesn't believe in what he says, just ignore him. Just imagine in the hitler victory universe the same copypasta would exist to get people to ignore what's happening around them.
>Several patterns of evidence indicate that nowadays, most communists are ugly and sexually frustrated.
>Now... It's Saturday afternoon. Are you going to fire up YouTube to watch a one hour video of Noam Chomsky (that creepy Tussaud wax doll) expounding on the "germanic privilege theory of racial differences"?

>You guys post so much about the white race and how you are superior
Nobody does that you fucking retard. At least lurke for a while before posting you brainlet. Better yet, just kys.

It’s so comfy even just imagining that timeline

There is some truth in what you are saying. I was bitter and dissatisfied going through high school dispite regularly dating and being externally well adjusted. I started reading more fringe right wing material and adopted many of those beliefs on account of that. But where you are wrong, I think, is that although the ideology did act as a coping mechanism at the time, it hasent gone away due to relative success and generally being a happier person. Thoes ideas have more so emboldened me. I'm happily married, providing well, and care more than ever about these issues. Just my two cents.

You're asking why people like Newton, Kant, Napoleon, Nero or even Jesus existed. But you're somehow right, borderline beliefs can ne correlated with frustration (not only sexual, according a Maslow pattern). I've already thought of making an essay about that exact topic : why people become outcasts and precursors of big movements. Just have in mind that 80 years ago, Chad was working for the enhancement of his "race", and didn't care about nowadays normalized hedonism.
What you said is a mix of truth and lies and I'm wondering if it's on purpose.

Stfu amerimutt. You are probably a genetic abomination

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sauce please.

Says the meme flag kike.

Sucks for you, as I am tall, good looking, have a job and a girlfriend.

I do however not see why you think self gratification comes only from women, since girls are generally easy enough to score with on a friday night out.

Just because some of us here have standards ( like not having fucked a nigger ) makes you come off as a sour whore who lost her chances.

Single mom perhaps?


Based and redpilled.

No one gives a shit about your envious whatever-the-fuck-color you are faggoty ass.

White men built western civilization.

Go suck a troll dick.


Never heard that one before!

higher average IQ does not means "superiority". There are bright and dim of all races, but, a few points of average IQ makes the difference between a civilized country and a shithole. Sweden vs Zimbabwe. Germany vs Nigeria. Austria vs Congo.
East Asians have some advantage over whites on AVG IQ, so, for your information and using your reasoning, any IQ+Race realist (most of Jow Forums) are really "Yellow Supremacists"

Attached: iq why g matters.png (800x724, 27K)

Great insight. You are so smart.

Can you back up the whole you’re fat, and that white women are “being stolen”? It appears that white men over 18 are less fat then almost all demographics but Asian Americans and pic related

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Nope Asians don’t have higher IQs then white people. In the US white Americans are at 105.

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>Chads, really successful people, they don't seem to care about that shit. You just need to have a girl who is really into you, enough to make you feel loved and important. I guarantee that when you have that, you don't care about racism anymore

You're describing somebody numbed by hedonism. You're describing why Good Times make Weak Men.

The problem here is: Do multiculturalism will destroy the system that allows you enjoy the lifestyle you described?
If the answer is YES or PROBABLY, and you have some spine and capacity to look ahead, then it doesn't matter that you have a girlfriend and money.
Once you recognize that you're numbed by hedonism, and your children will live in hard times, fixing that (a bigger cause) trumps all comfort.

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Your PIC contradicts your words. SAT &PISA scores can be mapped to IQ

>Whites are pale
Fucking retard

Probably some ugly asian bitch

I am pathetic and worthless.
However, that simply means that my net value is 0. A shitskin's net value is in the negatives.
Hence, I am superior to shitskins.
Prove me wrong.

A shitskin's net value is in the negatives.
There are shitskins who are more productive and better civilized than you.
better average is not 100% superiority.

Attached: top 20 blacks smarter.png (501x500, 113K)

I just hate shitskins because they are all ugly.
That does'nt mean I think all whites are superior to them, but most of them are since on average, a white 4 is still more doable than the prettiest black girl you can find.
Same goes for sandniggers.

Get these fucking uggos out.

Hello again anime poster, explain why you are here to attack white nationalism.


Mkay, ugliness sucks I guess, but it isn’t a valid reason to attack Europeans and european Americans from wanting a homeland.

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>thats not proof, thats your gay opinion.
SEETHING bug bitch

Excuse me

>using cuckura as pic
we can easily tell you're a spic/nigger and quite a fucking pathetic one

this is true, but also is what the WN ended up researching

just because you're in the happy sheep percentage it doesn't mean there's no happy merchant herding society to slaughter

>>Just a little thought experiment:
Fire away, user.
>imagine you're a good-looking normie with a normal social life
>and a lot of friends of all backgrounds.
>You regularly have sex.
The last time it was with an Indian girl who digs you.
FFS, this is bestiality. I don't mind reading Bhagavad Gita and enjoying a curry (home-made, of course) but I wouldn't stick my dick in some mustachioed creature that smells like a pot of mustard.

Here's one for you - why do Indian people smell like mustard?

>I am a furrypedo but u guys are bottom rung!

>Wrong, I'm mixed race and have a qt asian bf.
>I'm mixed race


Gonna be completely honest guys. I have no fucking idea why women find white men physically attractive. I mean I don’t really know why women find men attractive full stop. But if I’m honest sometimes I’m embarrassed to take my top of because of how white I look.

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>Posts Sakura
>Who lusted over an edgy Asian that tried to kill her and is now in a failed relationship with
>Not Hinata who actually risked her life for the Caucasian guy and then had two children by

Shit tier opinion accompanied by shit tier girl.

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ok great white people are inferior that means we all must have sympathy for them and allow them to have and run their own countries like south africa and rhodesia

also naruto's mom was fucking hot

You dont even know who we are in real life

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OP speaks the truth

I don't want whites to die but everyone knows asians are the superior race



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>You typed a lot of big words without giving any reasoning to them trying to sound smart.

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> "hah, I called them pale, disgusting, skinnyfat neckbeards, that'll prove them wrong!"

Basically when your life is uncomfortable and you feel like you are missing something, like in your case money and status, or women and sex, you turn to tribalism because historically, for 100,000s of years tribalism was the standard method of living for young males, and was the way that men obtained things.

Also for me I reminisce on the past because I love culture and aesthetics, and I feel like there was more of that in the past when our countries were mostly monoethnic and monocultural.
Also white people are the most aesthetic in the world, and our culture is the best, although I might be a bit biased about that :)

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>another incel/virgin attack angle
You're shit at pattern recognition. Just because your happiness is directly proportional to how wet your dick is doesn't mean everyone is as npc as you. You've conflated your own misattributed attack on those you disagree with as pattern validation.
>Can you picture yourself doing this?
Yes. Yes, I literally can.
>work on your novel
>Only ugly, lonely people aren't npc.
>Racial nationalism is so fucking stupid
You literally could not be more basic. I'd actually like to see you try. Like, right now.
>Really successful people don't seem to care about that shit
Even if that were true, that does literally nothing to invalidate its importance.

90% chance you're not White, or you're the lowest-brow White I have ever fucking encountered. Ironically, YOU would be the best argument against White nationalism I've seen yet.

Based animeposter telling Jow Forums how it is. Sakura a qt, post more of her please

If your post is true then why are white men punished for something called "white privilege" ?

not to mention you fucking retards can't even agree on what the word white means.

Explain to me why a finn with 5% asian dna is white while an italian with 5% west asian isn't, just because they're part sandnigger. Sandniggers are still asian.

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we know that you know a white when you see one, mostly because it makes you mad

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You're a furrypedo and you fight against morals because it threathens your degenerate behaviors.


You're literally associating intelligence and research with being a loser and being thoughtless and consumeristic as being a winner.

Also, this thread is fucking stupid. The left's whole gimmick is to not judge a book by it's cover and not judge people for sexuality, their being and lifestyle yet every second breathing minute they're doing said shit anyway.

Is anyone with a brain surprised? Fuck no. Everyone knows that being a hypocrite doesn't have a limitation to any side or belief, it's an inherent human flaw. The only people stupid to believe otherwise are the people who want to convince themselves they're unique and different.

kill yourself op

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>MFW she hasn't paid the toll yet

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whiteness is a jew psyop to infiltrate societies
notice they can't really do shit if they obviously stand out, like in asia

opinion thrown in the garbage because you didn't answer my question.