We claim our Indipendence too.
Why Jow Forums does not add a Venetian flag, after the Catalan?
>Jow Forums needs more meme flags
Memeflags are only used by BBC shitposters, Jews and Amerimutts on this site.
>Letting the Canal Jews have any autonomy
Not even the Napolitans are dumb enough to do that
Naples sucks!
They proved years ago that Venus can’t support life
because Jow Forums is a globalist psyop
>we want people to maintain their tradition and control their lives
>ok, let's make this population a free nation then
>no no no, you stay in, stay in italy and europe, see china and US? so successful
is one more flag going to hurt your fee fees?
t. errone
But we already have the israeli flag, merchant.
catalonia and venice has existed way before IRAk wich was made up by the brits
catalonia has more citizens than denmark, and catalan more speakers
exactly, when shit hits the fan they are as globalist as it gets, they would support kekistani before a real independentist nation
>5'4 milion population
show some respect
>population 200k
Our hunnic ancestors raped and pillaged your lands dozens of times and your very genetic lineage was khanned, merchant. I think it would be more fitting if you paid your due tribute to your Khans.
But you don't want to fill up your region with niggers and moors
>my lands
mmm you wot m8
also is not venice city the one that wants independence, but veneto region that have 5 milions
>niggers and moors
dude catalonia is the only place in the world geting black and muslim migrants lmao
you ruined everything in the 4th crusade so no
maybe the byzantine pretender shouldnt have promised money in exhcange for topling his father and then the byzantines shouldnt have revolt
Wait is catalunya actually independent now or still in a meme situation?
no, its still an "autonomous" province, the former presdient never declared independence, he didnt sign it, he just said he had the power to do it but he wouldnt cause he wanted to negotiate with spain, then spain wanted to jail him anyway so he flew away
now the one that we have is on negotiations with the socialist party of spain but they only want to give us more selfrule, wich we are not buying it cause they already promised that years ago but then backed off
sounds like shit's fucked m8, good luck.
same for you, cheers
THIS. It's always painful see a daltonic french tricoleur as flag every time I post something.
Catalonia is a memeflag and should have as much respect as the commie flag.
>now that Italy is united shills try some pathetic D/C tricks
try harder
because the catalan one was addead as a joke like your independance
to trigger spaniards? funny joke then
You have my sword
Are there still venetians in venice? I thought all appartements were bought by the Chinese/ Airbnb.
>Venice wants independence
First thing to be done by the next Croatian government is to burn you down before you bring in another group of Crusaders to try and conquer us for you.
greek hands typed this post, next time pay debts ok? :^)
I've worked and lived in several northern regions and you can bet your ass the government will fight with all it can to prevent an independence/autonomous economy management of Veneto simply because there is so fucking much businness and money running there that cutting the cash flow towards state accounts would most likely crash the entire nation. They show raw stats to the public like regional pil to undermine the situation but in reality the economic power of Veneto is staggering, even compared to other northern regions who are very productive.
Damn water jews.
Divide and live free.
Only jews want unity.
You have my attention.
In Spain yes