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lol yolo

The FBI said they wont do it, Schumer is out of his mind

Funny how they just assume that the FBI is "their" police force now


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legit gogo
we don’t want a rapist scj

How do such morons who dont know law get into positions of power

I wonder why they think that

This farce is over, Chuck.

Whore recognizes same.

> professional respect

Democrats and their sycophants today:



The absolute state of cuckolds today

i mean the dude sweats routinly especiall everytime trump demands something released but this this is just weird he wont stop talking lolol

how much could a wood chuck chuck chuck if a wood could chuck schumer

>investigate a 30 year old crime you can't even bring up any charges on

Seems like a good use of time

No it's not. Democrats are shitting in their hands again as I type this, getting ready to fling it and see what sticks to the wall.
Do not underestimate their stupidity, EVER!

Christine Ford signed a letter with other health professionals demanding that President Donald Trump stop his controversial policy on family separations at the border. She signed the letter as Christine Blasey, and it was used as an exhibit in an ACLU lawsuit against Trump

She writes a letter to U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo, accusing Trump's pick Kavanaugh of being some kind of rapist. She had requested that her name not be released, but now she has spoken to The Washington Post.

Karl Feinstein also works at Stanford, where Diane Feinstein went to. Karl and Christine have published papers together. And have donated to US rep Eshoo.
And finally,
Kavanaugh's mother was the presiding judge in a foreclosure case that resulted in the accuser's parents losing their home in the 90s.

As if Chuck Shiester gives a fuck about her in real life.


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I'm going to come out and say it didn't happen. Too much evidence against her character and far too many motives.

Brave m8

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Wut. Investigate what? What is there that you can investigate? That they went to the same high school? What could possibly surface as a verifiable fact in this scenario that hasn't already?

>That they went to the same high school
That's not even the case. The woman doesnt know when or where it happened. There is nothing to investigate

He's already been through multiple FBI background checks in his professional career this is complete bullshit.

>women can now accuse you of rape and send federal agencies like attack dogs to destroy your life

When did things ever get so bad?

> comparing trump to the golem
> jewish puppet turning against their masters
> jewish plans backfiring. one more time

what the fuck is this kike shit

Almost thought this was okabe then realized you were a giant fag

6 million

Someone had to say it rather than pussy footing the subject with maybes

>Dr. Ford's call for an FBI investigation
Oh. That's normal.

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Except they didnt go to same high school. Brett went to an all boys school and shes some slut from the wrong side of the tracks alcoholic that wanted free booze and then realized they werent gonna tolerate her shit and kicked her out of the party. Possibly because she was underage and they didnt want to get into trouble. Shes an intolerant lefty with an agenda to obstruct and resist and should be prosecuted for defamation of character.

I know right

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It only works when they accuse Republicans and only the ones supporting Trump or supported by him. Otherwise, even if they are truthful, they get destroyed.

>the right thing to do
Whenever a politician says this you know they're full of shit and have no argument

The fbi said it wasnt their jurisdiction to investigate this and should happen at the local level because its not a federal crime. These people are stupid.

They really believe this shit, don't they?

Fun fact: there is no statue of limitations on attempted rape and rape in Maryland. She could sue him. Why hasn't she?

Dr ford's life has been threatened thanks to that scumbag ho Kamala who released her name

the entire 'representative democracy' is puppet theater. the entire visible 'elite' class are farm animals maintained to fill this role.

Checked reverse satan
Still not a federal crime. Local level police investigation only. Fun fact its the federal bureau of investigations
Key word being federal.

so fun fact DC isnt part of maryland as a state. Its seperate district of columbia.

Chuck Schumer molested me as a kid.
I never told anyone before, but I feel like he is saying it's OK for me to tell people now and I deserve respect.

Yes. I agree. They are trying to make it a civil rights violation. Not Going To Happen

They were hoping that by including the lie "i thought he might inadvertently kill me" in her account would be enough to trigger an investigation but it isn't happening

You're making a huge mistake assuming these cretins are braindead retards 100% of the time. Schumer knows his retarded as all fuck statements dont mean shit, but his voter base either doesnt know that or just dont care, so likewise he doesnt have to care since he's free of the consequences of saying such stupid shit whenever possible.

And you should. The problem is that you would be ignored because you wouldn't go against the right people. Double standard, Democrats live by this value.

>hey fbi, plz investigate rape alligations from 3 and a half decades ago
>hey fbi, don't investigate a private email server that was a front for selling state secrets that happened 2 years ago
>hey fbi, don't investigate school shooter tips you got last week- we need mkultra resources

It's all so tiresome.

The Washington metropolitan area falls under the jurisdiction of three sets of laws. For those to the north of the District of Columbia, Maryland law applies; for those to the south, Virginia law applies. And for that square in the middle, the District has its own set of laws.

When republicans had their balls cut off. Giving women a vote was a mistake

Would be great if FBI responded with "NYPA, faggot"

Signed sealed delivered. What else is there to discuss.

>inexplicable opposition to a pointless fbi investigation of a really loose allegation of something that may or may not have happened according to the accuser at a highschiol party 35 years ago

Insufferable kike

what precedent?


They already did.

> six times already

What don’t they know?

does this mean trump is literally hitler?!

no seriously, what the fuck is the point of that hat in a holocaust museum?

This is true. It has everything to do with politics and power. These pieces of shit don't care who gets raped or killed. As long as it doesn't interfere with their agenda for more money/power humans are completely expendable. They get off on that sick shit.

>Hey, I think I was sorta kinda raped, roughly 40 years ago
>I'm not 100% sure on location
>I have a witness, but he doesn't remember witnessing it
>Anyway, I'm accusing a man with rock solid credentials
>Oh yeah, you know him; you've already done 6 FBI background checks on him
>Oh, I know, but this kinda sorta rape has never come up before
>What, yes, I told the Dems about this in July
>Well, they thought that waiting until mid/late September was best
>Yes, I told that Dem Senator, the one with the Chinese spy driver
>Now it appears that same Dem Senator thinks I'm partially lying
>Well, yes, she is the one I confided in
>Um, no, I won't be testifying unless you conduct a 7th FBI background check
>Thanks a bunch, oh: and don't hurry, if you could put this off until December that'd be terrific

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>Le fbi

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What is Mr FBI carrying? An M24?
>remember when the ATF and Delta Force were forced to retreat across an open field by hillbillies at Waco? You should

I like his tough guy pose after having shot at unarmed people trying to escape a burning building.


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I see this all the time. People assume because they don't agree with or understand the motivations from a political party they assume they're retarded. The retards do exist but they're never driving the bus.

I'm actually afraid. Because it looks like the Dems are retarded and are doing shit that guarantees they are going to lose the midterms. I know that most of the people think that they are going to take the House but if you actually look at the numbers you'll see that it's bullshit.
So what the fuck is the plan??

he killed a bunch of kids. ooh ra.

Very large nose on that gentleman, that's for sure

Adam Shit's signature has such manspreading.

>and shes some slut from the wrong side of the tracks alcoholic that wanted free booze and then realized they werent gonna tolerate her shit and kicked her out of the party. Possibly because she was underage and they didnt want to get into trouble.

Stop with your shitty fan fiction. This is what the left holds on to.

>Shes an intolerant lefty with an agenda to obstruct and resist and should be prosecuted for defamation of character.

This is correct.

I feel bad for how cucked germany got after ww2

>these homos act like Mike "The Ultimate Patriot" Rogers didnt run into Trumps office with the fisa screaming bloody murder.

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Schumer is probably expecting to be told no, and the more inflammatory the telling is, the better he can use it to rally his base. The goal here is to delay the confirmation process and also to request retarded things in order to paint refusal as evidence of corruption and sexism

when has it been precedent to have the FBI waste their resources looking into a 36 year old crime well past the statute of limitations about 17 year olds fucking around drunk in a situation that is only relevant because it's a stall tactic by the DNC?

Schumer is on acid

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everyones so butthurt they don't care that gay shit like this will make 60% of america openly deny the holocaust

Wouldn't an official federal investigation into an allegation of a crime long past it's statute of limitations be an abhorrent violation of somebodies civil liberties?

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What was chuck Schumer doing when he was 17???

I believe you, user.

Is that plaque talking about Golem? Wtf?!

Dual Citizens within our Sentate Intel Committee are treasonous snakes and they should get The rope

Trump is not a Jewish puppet. His Israel policy is both geopolitically necessary, and panders to white Christian voters

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Yeah, thanks a lot again!

Actually quite true.like the proles should ever be able to make any meaningful decisions (or are even capable of it)

Why would a federal agency get involved in a state level crime?
Also what fucking precedent