There are way too many white/shitskin couples in the streets these days

There are way too many white/shitskin couples in the streets these days.

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And whose fault is it? White people no longer care if their children are shitskins or not

Is that guy considered white?

Jesus, Germany is looking bleak nowadays..

jealous of happy couples?

Sounds like it, probably race baiting shills

Black gfs are based, fuck off hans

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She's hot

Just found it in another board, bu this guy is white.

too bad that most black gfs dont look like that irl


its still an ugly shitskin

If you look at your own picture the clearly nonwhite albanian or some other half-shitskin has managed to bleach a jet black nigress so well their daughter is only slightly darker then the father and the daughter basically looks like a turkroach. What do you think happens when a full blonde aryan bleaches a nigress? White male genes are dominant over the naturally submissive nigress genes.

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I would do a black grill, esp. a mutt
fite me irl

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based and redpilled

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DESU that kid is kind of cute.

>Black gfs are based

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The Estonian race mixer never misses a race mixing thread. You are committed to the cause i give you that.

yes they do, you are mos tlikely thinking about hood rats, in my country there are tons of black girls like that but you idiots in Jow Forums post black girls from tribes for some reason and are totally clueless how things work in africa.

purge now please

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You must be living in a special part of our country because most nigger girls i see are ugly as sin.

How long until a Black guy hit her for being with a white guy

kid looks surprisingly non nigger

Im not talking about portugal I mean my african country, portuguese black girls are 95% from angola and guinea ofc they are ugly, especially fucking idiots from angola

Not gonna happen, another retarded bluepill spread on Jow Forums, no one cares if you date outside of your race, we are very tolerant, black culture from countries like USA are literally the opposite of what really happens.

That's why the always push the black man white woman thing.. Kids born from black woman white man don't look that niggerish at all as the caucasoid warrior genes dominate. And yes, we are a warrior race.

Why does r/hapas want to kill the white race?

"The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of Asian Rape-Gangs and cuckold spam, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples."
-EurasianTiger, r/hapas.

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Is it just me or are mutt kids actually somehow more ugly looking than full on niggers?

Nah, within 2 months I've had 2 coal burners and their ugly ass mixed kids with Tyrone and Lavondreus nowhere in sight move in around me. One bitch is renting next door and is some fat, lazy cunt who doesn't take care of her kid (kid is always being picked up and dropped off by old white couple, assuming it's roastie's disappointed parents). The second one bought the house behind mine and I've twice had to draw down on her half nig son with my .45 until police arrived for when he was threatening the old guy who also lives behind me and next door to wannabe Trayvon Martin. One time he was drunk and scratching into his arm with his nails, beating on the back door of his house screaming at his mom and started acting like he was gonna get brave and hop the fence until I produced an FNX 45.

While point, still see more fat and single white cunts with 1-3 mixed kids and no dad than mixed couples.

Cute kid and happy looking couple, don't be jelly, racism is ugly. I almost married a black girl, her parents disapproved because I was white, she loved her family so I left her, it sucked she was awesome but I didn't want to cost her her family. It worked out in the end I have a great beautiful white wife who I had 3 awesome kids with, I don't care what race you are, good people are good people and bad people come in all races

And before some neckberard autist starts with the ugly baby meme, all babies are fucking ugly. But the fact is the caucasian male warrior genes are dominant.

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Probably won't happen. The only niggers who care about niggers with whites are the women. The ones who could never get a white gf are furious when they see a male with a white girl. Odds are that if they saw a nigress with a white dude they'd chimp out on her.

They have to go back

They're not happy, they are just forcing a smile to get twitter upboats


> t-t-they c-cant be h-happy when Im so unhappy myself

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> p-p-please I c-cant cope with this

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Actually saw a white fella walking around with his black daughter last week. It's really interesting how obviously ashamed he was of her.

dios mio...

thats a jew retard

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Bwwm couples are alright

Maybe It is just STD

Is this a jew too, memeflaggot? Is pewdiepie a jew?

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blame white women, they are responsible for it

White americans are at 1.3 replacement rate and after all the abortions, that number is 1.1 for black americans. When you take out all the hispanics and muslims from the federal definition of white, or not count the blacks who are more than a quarter mixed and barely "black" at all, both demographics would be lucky to just have ONE newborn per every two adults. It's a crisis situation. Western Europe and Canada are in a crisis as well.

do the math; if you still believe that life is meant to be enjoyed and not worked/suffered, that we shouldn't preserve what our ancestors left us, it's not Jow Forums that is racist or ugly any more than you are. You are simply a different kind of racist. By Leon "Trotsky" Bronstein's original definition and today's teaching of it in universities, you're racist no matter what you think about mixed couples, anyway. White father + white son = Oppression

If a beta Male can't find a white woman. What's wrong with spreading white genes into the mud population?

It is probably bait

Yes, Laowai/goyim its white women fault don't date white women.

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Eat shit and die

no you fucking autistic n*gmixing sperg, look at the noses of the (((white))) people you posted

Nah wasn't bait, I really did almost marry a black girl, I don't regret it, but I am proud to have 3 beautiful kids and would have still been proud either way, I have no issues with any race wanting to preserve their own but I also think if someone is happy IDGAF what color kids you pop out as long as they are raised right and taken care of. I am not however for importing people from third world countries and do believe we should somewhat focus on keeping America as it was, but love is Love and blacks are not going anywhere they are part of the country to.

Is this some rare form of scandinavian kikel?

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dude, this racemixing shit is extremely rare, no one outside the internet does it

Around where I live it's actually not that common. White/white is still the most common, followed by white male/Asian female. White male/black female is still more common than black male/white female. I don't know how it stacks up to everywhere else. Just a personal observation.

From what I see black male white female is mostly a thing in the ghetto, and they usually are not taking any prizes away from us lol

Of the three that I know of, it's pretty much the top 5% of black males that pull in the average white female. They're the university graduates who have $70000/year jobs and don't talk like ghetto garbage. Basically the ones who pushed themselves to better themselves.

I live in a nice area but work in the hood, I see plenty white girl black guy but it's usually thugged out dudes with meth head looking skanks or really fat women

Kid grows up, Identifies with his oppressed minority half even though hes white.
Dont mix.

Stop listening to them and post more hot junglebunnies.

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It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up 0.3% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

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Yeah if any of you are so racist you wouldn't tag that you are off the deep end. I'd make little kangz with her any day

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Has nothing to do with racism, I'm just not into blacks sexually no matter how they look. The faces are so alien there is an evolutionary response that says "Stop, that's not your business"

not an argument
white women mix more than any other race on the planet (in b4 useless marriage stats or dating app data), I don't support race mixing but I do realize that the fault lies entirely at the feet of white women

I thought latina women mixed the most.

if white guys keep fucking black women generation after generation until there are white's only left then black men will be gone or majorly depleted in number.

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Is missing the frontal lobe of your brain an evolutionary response to carrying bags of shit on your head because your race was too stupid to invent the wheel?

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What a waste of time and energy for that guy.

ugly half breed baby
ugly animal mother

one is already too many but actually white people arent so much in race treason

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>t.never been around blacks

Love has no boundaries...

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blacks are human though

Blacks can't be based. If they were there would be no mixing

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It's pretty rare to see.

topkek m8


>this is what liberals believe


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>i hate niggers
>I hate women
>but i love to chase black tail
The absolute state of pull

These are the whites people I have seen all year.

hehe, good one fellow Sven!

Have you ever saw any WM/BF (oil driller) "couples" where the male has mudshark sunglasses? I have. I think it goes without saying that people who date outside their race do poorly with the opposite sex in the first place since they get all their ideas from Hollywood.

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Men get with sheboons because you dont have to hire a cleaner or house maid, if you have one pre-installed.
Years ago under slavery, which was quite possibly the best system known to man, the sheboons were often fugged when the master of the house fancied something exotic -any port in a storm they say.
So it's nothing unusual, we've been doing it for years, only now the zionist controlled media push it every day.

Out out out

white women are not the most likely to mix

what are you talking about?

kek. Good theory.

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fuck you, you're a disgrace. has estonia really gone that far down the sewer? Is this what my heritage country has become? I could only hope there are not many like you in the land of my fore fathers.

In america I'm pretty sure there won't be many pure black people soon. Their 14% is gonna be 10% before you know it. And then maybe we will only have mix breeds... No more pure blacks.

There was never any in the first place. The average black person is between 17-25% white. Fertility rate of black women is plummeting as black men would rather fuck literally anything else.

It still blows my mind that there's as many blacks in the US as there are people in Australia and The Netherlands combined. I can't wrap my head around living in a country with that many blacks.

Jesus Christ every fucking thread you baltic kike.

Yeah but size comparison the us is massive. They’re a lot more sparsely populated.