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It's Treason, then.

Attached: 51278C9C-172A-4E65-8CAA-96B82CEC78F0.jpg (750x567, 248K)

The word you're looking for is sedition, unless you can prove cooperation with a hostile foreign powed.

I mean I wouldn't doubt it, but it has to be proven

Well, trump gave the order for the release,

The dems came back and said “don’t, we will back away from the sex allegations against Kavanaugh”

What happened yesterday, the sex assault allegations against Kavanaugh are falling apart. And in return, there will be redactions.

Trump played the hand well you fool. Welcome to politics.

> “The department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are already working with the Director of National Intelligence to comply with the president’s order.”
Article says otherwise. But it's a Bloom(((berg))) , so who knows.

Well Hillarys campaign can be considered a foreign power

Which is more important?
A Supreme Court nominee who sits on a bench that can be one day tossed aside and ruled invalid if Democrats every get full control
Bringing down the evil entity that is the DOJ?
In my opinion, Trump is trying to tame a snake, it won't work, one day the snake will get the upper hand and destroy you
The only solution is to shine a glorious light on the truth and let the false kingdom crumble

1 post by this ID. Stop taking the lefty bait guys, they are here shitting up the board because they're pathetic losers. Ignore these posts.

>Trump will allow redactions in exchange for them backing off Kavanaugh
Horrible trade, and one that would cost GOP the house.

It's been a fucking year that we've been waiting for shit to be released unredacted, and Trump has talked about the need for things to be unredacted.

If the president still allows things to be redacted it will look like a loss to all the people who have been waiting.

It will look like Trump has no control over any thing and can't accomplish anything. That is a recipe to hand dems the House