What do you think a Utopia would be like?

What do you think a Utopia would be like?

Attached: A-utopia.jpg (2000x1270, 588K)

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Fire and brimstone.

No people.

Anime and video games all around.


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Struggle and improvement are what make us human and give our lives meaning. It would be hell.

White Men only in the streets, no shitskins or women.

miss me yet?

Attached: never baguette.jpg (960x960, 84K)

Would be great

Attached: lateral.jpg (2310x1781, 872K)

Come back

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imma be real whichu chief a utopia can't be real cuz fuck that

Lonely because there would be no people in it.

no muslims
no kikes

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no niggers
no kikes
no muslims
no faggots
no gooks and chinks
no poos
no spics
no democrats

awareness and access to higher planes

It would look great briefly before corruption creeps in and everything collapses. Utopias don't work.

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a place with only white people

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WWII German victory timeline.

no americans

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Really REALLY white

no wh*tes

first they came for the kikes, and I did nothing, because I was not a kike
then they came for the spics, niggers, gypsies, and muslims, and I did nothing, because I was not a spic, a nigger, a gypsie, or a muslim
Finally, they stopped coming, because by then pretty much all the problems had been solved

a nice big border wall between USA and Mexico would be nice

Attached: 246-border-wall-940.png (940x500, 1.06M)

White people, living mostly rural, happy lives. Cities are cancer.

no Abrahamics and any other irratioanl cult

capitalism with limitation on private wealth

nationalization of central bank with 100% transparency

100% inheritance tax

basic income

free sex and sex android

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A culture of self sufficient humans who trade only in pleasure, while competing to be the most capable in matters of war, philosophy, knowledge and health

Telepathic communication

>no Abrahamics and any other irrational cult
>capitalism and finances
>not a cult

like this


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An after life where I worry about absolutely nothing

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Switzerland, but with less jews.

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Utopia is made of morally affluent citizens and, naturally, composed of people that I like.

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ultra based czech

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Hitler confirmed autist

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Yes please

Attached: berlin volkshalle.jpg (1920x1080, 168K)

wtf blacks can't swim


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This tbf

what kind of cuck walks a robot dog?
you're supposed to fight those motherfuckers.

Also, given current trends, there would be no fucking green in any city of that size in the future -- and the place would be filled with niggers. Utopia is unattainable.

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A world where humans are extinct is the only utopian world. People are garbage.

The northeastern US pre civilization