pic related

Attached: SmartSelect_20180809-143156_Twitter.jpg (1054x613, 348K)

Absolutely disgusting..

Attached: SmartSelect_20180809-143138_Twitter.jpg (1034x608, 292K)

How about we gas incels instead?
Starting with you.

Nice projection.

Hurt your feelings, queer?

Laugh all you want, I am making real change


You aren't doing shit but taking up space you fucking welfare queen. Get a job you bum.

nigger you've gained 80lbs since you started shitting up this board

>I am making real change

You've accomplished nothing. kek. How can you be this delusional? What the fuck is your deal?

Ghetto looking yard

The hivemind is real

Jesus.. Wayne, you are grotesque.

Are you talking about people who aren't clinically insane making a proper judgment of you?

Yes. Homosexuality is a mental disorder with no cure but death.

You're mentally ill

Kill yourself faggot

Just the ones who have ever claimed to be proud of it.

Faggots like General Mattis can be allowed to live, but he should be stripped of all medals and rank

I think he's just asexual.

a change in your anal diameter

You're so weird.

yes, they are absolutely degenerate. It's fucking disgusting. I say this as someone who is best friends with a fag. The shit they do is fucking horrifying. Fuck, he just recently told me about some fag on Grinder asking him to "POZ me daddy". I blame the fact that he was molested as a child for why he needs to fuck old men now.