Men need to do the right thing and shut up
Maize hirono
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Anyone else here regret voting for Trump? I'll admit, I had a blast meming for Trump, but now that the just has settled I can't help but feel like we've made a huge mistake.
With the Russia Investigation coming to an end it's all but certain that he'll be impeached. I never thought my shitposting would result in real world damage, but it did. Trump has irrevocably damaged the reputation of the United States and I feel like I am somewhat to blame, I did vote for him after all.
I'm going to be voting Democrat in the mid term elections. I firmly believe that this will be a step in the right direction for those of us who wish to apologize for the mistake that is Trump.
It's no too late to undo all of this.
Thanks for reading!
Nice try Hillary
The problem is no one has ever told this sun blotched cunt to shut up
Is that George Takai in a wig and dress?
Fuck off you gook whore
hawaii is a shit state, so every one around her probably encouraged her babbling.
Ebberyone regret voding fur doland trump? :D
It was super fug and habbening bud nao id's lige a misteak :D
Fug, wild design Russia thingy he prolong gonna be impeach. This did real damage :D :D :D
Mage sure you vote gommy in de midterms gomrades! :D:D:D:D
I wish I never learned of this gook robot
Eat shit
This man never shuts up
dose sdredgemargs
Based James wood
I liked her statement because we can now defend the end of women's rights to vote openly. If someone criticizes us for it, just show this comment of hers.
clown world. Next comes clowns on fire world.
Can't we just skip that world and go straight to witches on fire at a stake world?
This is the same woman who had to be told crossing the border illegally is a crime.
Reminder that her parents sent photos of Pearl Harbor to Tokyo in 1941.
hmmm.. i think you are right, i will kill more jews
James Woods knows the score. Good man.
>I'm gonna be voting democrat in the midterms
Why you lie you always voted dem haven't you shill
>men are guilty before being proven innocent
November can't come soon enough. I am in dire need of salt.
Remember Sally Boynton Brown (link related) Who wanted to be chairman of the DNC? What's with politicians telling people what to do? They're supposed tp be representatives, NOT our Mommies and Daddies.
We dont deserve you James Wood
So her parents were traitors? We really need to bring back the death penalty on treason again
hawaiians dont vote this bimbo is a fucking travesty.
God didn't give women rights. Men did.
Keep fucking around morans.
Shut up and bring me noodles and rice
holy shit it's literally PAT.
she's right, i hope she keeps her mouth open
so she destroys everything around her and
>"Stop arguing with me and do what I say!"
t. Every woman, ever
Japs need to do the right thing and kill themselves
Men did the right thing.
Doesn't this dumb bitch know there are over 30+ genders and referencing one gender is sexist.... lol
> We just need to take people at their word
> fuck evidence
> women dont lie
The subvertion of Japan begins
Keep voting like that and you will get a corncob up the ass like Tibbetts
Holy shit, I didn't make the connection. Intentional or not, she's advocating for No Men Midterms.
Tokyo Rose lives.
World War II Anti-American Japanese Radio Personality. She was an American who was in Tokyo on a family mission of mercy and then unable to return due to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Iva Toguri D'Aquino spent the duration of the war in Japan in collaboration after gaining employment with the Domei news agency as a typist which monitored U.S. military broadcast. She was promoted in 1943 and became an announcer and disc jockey for Radio Tokyo's propaganda broadcasts, playing American musical recordings on the "Zero Hour" a program which was beamed to U.S. servicemen. Calling herself "Orphan Ann" she was one of twelve women who broadcast for Radio Tokyo telling American forces in the Pacific that their cause was lost and that their sweethearts back home were betraying them. She made hundreds of broadcasts using the "Orphan Ann' moniker. Her activities resulted in treason charges and after the culmination of World War II, she was arrested, transported to San Francisco and lodged in the county jail where she spent a year until found guilty in a 12-week trial. Iva was sentenced to ten years in prison with a $10,000 fine followed by incarceration at the federal penitentiary in Alderson, West Virginia. She served more than six years in prison and was paroled but lost her citizenship and was forced to battle for years government deportation. She was born Iva Lkuko Toguri in Los Angeles to Jun and Ikuko Toguri both Japanese immigrants who were grocers.