Attached: 4563A08C-39C4-4EAF-A382-6249A92CA063.jpg (558x767, 162K)
Jow Forums humour/cringe
Samuel Miller
Other urls found in this thread:
Noah Campbell
Lincoln Thompson
Isaac Lopez
Hunter Butler
Does the squirrel fuck the brown girl?
Easton Rogers
Robert James
Imagine, if this comic was made about 10 years ago, everyone would be laughing, because obviously it was satire.
What a dark time we've shuffled our way into.
Caleb Garcia
Wait. a girl is being explored by a bunch of white dudes, so that brown elf/thing hits her with her lesbian kick, knocking her out, so the same white dudes start clapping, leaving the girl unconscious. In the end the brown elf/thing ends up having her image explored by the same dudes who just discarded the girl like trash. Shit, this is gold.
Jayden Powell
Hunter Fisher
I thought she was the squirrel.
Nathan Jones
that's an MDE shitposter
rip Jow Forumsmde
it was on life support as Jow Forums 2 anyway
Cameron Davis
>does it have anything to do with jalapenos?
I don't get it.
Jayden Bennett
based dobson
James Gonzalez
surprisingly that's not Dobson
Jace Robinson
David Gutierrez
>be lesbian
>see this
David Anderson
if people played MGSV, they would know you could change how Whisper looks
Carson Brown
jalapenos are a zany food like tacos
>taco tuesday xD xtra jalapaneos plz ;)))))))
Joseph Powell
i get depressed just thinking about real life cucks. why don't they just kill themselves? it would be more honorable
Jace Cruz
i used to be an adventurer like you
Wyatt Martinez
Isaac Williams
Blake Morris
women who watch anime need to be gassed for smearing the medium with their filth
Wyatt Myers
I honestly wouldn't be caught dead playing that game
Blake Lee
i hope you're quoting someone else dyke rat bitch
do you want a free plane ticket to Teheran? i'm going to show you many wonderful friends
Henry Wilson
based clarence thomas
Samuel Butler
>toss me
Connor Carter
"Sorry, but I can't stand ignorance!"
Andrew Butler
Aww, that's cute
Samuel Smith
Matthew Morgan
That is satire...right?
Robert Ortiz
jag vill knullaaaa dig i arslet hörru
Aaron Martinez
no, those are gen alpha
Cameron Wright
why not? it beats the pants off of fortnite anyday despite being over three years old
Liam Gonzalez
David Long
Nigga it's probably a white roastie who made this we kangz hate faggots more than whiteys the lord said to hate them
Isaac Roberts
what's that theory or whatever where things become so serious that we can't distinguish irony from someone being serious
Eli Gray
show tits
Elijah Hall
they were probably expecting tablets and they were given plastic babies
Juan Green
>final boss of the left
Xavier Allen
nah it’s a fat white soicuck with a lesbian fetish
Jackson Brown
checks out
Robert Brooks
Noah Morgan
Reminder for those that don't know
Dobson, hero ally of feminists and destroyer of sexism made this
Jayden Stewart
I don't know why it took me so long to realize that her shirt says "Juicy Couter."
Jonathan Russell
>miss salt
Jayden Hughes
I need a cute ginger wife to give me ginger daughters
Grayson James
>the weekend meets monday
Isaac Garcia
LOL look at at little niglet fly
Colton Brown
David Ortiz
This has to be bait,
Sebastian Green
its not the only his fetish though
Robert Roberts
damn he threw him like a sack of potatoes
Caleb Bennett
Thats exactly what you expect from a distorted mind.
Gabriel Perry
who the fuck is this boomer?
Evan Ward
Logan Wilson
She hums more than anything.
Fucking hate that humming shit.
Brody Sanders
I hope you find a nice young man who can guide you towards the right path. Also, seek the Lord, you degenerate dyke.
Jack Wright
A character named Whisper exists in some franchise though and I annoys me that I can't remember where. Someone help me
Ayden Rogers
he misspelled "Autist"
Joshua Lewis
Post the ball busting one.
David Moore
He has an inflation fetish. He should be gassed.
Adam Morris
Charles Adams
Xavier Harris
She's probably disappointed because it's a baby doll. Funny meme tho
Grayson Flores
fuck off nigger bear
Carson Bell
>why don't they just kill themselves?
They'd rather watch someone do it for them.
Joshua Hall
Eva Green from Casino Royale
Jose Morales
Landon Rivera
>dislikes negativity
He writes, silently barring shut the mental doors of his internal screaming hellscape of negative emotions, self loathing and cognitive dissonance. He can't let the demons out. The truth will hurt him too much. So onwards he falls, becoming ever more adept at ignoring God.
Evan Watson
Christian Perez
>sash reads "miss salt"
Eli Stewart
Aiden Adams
Funny how they list all these "positives" to getting cucked, yet never once even consider that they could swap roles and have the girl get cucked.
Almost as if it's not actually about what the guy wants in the slightest
Luke Cook
Liam Allen
Hudson Ortiz
>The name isn't an Orc name
Come on
Juan Rodriguez
You are a gentleman and a scholar.
Sebastian Taylor
Charles Perry
Are europe and America giving each other handjobs under the table?
Jackson Nelson
Her name was Vesper. Whisper is the negress from Fable, that was it.
Nicholas Ortiz
Cooper Davis
Ryder Martinez
Evan Carter
Connor Evans
Elijah Garcia
Nolan Baker
Oliver Martin
>implying it isn't
Owen Hill
yeah what a racist
Henry James
Daniel Butler
Robert Wright
Jackson Morris
Carson Ross
Michael Rodriguez
Jesus Christ, how can anyone read this?
Luis Martin
I'd love to go back in time and show this to someone like George Washington. I doubt I could explain it or make him believe this was reality. What a time to be alive.
Ayden Flores
Lucas Carter
What do they put in your water over there?
Jonathan Mitchell