Why do Americans believe that anyone who has a British accent is intelligent?

Why do Americans believe that anyone who has a British accent is intelligent?

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Oi, gubnah! Methinks dat cockney shows dah best o' the British, mate! Me me in dah loo for a shag?

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He IS smart. Don't listen to Metokur's slander.

something to do with old movies

Fuck off, gypsy.

Only the NPCs think that.

>Why do Americans believe that anyone who has a British accent is a homosexual?

Because upper-class english accents simply sound intelligent and educated, americans still have the british class-system internalised and recognise the britsh anglo as their superior, whether they admit it or not.

Movie indoctrination. Brits are almost universally presented as intelligent and suave in films Americans generally see. James Bond is probably the most influential in this area. There's also the historical aspect that comes into play because of the history between both sides going back to the Revolution. Brits as the well-dressed, highly disciplined army and Americans as the ragtags hanging on by a thread.

Where as chavs, slags, and other lower class Brit stereotypes are virtually unknown to Americans. It's gotten somewhat more noticed thanks to the Kingsmen films but even that franchise still showcases a lot of that posh upper tier Brit Americans generally think of when they think about the UK.

Why does (((Hollywood))) always portray ancient Roman as Shakespearean English?

American Education

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Pretty much

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No you could make the case anyone who speaks proper English, has a foreign accent, and isn't dark skinned will seem smart to Americans.

Same reason we assume anyone with a spanish accent is an idiot.

David Attenborough

because there is a brittish lowlife accent and there is the normayl to highly educated brittish accent.

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Once again pol swallows whatever premise OP dishes out and runs with it.

Literally no on thinks this

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This is emphasised whenever the burger tries to mock the british accent, eg. when Alex Jones made fun of Pierce Morgan's accent during their gun-legislation debate. They see it as a micro-aggression, that the bong is being deliberate, talking down to them and estabishing himself as the intellectual heavy-weight while they are shackled to their burger-garble, it's hardly a fair fight.

What in tarnation

Probably because the WASP elite used to do the Midatlantic accent because they were huge Anglophiles. But that hasn't been a thing for a long time and most of those people like Bill Buckley are dead.

It's not just Romans, it's also Greeks, Egyptians, Vikings and even fucking fantasy like LotR that are set in some vaguely medieval looking period.

Unironically because of late nighteenth century gilded era British imperialist agents infiltrating US society a la Henry James.

We fucking don't, you retard. Only certain accents MIGHT help in indicating someone's intelligence, like if you heard someone speaking some sort of prim and proper accent you could pretty much bet that person is smarter than the chap rocking a liverpool/cockney accent. Some of you sandniggers sound just as retarded and unintelligible as the purest white Appalachian hillbilly.
Same story in the U.S.. Obviously some accents are going to help in guessing what someone's upbringing might have been like therefore giving you clues as to their education level and intelligence but you can never be sure.

Also fuck Jow Forums for only allowing me to solve captchas if I turn off adblock. Two nukes weren't enough.

literal npc's and brainlets are the only ones who think so

the only accent more offensive is australian desu

Fight amongst each other and ignore (((us))) yes goyim!

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Intelligent Americans don't believe this.

Americans believe that the english are pussies, and that every woman in england has more testosterone that the "men" do.

We literally invented hooliganism and terrorized the continent for years.

This stereotype usually applies to people who speak RP English here, anyone outside of Britain, not just Americans, seem to confuse RP English with slightly posh sounding accents.

Jacob Rees-Mogg is an example of someone who speaks RP English.

Most english are working class and rough. Most americans are middle class panzies lol

Still would.

>Most english are working class and rough.
Aye, this is are fackin' country.

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I wonder how many Americans would turn pussies without number 1 and 2?

hooliganism is a masonry psyop.
Soccer was invented to "channel" the nationalistic spirit of the people and redirect it into petty retarded conflicts.

Because we're retarded. That's why we thought Thomas Paine was smart too.

freedoms are for pussies lmao the absolute state

Because we are stupid.

Speak British and every mutt will think you're intelligent. Sound Australian and every girl will sleep with you.


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he was always a complete fucking brainlet
im glad people finally woke up

Why do 1-post meme flaggots believe that anyone on /pol would think they're intelligent?

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Can someone translate?

They don't

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i called you a retard

From my experience in the US you can’t even tell the difference between the two.

For what reasons?

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you apparently think having the ability to own a weapon and say what you want is for pussies. in fact, i think i'll go ahead and report you to the met for being such a faggot on the internet.

I can tell the difference. Australians don't always sound like they have a dick up their ass.


I can do a really good australian accent. I used to go to the bar and speak with the accent to chicks and they would fucking eat it up, "omg your so cute that accent is hot". only problem was as the night went on i would get more and more drunk and sometimes i would drop the accent and they would realize i was just making it up.

Chicks like novelty if you went to australia with a southern drawl im sure alot of chicks would love it to.

Reminder the youtube skeptics are responsible for shilling that shitty Candid app that would go on to have it's a.i. sold off to Google to bring about the Youtube adpocalypse. They essentially sold everyone out for 30 pieces of silver.

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No wonder with that shitty gene pool

im gay

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Nah, I'm just horny and want a barely legal trashy cunt with an Adderall addiction and severe daddy issues to fuck. It's a fetish of mine.

That is not what I said. I was pointing out without your constitution you would be as fucked up if not worse than us. I actually respect your foundations so fuck off you massive fucking cunt who has no fucking comprehension skills.

What is so painful about listening to Sargon's Jim stream was how incredibly self satisfied he felt with himself and how unmerited it was.

He talks like he's this humongous genius, who has utterly outsmarted everybody and now he gets to gloat. Jim has made no bones about the fact that he likes to fuck about and talk shit and doesn't see himself on youtube as higher than that. Sargon's the one who wants to go to the big smoke and be on TV.

Now I hear even tl;dr is doing a response video so all of us drama addicts can have a big hit.

The most annoying part though is Sargon constantly lies and pretends he didn't know who was doing what or said what, when we could all see how frantic he was in responding to shit Jim says and does.

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What's wrong with his fingers? There used to be a kid in my neighborhood who would have to do that because he had warts from playing with frogs.


No we can. We love both accents for some reason.

Fetal alc syndrome at its peak.




why do british guys all have cute chubby rosy cheeks anyways? how come you guys all look like the epitome of a pussy faggot?

tits or GTFO

yeah, chubby, rosy cheeks are feminine so they are cute. youre a faggot if you think otherwise.

I bet you think cocks are cute too.

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Because they had an empire while yurop was and is too busy sucking Russian dick.

Go home Styx. Yes, we are allowed to hold content creators accountable for their retardation.

Because the most stereotypical "british" accent is also the most educated one - as in you pick it up from certain exclusive schools.

Thanks to this basedboi's efforts, though not solely his, I now believe anyone with a British accent is a straight raw baka.

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We don't.
We live in the real world

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Just in their mouths, yeah?

Here's a secret: to a brit he sounds like lower class scum.

Still would let her snort a line of adderall off my erect cock while she calls me 'daddy.'

Adderall kills sex drive, my man.

I hope so, I don't want to see oak and ash and thorn land burn.

? Not for me. Makes me last over an hour, though. I've even been able to maintain an erection after cumming and go again.