Cody Wilson ARRESTED

Cody Wilson, Anarchist, Owner of Defense Distributed, Creator of the Liberator (Fully 3D printed single shot pistol) Has been arrested for having sex with a 17 year old, and him being 30.

He met the girl on, and from there started talking. They arranged a meeting at a hotel, and he paid her $500 dollars for sex.

Attached: ACECA3E3-79A7-4943-9C88-804C2449A5A0.jpg (1117x585, 171K)

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Depends which state. Most states the age of consent is 16.

Texas I’m pretty sure

why was a 17 year old whoring herself out? where were her parents?

also this violates 1/2 +7 rule.

Ya it is!!

so the cops let a juvenile informant get raped?

False flag, the ATF bribed a 17 year old girl to say this

he hasn't been arrested.

This poor innocent girl...
It will be really hard for a society to ever surpass the hypocrisy of western faggots

I was thinking, something might be up with this. Cody seems to be a respectable guy, but. We’ll find out soon enough I’m sure