>rapidly declining population
>young generation not interested in sexual lives and having kids
>rural areas are dying out
>many job opportunities but no workers
Will Japan solve its population decrease?
>rapidly declining population
>young generation not interested in sexual lives and having kids
>rural areas are dying out
>many job opportunities but no workers
Will Japan solve its population decrease?
Probably, if they get rid themselves of degeneracy. People think Japan is some trad heaven, but it's more degenerate than many western countries. They only hide it better, because in east Asia appearance, the mask, is the most important.
That isn't true, kike.
They're doing fine.
Kill yourself kike, Japan's birth rate is rebounding for a decade
>young generation not interested in sexual lives
you could not be more wrong
Why do people think that this is a bad thing for Japan. They're so densley populated what's the issue if a generation or two doesnt have that many kids?
they're working on it
BASED Kuratas
>many job opportunities
Sure plenty like.... huh... teaching english.. ?