I don't get it.
I don't get it
Connor Baker
Hudson Wright
me niether
Jacob Evans
>britmutt not knowing satire
the absolute state of the caliphate
Ryan Roberts
you don't get the cartoon or you don't get why women don't quit crying rape
Anthony Harris
It's a reference to the Stephen King book and movie, "Christine".
Zachary Allen
"Christine" is a Stephen King novel about a posessed car. OP, as usual, is a tremendous faggot.
Evan Adams
Somehow reminded me of Laura Bush, she used to drive over men in her younger days.
Tyler Gutierrez
Interesting how this "Facebook" letter just came out today too
Chase Thomas
who has the original???
Brody Thompson
Obviously it implies that the jews are driving ford to make false accusations in order to fuck with kaven
But this is a stupid drawing that you wouldn't understand without context