
>stereotypical sjw on tv, talking about the metoo movement
>is bad, because anyone can become a victim by being labeled as a rapist with no proofs
>mfw even the sjws are based in this country

Attached: sneakyserb.jpg (500x577, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw even the sjws are based in this country
nigger look at your prime minister

sns are not human

i cant keep up with millennials
what this metoo shit?

lets see what wikipedia says:
>Brnabić was born in Belgrade. Her paternal grandfather Anton Brnabić (ethic Croat)

Attached: ana.jpg (136x192, 26K)

I don't know if I should be ashamed or the Serbs...

like i said, sns and their servants (all former commie spawn, just like in the region's euivalents of sns) are not human

When was this. Didn't catch it.
Also, fellas, what's the general consensus of China visit, Vucic's self boasting aside?

Don't give a shit about China since we are gonna probablly gona be like Canada and Australia in the numbers off Chinks here.

I'm more interested that Vucic said that Sloba Milosevic did nothing wrong and that some certain minoreties fliped their shit here.

Attached: Chinese Serbia.jpg (940x528, 108K)


I have two more hours on my job. Just perfect for a new balkan tread.

then read some aljazeera propaganda
some of the shit is rly funny

The number of Chinese isn't even 1% of the population. You're being paranoid, I'd say.
Vucic says one thing today, the opposite tomorrow and does something third in the end. I expected a big happening in his speech over there, he gave me blue balls

>da li moze srbin biti muftija
he can since muslim Serbs are called Bosnians or Bosančugas
>mine iz 90tih konacno ispunjavaju funkciju
>hercegovina korisna necemu

We need to exploit migrant crisis to send Alboniggers to Germany. We only need 300k fake Syrian passports....

Serbs are truly based and redpilled.

Attached: serbia4.jpg (2048x1025, 354K)

Real saviors of the white race.

Attached: serbia 1.jpg (2048x1536, 674K)

How can the West even compete?

Attached: serbia.jpg (675x1200, 211K)

Based Christian Serbs xDDD

Attached: serbia 3.jpg (2048x1536, 541K)

Go away shill

Attached: serbia 5.jpg (1200x900, 286K)

Attached: serbia 7.jpg (578x387, 115K)

Oh God almighty.

I wonder what would irinej do if he full control off the country,maybe we would go back to 12th century mindset and maybe not.

Attached: 6134613467.jpg (410x600, 74K)

Get those fags a mass grave.

Attached: AngryRatko.jpg (660x400, 48K)

He would my brother, he would.

Attached: Hallelujah.png (500x375, 123K)

How much is that 60 people: 10 fags, 30 diplomats, and 20 security man.

>mfw someone has dedicated their life to shitposting about Serbia on a Indonesian gum smuggling forum

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I miss the hooligans...
The very first parade that was held lasted 5 mins before they all got their teeth kicked in
ahhh, the good old days

Keep coping, S*rb.

Attached: serbia 9.jpg (800x600, 157K)

He'd establish the 1000 year Kingdom of God that would serve as a starting point of second coming of Jesus Christ

You're a Serb too

today hooligans use social media to find faggots like these and they either beat them up or force them to apologies for being sick in the head.

if you ask me gramps it's a much better way in delealing with them instead off just charging at riot police.

Attached: 1536136819456.png (778x472, 423K)

Wow man, no need to insult me like that.

80% of those STD maggots are foreign

Attached: remove_and_turk.png (641x497, 332K)

Too bad hooligans are Vucic's bitches now.

blessed image

Attached: Bw4_XOfIUAAL6w4[1].jpg (600x399, 31K)

What an Alpha

Attached: 1532787279917.png (480x384, 214K)

As alpha as his papa.

Attached: fahri.png (547x399, 281K)

Would smash.

Attached: to_straighten.jpg (2048x1025, 353K)

Reminds me of this faggot.

Attached: nenad_mihailovic.jpg (940x528, 64K)

Yeah, yeah... Came straight from Israel to make S*rbs look like fags. Totally, my diaspora friend.

would rather drive to the refugee camp and pick some refugee women and fuck her silly then fuck any of those aids collectors

That fat one on the left is absolutely disgusting, other two are nice.

Daily reminder, serbians are subhumans.

Based and redpilled.

Attached: serbian.jpg (523x331, 51K)

They are probably not gay... Just supporting the cause. Filthy, degenerate cause.